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InkOverlayEraserMode Enumeration

InkOverlayEraserMode Enumeration

Defines values that specify the way in which ink is erased from the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control.

This mode is used when the InkOverlayEditingMode is set to Delete.



typedef enum InkOverlayEraserMode {
    IOERM_StrokeErase = 0,
    IOERM_PointErase = 1
} InkOverlayEraserMode;

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Enum InkOverlayEraserMode
    IOERM_StrokeErase = 0
    IOERM_PointErase = 1
End Enum


The following table lists the enumeration values.

Name Description
StrokeErase Specifies that ink is erased by stroke.

This is the default value.

PointErase Specifies that ink is erased by point.