How to Validate an Argument Count
This example shows how to specify a validation rule that the Windows PowerShell runtime can use to check the number of arguments (the count) that a parameter accepts before the cmdlet is run. You set this validation rule by declaring the ValidateCount attribute.
For more information about the class that defines this attribute, see System.Management.Automation.Validatecountattribute.
To validate an argument count
Add the Validate attribute as shown in the following code. This example specifies that the parameter will accept one argument or as many as three arguments.
[ValidateCount(1, 3)] [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = true)] public string[] UserNames { get { return userNames; } set { userNames = value; } } private string[] userNames;
For more information about how to declare this attribute, see ValidateCount Attribute Declaration.
See Also
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