Causes a number of elements to be skipped from the current read position.
basic_istream<Elem, Tr>& ignore(
streamsize _Count = 1,
int_type _Delim = traits_type::eof( )
매개 변수
The number of elements to skip from the current read position._Delim
The element that, if encountered before count, causes ignore to return and allowing all elements after _Delim to be read.
반환 값
The stream (*this).
The unformatted input function extracts up to _Count elements and discards them. If _Count equals numeric_limits<int>::max, however, it is taken as arbitrarily large. Extraction stops early on end of file or on an element _Ch such that traits_type::to_int_type(_Ch) compares equal to _Delim (which is also extracted). The function returns *this.
// basic_istream_ignore.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
char chararray[10];
cout << "Type 'abcdef': ";
cin.ignore( 5, 'c' );
cin >> chararray;
cout << chararray;
요구 사항
Header: <istream>
네임스페이스: std