다음을 통해 공유

_MemAvail( ) API Library Routine

Determines whether enough memory is available for you to allocate a memory handle of size bytes.

BOOL _MemAvail(unsigned long size)
unsigned int size;            /* Size of memory handle in bytes. */


The function returns True (an integer other than 0) if enough memory is available, or False (0) if not.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Accessing the Visual FoxPro API.


The following example builds a linked list of 1K memory handle allocations until available memory is used. It then frees allocations and returns the number of allocations made. _MemAvail( ) is used to terminate the first while loop.

Visual FoxPro Code

? MEMAVAIL()  && displays approx. memory available in K

C Code

#include <pro_ext.h>

#define ALLOCSIZE 1024

FAR Example(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
   int nHandles = 0;
   MHANDLE head = 0, mh;

   while (_MemAvail(ALLOCSIZE)) 
      mh = _AllocHand(ALLOCSIZE);
      *((MHANDLE *) _HandToPtr(mh)) = head;
      head = mh;
   _RetInt(nHandles, 10);
   while (head != 0) 
      mh = *((MHANDLE *) _HandToPtr(head));
      head = mh;

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] = {
   {"MEMAVAIL", (FPFI) Example, 0, ""},
FoxTable _FoxTable = {
   (FoxTable FAR *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

See Also


API Library Routines A-Z


_AllocHand( ) API Library Routine

_FreeHand( ) API Library Routine

_GetHandSize( ) API Library Routine

_HandToPtr( ) API Library Routine

_HLock( ) API Library Routine

_HUnLock( ) API Library Routine

_SetHandSize( ) API Library Routine

Other Resources

Accessing the Visual FoxPro API

API Library Routines by Category