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Power Automate for desktop - Build 2302

This article describes the new features, improvements and fixes to existing functionality that are included in this build.

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Installer version - Microsoft Store version 10.0.5878.0 updates

New Features

  • Two new actions are available in the flow designer, called ‘Region’ and ‘End region’, which help group and organize sets of actions together for better flow management purposes.

Enhancements & Improvements

  • Regarding flows that contain SharePoint actions, sharing is now available for Run-only users - they will be prompted to provide valid connections upon each run of shared flows. Owners and Co-owners will be prompted to provide valid connections, in case not all connection dependencies are resolved upon runtime.

  • In case the Update settings are disabled by the admin via the respective registry key, the corresponding section in the console settings is now visible and informs the user accordingly, rather than being hidden altogether.

  • The ‘Loading your environment’ step during console startup has been removed, to increase the console’s initial loading response.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues in Power Automate for desktop that are now resolved:

  • Resizing the ‘Name’, ‘Modified’ and ‘Status’ columns in the console now does not allow overlapping between one another.

  • Changing the Scale setting to 200% now does not cause the console to have missing text and buttons.

  • Various fixes for some minor issues took place on the command bar and flow multi-selection functionality of the console.

  • The example ‘Consolidate Excel reports’ has been adjusted to avoid potential errors during execution.

  • Opening an erroneous desktop flow now comes with the errors list properly expanded, so that the first erroneous action details are visible.

  • A couple of issues, occurring upon left and right clicking on the produced variables of an action modal, have now been resolved.

  • A cache-related error that was thrown out on console runs, regarding modules that couldn’t be found, has now been resolved.

  • Desktop flows that contain terminal actions and run using a cloud trigger no longer throw the exception ‘Error communicating with the emulator’.

  • During image recording, images are now generated with the proper number in their name, after resetting or deleting previously captured images.

  • Using the recorder on machines with certain display setups (e.g., two monitors with different Scale and orientation) no longer leads to crashes due to out of memory exceptions.

  • In Internet Explorer and IE mode, the action ‘Populate text on web page’ now properly replaces instead of appending text, when using physical keystrokes and the replace mode is selected.

  • While capturing elements in RDP sessions, an error about a null reference when retrieving a focused window has now been resolved.

  • Any version of the Power Automate agent for desktop, which might be installed in the virtual desktop, can now sync with all Power Automate versions from v.2.25 and on.

  • When adding a screen via the UI elements pane, the app context menu now properly comes up upon right clicking, as expected.

  • In Windows Server 2019 and while using 175% for Scaling, adding a UI element now does not make the element tag appear away from the highlighted element.

  • When the Edge or Chrome browsers display an error message (for example when an SSL certificate has expired), Power Automate’s scripts can’t get injected, so the proper error is now thrown instead of a generic one.

  • The action ‘Take screenshot of web page’ no longer moves the browser window to the center of the screen.

  • In the visual selector builder, using more than one variable now properly highlights all of them (in bold and italic), instead of just one.

  • Right/Left Ctrl keys now work properly in the ‘Send keys’ action.

  • When using the ‘Extract data from web page’ action, the transition from an extracted list to an extracted table now works as expected and properly creates the table.

Return to the all version availability page.

If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here.