창을 지정 된 창에 맞춥니다.
BOOL CenterWindow(
HWND hWndCenter = NULL
) throw();
매개 변수
- hWndCenter
[in] 가운데를 창 핸들입니다. 이 매개 변수가 NULL 메서드 (기본 값) 설정 hWndCenter 창의 부모 창의 자식 창에 있는 경우에. 설정 하지 않으면 hWndCenter 창의 소유자 창.
반환 값
True 이면 창 가운데 성공적으로 하는 경우. 그렇지 않으면 거짓.
//The following example attaches various HWNDs to the CWindow objects
//and calls CWindow::CenterWindow() for each of them
CWindow childWindow, popupWindow, overlappedWindow;
childWindow.Attach(hWndChild); //a window created with WS_CHILD style
childWindow.CenterWindow(); //This will center the child
//window against its Parent window
popupWindow.Attach(hWndPopup); //a window created with WS_POPUP style
popupWindow.CenterWindow(); //This will center the popup window
//against its Owner window
overlappedWindow.Attach(hWndOverlapped); //a window created with
overlappedWindow.CenterWindow(::GetDesktopWindow()); //This will center
//the overlapped window against the DeskTop window
요구 사항
헤더: atlwin.h