다음을 통해 공유 Remote Shell Compression

To optimize network bandwidth, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista clients can send an optional SOAP header CompressionType as part of a wst:Create request for a remote shell to indicate that the data sent as part of the ensuing Send and ReceiveResponse messages will be compressed.

  • It MUST set the XML namespace URI of the CompressionType header to http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell.

  • It MUST set the value of this SOAP header to a string that represents the compression algorithm that will be used.

  • It SHOULD set the mustUnderstand attribute of this element to "true".

If this SOAP header is sent<133>, Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista clients MUST compress any data that is sent in a Send message by using the specified compression algorithm.<134>