다음을 통해 공유 Cancel

Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista MAY<128> support the Cancel message, using the following action URI:


The message MUST be issued in an enhanced CIM operation, as specified in section The Cancel message can be sent either in a new operation created for that purpose (in which case the Cancel message will be the first one in that operation) or appended as a new message to an existing enhanced operation.

The set of resource URIs on which Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista SHOULD support the Cancel operation is specified in the following table.

Resource URI

Input data type

Output data type




This message is applicable only to HTTP connections used by enhanced CIM operations. A client sends the Cancel message to signal that the previous ongoing operation is to be canceled. When the server receives an End message, it MUST search the CimOperations table for all rows whose PrimaryConnection value matches the HTTP connection of the Cancel message. For each row, the server SHOULD cancel the operation. It MAY remove the row from the CimOperations table and release all operation resources.