다음을 통해 공유 wsman:FragmentTransfer

The WS-Management specification defines the FragmentTransfer SOAP header, which is used to retrieve and update fragments or individual elements of the resource. See specification [DMTF-DSP0226] section 7.7.

Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista clients can use the wsman:FragmentTransfer header to access subpieces of a  CIM/WMI object with the WS-Transfer Get and WS-Transfer Put operations.<64>

Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST process the wsman:FragmentTransfer header if the value of the SOAP mustUnderstand attribute is set to "true". Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST reply with a wsa:InvalidMessageInformationHeader fault if the value of the SOAP mustUnderstand attribute in the wsman:FragmentTransfer header is set to "false".

The Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST accept a wsman:FragmentTransfer header containing a fragment expression in the XPath Level 1 dialect as specified in [DMTF-DSP0226] Annex D.1. for WS-Transfer Get and WS-Transfer Put operations when the resource URI and selectors identify an instance of a CIM/WMI class, where a CIM/WMI class is defined as a class with a resource URI beginning with one of the following prefixes.

Resource URI






WS-Management indicates that a wsen:CannotProcessFilter SHOULD<65><66><67>be returned when the fragment expression exceeds the subset supported by the service. More information is specified in [DMTF-DSP0226] section 7.7.

If the resource URI does not support the FragmentTransfer header but does support the WS-Transfer operation, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST return a fault.<68>