인터넷 클라이언트 클래스의 필수 구성 요소
Some actions taken by an Internet client (reading a file, for example) have prerequisite actions (in this case, establishing an Internet connection). The following tables list the prerequisites for some client actions.
General Internet URL (FTP, Gopher, or HTTP)
작업 |
Prerequisite |
Establish a connection. |
Create a CInternetSession to establish the basis of an Internet client application. |
Open a URL. |
Establish a connection. Call CInternetSession::OpenURL. The OpenURL function returns a read-only resource object. |
Read URL data. |
Open the URL. Call CInternetFile::Read. |
Set an Internet option. |
Establish a connection. Call CInternetSession::SetOption. |
Set a function to be called with status information. |
Establish a connection. Call CInternetSession::EnableStatusCallback. Override CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback to handle calls. |
작업 |
Prerequisite |
Establish an FTP connection. |
Create a CInternetSession as the basis of this Internet client application. Call CInternetSession::GetFtpConnection to create a CFtpConnection object. |
Find the first resource. |
Establish an FTP connection. Create a CFtpFileFind object. Call CFtpFileFind::FindFile. |
Enumerate all available resources. |
Find the first file. Call CFtpFileFind::FindNextFile until it returns FALSE. |
Open an FTP file. |
Establish an FTP connection. Call CFtpConnection::OpenFile to create and open a CInternetFile object. |
Read an FTP file. |
Open an FTP file with read access. Call CInternetFile::Read. |
Write to an FTP file. |
Open an FTP file with write access. Call CInternetFile::Write. |
Change the client's directory on the server. |
Establish an FTP connection. Call CFtpConnection::SetCurrentDirectory. |
Retrieve the client's current directory on the server. |
Establish an FTP connection. Call CFtpConnection::GetCurrentDirectory. |
작업 |
Prerequisite |
Establish an HTTP connection. |
Create a CInternetSession as the basis of this Internet client application. Call CInternetSession::GetHttpConnection to create a CHttpConnection object. |
Open an HTTP file. |
Establish an HTTP connection. Call CHttpConnection::OpenRequest to create a CHttpFile object. Call CHttpFile::AddRequestHeaders. Call CHttpFile::SendRequest. |
Read an HTTP file. |
Open an HTTP file. Call CInternetFile::Read. |
Get information about an HTTP request. |
Establish an HTTP connection. Call CHttpConnection::OpenRequest to create a CHttpFile object. Call CHttpFile::QueryInfo. |
작업 |
Prerequisite |
Establish a gopher connection. |
Create a CInternetSession as the basis of this Internet client application. Call CInternetSession::GetGopherConnection to create a CGopherConnection. |
Find the first file in the current directory. |
Establish a gopher connection. Create a CGopherFileFind object. Call CGopherConnection::CreateLocator to create a CGopherLocator object. Pass the locator to CGopherFileFind::FindFile. Call CGopherFileFind::GetLocator to get the locator of a file if you need it later. |
Enumerate all available files. |
Find the first file. Call CGopherFileFind::FindNextFile until it returns FALSE. |
Open a gopher file. |
Establish a gopher connection. Create a gopher locator with CGopherConnection::CreateLocator or find a locator with CGopherFileFind::GetLocator. Call CGopherConnection::OpenFile. |
Read a gopher file. |
Open a gopher file. Use CGopherFile. |