
다음을 통해 공유

Subscription resource type

The subscription resource defines the properties of a single subscription.

JSON representation

  "id": "string",
  "clientState": "optional string",
  "expirationDateTime": "datetime",
  "notificationUrl": "url",
  "resource": "relativePath",
  "changeType": "updated"


Property Name Type description
id String The unique identifier for the subscription resource. Read-only.
clientState String - optional An optional string value that is passed back in the notification message for this subscription.
expirationDateTime DateTime The date and time when the subscription will expire if not updated or renewed.
notificationUrl String The URL that notifications should be delivered to, if required for the specified notificationType.
resource String The relative path of the subscription within the drive. Read-only.
changeType String The type of changes that should generate notifications for this subscription. OneDrive only supports updated.