Power BI 서비스 걸쳐 관리 업무를 수행하기 위한 PowerShell cmdlet입니다.
MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt. 관리
Add-PowerBIEncryptionKey |
Adds an encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity. |
Get-PowerBIActivityEvent |
Retrieves the audit activity events for a Power BI tenant. |
Get-PowerBIEncryptionKey |
Retrieves the encryption key for the tenant. |
Get-PowerBIWorkspaceEncryptionStatus |
List Power BI workspace encryption status. |
Set-PowerBICapacityEncryptionKey |
Updates the encryption key for the Power BI capacity. |
Switch-PowerBIEncryptionKey |
Switch the encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity. |