Microsoft Azure PowerShell: ConnectedKubernetes cmdlets
Connected Kubernetes
Get-AzConnectedKubernetes |
Returns the properties of the specified connected cluster, including name, identity, properties, and additional cluster details. |
Get-AzConnectedKubernetesUserCredential |
Gets cluster user credentials of the connected cluster with a specified resource group and name. |
New-AzConnectedKubernetes |
API to register a new Kubernetes cluster and create a tracked resource in Azure Resource Manager (ARM). |
Remove-AzConnectedKubernetes |
Delete a connected cluster, removing the tracked resource in Azure Resource Manager (ARM). |
Set-AzConnectedKubernetes |
API to set properties of the connected cluster resource |
Update-AzConnectedKubernetes |
API to update certain properties of the connected cluster resource |
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Azure PowerShell