다음을 통해 공유 Summary Information Property Set

This section defines a simple OLE property set as specified in [MS-OLEPS] that conforms to the well-known property set format SummaryInformation as specified in [MS-OLEPS] section 2.23 and [MS-OLEPS] section 2.25.1. This specifies that the property set has the identifier GUID FMTID_SummaryInformation and is contained in the document stream named "\005SummaryInformation". It contains a fixed set of recognized properties, which are generally specified in the [MS-OLEPS] specification, but are specified in the following section with more details regarding their use or deviations from the simple OLE property set format pursuant to this specification. The format of this property set is as specified in [MS-OLEPS], except where stated otherwise in the following section. In addition, this property set MUST have the following:

  • This property set MUST have its PropertySetStream structure Version field set to 0x00000000.

  • This property set MUST have its PropertySetStream structure CLSID field set to GUID_NULL.

  • This property set MUST have a PropertySetSystemIdentifier structure (section for its PropertySetStream structure SystemIdentifier field.

For additional information about the OLE property set storage format, see [MS-OLEPS].