A type that provides for the character traits type of the istream_iterator.
typedef Traits traits_type;
The type is a synonym for the template parameter Traits.
// istream_iterator_traits_type.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
typedef istream_iterator<int>::char_type CHT1;
typedef istream_iterator<int>::traits_type CHTR1;
// Standard iterator interface for reading
// elements from the input stream:
cout << "Enter integers separated by spaces & then\n"
<< " any character ( try example: '10 20 a' ): ";
// istream_iterator for reading int stream
istream_iterator<int, CHT1, CHTR1> intRead ( cin );
// End-of-stream iterator
istream_iterator<int, CHT1, CHTR1> EOFintRead;
while ( intRead != EOFintRead )
cout << "Reading: " << *intRead << endl;
cout << endl;
10 20 a
요구 사항
헤더: <iterator>
네임스페이스: std