다음을 통해 공유


The CERTTRANSDBRESULTROW structure is encoded within a CERTTRANSBLOB structure. The CERTTRANSDBRESULTROW structure is used by the server to return the result of the database query done by the client (upon the client's query via invocation of OpenView or EnumView methods of the ICertAdminD interface). This structure contains data for a specific row.

   DWORD rowid;
   DWORD ccol;
   ULONG cbrow;

rowid: Unsigned integer value that specifies the identifier for the row.

ccol: Unsigned integer value that specifies the count of CERTTRANSDBRESULTCOLUMN structures. Each structure contains the value of a specific column in the row identified by rowid.

cbrow: Unsigned integer value that specifies the total size of row data (in bytes). This is the sum of the size of CERTTRANSDBRESULTROW structure, size of each CERTTRANSDBRESULTCOLUMN structure for the row (the count of which is specified by ccol), and the DWORD-rounded-up size of each column value.