다음을 통해 공유 Reconnect

Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista SHOULD<125> support the Reconnect operation, using the following Action URIs.

 http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Reconnect http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/ReconnectResponse

The set of resource URIs on which Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista MAY support the Reconnect operation is defined in the following table. Where relevant, the XML Schema Definition (XSD) type for the data that is passed as part of the request or response is referenced.

Resource URI

Input Data Type

Output Data Type




This operation is applicable for the Custom Remote Shell scenario only. To reconnect to an existing shell instance, a client sends the Reconnect message to the EPR of that shell instance, when the client still retains HLP state from a previous WSMV connection to that shell.

If the ShellID in the request message is not present in the CustomRemoteShells table, the server MUST return a wsman:InvalidSelectorsInternalError fault. If the shell state is set to "connected", the server MUST compare the ClientId information in the CustomRemoteShells table to the ClientId of the request. If they are identical, the server MUST ignore the request. Otherwise, the server MUST return a wsman:InternalError fault.

Once reconnected, the server MUST set the state of the shell in the CustomRemoteShells table to "connected".

Upon successful processing of a Reconnect request message, a shell processor MUST return a ReconnectResponse message.