Opens a data source specified by the user-supplied initialization string.
HRESULT OpenFromInitializationString(
LPCOLESTR szInitializationString,
bool fPromptForInfo = false
) throw( );
매개 변수
[in] The initialization string.fPromptForInfo
[in] If this argument is set to true, then OpenFromInitializationString will set the DBPROP_INIT_PROMPT property to DBPROMPT_COMPLETEREQUIRED, which specifies that the user be prompted only if more information is needed. This is useful for situations in which the initialization string specifies a database that requires a password, but the string does not contain the password. The user will be prompted for a password (or any other missing information) when trying to connect to the database.The default value is false, which specifies that the user never be prompted (sets DBPROP_INIT_PROMPT to DBPROMPT_NOPROMPT).
반환 값
A standard HRESULT.
This method opens a data source object using the service components in oledb32.dll; this DLL contains the implementation of Service Components features such as Resource Pooling, Automatic Transaction Enlistment, and so on.
요구 사항
헤더: atldbcli.h