다음을 통해 공유 Initialize Server Call Object Reference

This event is triggered when an RPC call occurs between a client and a server.

An RPC server associates the Server Call object with a thread of execution by using an implementation-dependent process and MUST behave as if it is using thread-specific data in a POSIX Thread (see [ISO/IEC/IEEE9945-7] section 1.c) as follows:

The thread uses a unique key defined as CURRENT_CALL_OBJECT_REF as a thread-specific data key. The thread stores a handle to the Server Call object by using pthread_setspecific using the thread-specific data key (CURRENT_CALL_OBJECT_REF_KEY).

 pthread_setspecific(CURRENT_CALL_OBJECT_REF_KEY, Server Call object);

Note The Server Call Object handle is stored for later retrieval in the case where the RPC runtime is invoked with a NULL client binding handle (see [C706] section for a specification of a client binding handle). This allows the RPC runtime to retrieve the current call object.