
다음을 통해 공유


Gets settings location templates for UE-V.


Get-UevTemplate []
   -Application <String>
   -TemplateID <String>
   -Profile <String>
   [-ApplicationOrTemplateID] <String>


The Get-UevTemplate cmdlet gets settings location templates that are registered with Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V). Use this cmdlet to display information which includes the template ID, template name, template version, template description, template type, and the state settings of the template. The template ID includes a primary ID and a secondary ID. Applications in the same suite share the same primary ID.


Example 1: Get all registered templates

PS C:\> Get-UevTemplate | Format-Table -AutoSize
TemplateId                                  TemplateName                                TemplateVersion PackageVersion TemplateType Enabled EnableStateLocation TemplateDescription
----------                                  ------------                                --------------- -------------- ------------ ------- ------------------- -------------------
DesktopSettings                             Desktop Settings                                          1 N/A            OS             False LocalMachine
MicrosoftNotepad6                           Microsoft Notepad                                         0 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftCalculator6                        Microsoft Calculator                                      0 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftCommunicator2007                   Microsoft Communicator 2007                               7 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64                    Microsoft Office 2010 (64-bit)                           18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.common             Common Settings                                          18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.Access             Microsoft Access 2010 (64-bit)                           18 N/A            Application     True NotSet

This command gets all the settings location templates that are registered with UE-V, and then passes them to the Format-Table cmdlet by using the pipeline operator. For more information, type Get-Help Format-Table.

Example 2: Get registered templates that contain a specified string

PS C:\> Get-UevTemplate -ApplicationOrTemplateID "office" | Format-Table -AutoSize
TemplateId                                  TemplateName                                TemplateVersion PackageVersion TemplateType Enabled EnableStateLocation TemplateDescription
----------                                  ------------                                --------------- -------------- ------------ ------- ------------------- -------------------
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64                    Microsoft Office 2010 (64-bit)                           18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.common             Common Settings                                          18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.Access             Microsoft Access 2010 (64-bit)                           18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.Excel              Microsoft Excel 2010 (64-bit)                            18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.Groove             Microsoft Groove 2010 (64-bit)                           18 N/A            Application     True NotSet
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.InfoPath           Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (64-bit)                         18 N/A            Application     True NotSet

This command gets settings location templates that are registered with UE-V, and passes them to Format-Table by using the pipeline operator. This command specifies a value for the ApplicationOrTemplateID parameter. The cmdlet gets the templates that have a name or template ID that includes the specified string.

Example 3: Get registered templates that contain a specified string that includes a wildcard

PS C:\> Get-UevTemplate -ApplicationOrTemplateID "office*word" | Format-Table -AutoSize
TemplateId                    TemplateName                 TemplateVersion PackageVersion TemplateType Enabled EnableStateLocation TemplateDescription
----------                    ------------                 --------------- -------------- ------------ ------- ------------------- -------------------
MicrosoftOffice2010Win64.Word Microsoft Word 2010 (64-bit)              18 N/A            Application     True NotSet

This command gets settings location templates that are registered with UE-V, and passes them to Format-Table by using the pipeline operator. This command specifies a value for the ApplicationOrTemplateID parameter that contains a wildcard. The cmdlet gets the templates that have a name or template ID that includes the string office followed by the string word.

Example 4: Get registered templates associated with the Backup profile

PS C:\>Get-UevTemplate -Profile Backup
TemplateId          : MicrosoftCalculator6

TemplateName        : Microsoft Calculator
TemplateDescription :
TemplateVersion     : 0
TemplateType        : Application
Enabled             : True
EnableStateLocation : NotSet
TemplateProfile     : Backup

TemplateId          : MicrosoftWordpad6

TemplateName        : Microsoft Wordpad

TemplateDescription :

TemplateVersion     : 0

TemplateType        : Application

Enabled             : True

EnableStateLocation : LocalUser

TemplateProfile     : Backup

This command gets settings location templates that are registered with UE-V and are associated with the Backup profile.



Specifies the name of an application. The cmdlet gets templates that include the applications that you specify. Use wildcards to specify a partial name.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an application name or a template ID. The cmdlet gets templates that include the applications or IDs that you specify. Use wildcards to specify partial names or IDs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of a profile. The cmdlet gets all templates associated with the specified profile. Valid values are:

  • Roaming
  • Backup
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the ID of a template. The cmdlet gets templates that include the applications that you specify. Use wildcards to specify partial IDs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



This cmdlet generates a Template object that contains the general information about a settings location template, such as template ID, template name, and template version.