다음을 통해 공유 Call Processing and Routing Elements

User agents that are publishing can publish any preamble that is in accordance with the preamble XSD. However, the server SHOULD only act on a specific list of elements, and other elements MUST be ignored. The server that is a SIP proxy authorized for the domain of the target user's address-of-record SHOULD apply the routing rules based on the preamble only for INVITEs that meet one of the following criteria:

  • The Content-Type header field has the value "application/SDP" and the Session Description Protocol (SDP) body includes audio.

  • The Content-Type header field contains the string "application/ms-conf-invite" and the request body is an XML document that contains an XML element named "audio". The said element should also contain an XML attribute named "available" with value "true".<33>

  • The content type is "multipart/MIME" and at least one part contains an SDP body that includes audio.<34>

The construction of the INVITE requests with an "application/SDP" content type is described in [RFC3264], the "multipart/MIME" content type is defined [RFC2046].

All other INVITEs SHOULD be routed as specified in [RFC3261]. The routing mechanism specified in this section is applicable only if one of the preceding three conditions is met.

An INVITE whose Content-Type header field contains the string application/ms-conf-invite and the XML body indicates that audio is available is called an audio app-invite.