Navigate the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
The Microsoft Graph API is huge, and it's growing all the time. Therefore, the number of commands in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is also large. Finding the right command for what you want to achieve can be challenging, especially if you're not already familiar with Microsoft Graph. Let's look at some ways to help find a particular command.
Some requests for Azure Active Directory resources require the use of advanced query capabilities. If you get a response indicating a bad request, unsupported query, or a response that includes unexpected results, including the $count
query parameter and ConsistencyLevel
header may allow the request to succeed. For details and examples, see Advanced query capabilities on Azure AD directory objects.
Command naming conventions
Microsoft Graph PowerShell generates commands directly from the Microsoft Graph API, so the API influences their names. You don't have to understand the details of the API to use Microsoft Graph PowerShell, but it helps to understand the naming convention.
PowerShell commands are named using a verb-noun pair, such as Get-Command
or Update-List
. Let's start with the verb.
Command verbs
For basic REST operations, the HTTP method determines the verb used for the API.
HTTP Method | Command Verb | Example |
GET | Get | Get-MgUser API reference |
POST | New | New-MgUser API reference |
PUT | New | New-MgTeam API reference |
PATCH | Update | Update-MgUser API reference |
DELETE | Remove | Remove-MgUser API reference |
For functions and actions, it's a little more complicated. APIs in Microsoft Graph that are implemented as OData functions or actions are typically named with at least a verb. The corresponding command's verb is based on the verb in the function or action name. However, command verbs in PowerShell have to conform to specific naming rules, which can result in nonintuitive name-to-command mappings.
Let's look at some examples. The getSchedule API uses get
, and Get
is an approved PowerShell verb, so its command is Get-MgUserCalendarSchedule
. The cancel API on an event on the other hand, uses a nonapproved verb cancel
. The approved verb for canceling or discontinuing something is Stop
, so the command is Stop-MgUserEvent
. Finally, the snoozeReminder API's verb, snooze
, has no PowerShell-approved equivalent. For APIs like that, Microsoft Graph PowerShell uses the verb Invoke
, so that API's command is Invoke-MgSnoozeUserEventReminder
For Beta cmdlets, add a Beta prefix before the resource. For example, the beta version of the Get-MgUser cmdlet is Get-MgBetaUser.
Command nouns
By now, you might notice that all nouns in Microsoft Graph PowerShell commands start with Mg
. This prefix helps avoid naming conflicts with other PowerShell modules. With that in mind, a command like Get-MgUser
gets a user. Following PowerShell convention, even though the noun is singular, these commands return multiple results if no specific instance is requested.
But what about commands like Get-MgUserMessage
or Get-MgUserMailFolderMessage
? Both of these commands get a message object, so why not Get-MgMessage
? The answer comes from the get message API.
Look at the HTTP requests for this API. If you ignore the requests with /me
in the URL, there are two other ways to call this API.
GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/messages/{id}
GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/{id}/messages/{id}
The paths match to the nouns. For the first form, you start with users
, then messages
, so the command is Get-MgUserMessage
. In the second form, you start with users
, then mailFolders
, then messages, so the command is Get-MgUserMailFolderMessage
Another way of looking at this command is asking what owns or contains what. The user owns mail folders, and mail folders contain messages. Add the prefix and you get Get-MgUserMailFolderMessage
Use Find-MgGraphCommand to discover which API path a command calls by providing a URI or a command name.
Listing parameters
After you find the right command, you examine all the available parameters using the Get-Help
command. For example, the following command lists all the available parameters for the Get-MgUser
Get-Help Get-MgUser -Detailed
Finding available commands
Sometimes just knowing the naming conventions isn't enough to guess the right command. In this case, you can use the Get-Command
command to search the available commands in Microsoft Graph PowerShell. For example, if you're looking for commands related to Microsoft Teams, you can run the following command.
Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Graph* *team*
Next steps
- Discover Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets using Find-MgGraphCommand cmdlet.