다음을 통해 공유 Creating Object References

The DCOM client MUST support the following DCOM mechanisms for creating and resolving object references:

  • Activation. To use the activation mechanism, the higher-layer protocol or application supplies to the DCOM client a remote server name, the CLSID of the object class, and one or more IIDs of interfaces for which it requires references. The higher-layer protocol or application can also supply nondefault values for security provider, authentication level, impersonation level, SPN, and credentials settings. In addition, the higher-layer protocol or application can also supply client and prototype context property buffers and their context property identifiers to be sent in the activation request. It is the responsibility of the specification of the application or higher-layer protocol to state such requirements, if any.

  • OXID resolution. To use the OXID resolution mechanism, the higher-layer application or protocol supplies to the DCOM client an object reference obtained during unmarshaling parameters during an ORPC call, and the IID of the interface for which it requires a reference.