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Saving Files with the OneDrive File Picker JavaScript SDK v7.2

To save files from OneDrive, your app should provide a button to programmatically start the OneDrive picker experience.

1. Register your application

To use the OneDrive picker, you need to register your application through the Azure App registrations page and receive an Application Id. You also need to add a valid redirect URI for your web application using the picker. This can either be the page hosting the picker SDK or a custom URL you define. For more information see Setting up.

2. Add a reference to the SDK

Embed the OneDrive JavaScript SDK into your page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.live.net/v7.2/OneDrive.js"></script>

3. Launch the file picker

To save files to OneDrive, your app should provide a button to programmatically open the OneDrive file picker. Because this code will launch a pop-up window in the browser, it needs to be called as part of an explicit user action to avoid being blocked by a pop-up blocker.

As part of the OneDrive.save(...) method, you specify the options for how the picker should behave and how the picker will call back to your code through an options object.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function launchSaveToOneDrive(){
    var odOptions = { /* ... specify the desired options ... */ };

<input id="fileUploadControl" name="fileUploadControl" type="file" />
<button onclick="launchSaveToOneDrive">Save to OneDrive</button>

Picker options

You can specify how the file picker behaves when saving files by providing an object with parameters that control the picker's behavior. This object also includes the callback functions for when the file picker is finished or encounters an error.

Example file picker options

var odOptions = {
  clientId: "INSERT-APP-ID-HERE",
  action: "save",
  sourceInputElementId: "fileUploadControl",
  sourceUri: "",
  fileName: "file.txt",
  openInNewWindow: true,
  advanced: {},
  success: function(files) { /* success handler */ },
  progress: function(percent) { /* progress handler */ },
  cancel: function() { /* cancel handler */ },
  error: function(error) { /* error handler */ }


Parameter name Description
clientId The application ID generated by the app registration console for your integration.
action The action type being performed with the files selected. You can specify save to save a file directly to OneDrive, or query to return identifiers that can be used with the Microsoft Graph API or OneDrive API to save to a selected folder.
sourceInputElementId The form input (type=file) element ID for the file to be uploaded.
sourceUri An http, https, or data URI for the file to be uploaded. OneDrive for Business and SharePoint only supports data URI values.
fileName Required if the sourceUri parameter is a data URI. If not provided, the file name will be inferred from the name attribute of the input element.
openInNewWindow The default value is true, which opens the OneDrive picking experience in a popup window. false opens the OneDrive picking experience in the same window.
viewType The type of item that can be selected. The default value is files. You can specify folders to limit selection to only folders or specify all which enables the selection of both files and folders.
accountSwitchEnabled The default value is true, which renders the "Switch account" UI on the hosted File Picker page.
advanced A collection of additional properties which can further customize the behavior of the picker, but are not necessary for most scenarios. See Advanced Save Scenarios for more details.
nameConflictBehavior An optional parameter passed in for situation when an uploading file has name conflict with file in the destination folder. See the parameter definition for more detail.
success Called when the file upload to the server is complete. The files parameter is a collection of metadata returned by the service for the uploaded file.
progress Called at various points with a float between 0.0 and 100.0 to indicate the progress of the upload. This is called at least once with 100.0.
cancel Called when the user cancels the saver.
error Called when an error occurred on the server, the user is out of quota, the user doesn't have permission to upload to the chosen location, or the user has not selected a file to be uploaded.

Note: If openInNewWindow is false, then all callback functions must be declared globally on the page before the SDK is referenced to guarantee the functions will be called. When registered globally the callback function names are renamed with a prefix of oneDriveFilePicker. For example, success becomes oneDriveFilePickerSuccess.

Types of actions

Using the picker SDK's action parameter you can specify how the picker behaves. The following values are allowed for the save() action:

Value Description
save Saves the file provided by sourceInputElementId or sourceUri to the selected folder in the user's OneDrive.
query Returns API metadata about the selected folder. Your app then uploads one or more files into the folder selected by the user.

4. Handling the picker response object

When the user is done picking file(s), the success callback receives response object. This object contains properties, include value property which is a collection of Item resource with a subset of the item's properties.

When using the save action, this collection provides the item metadata for the newly uploaded file. For the query action, this collection will contain metadata for the selected folder.

Example when uploading a document

  "value": [
      "id": "123456",
      "name": "document1.docx",
      "size": 12340,
      "@content.downloadUrl": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/download.aspx?guid=1231231231a",
      "webUrl": "https://cotoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/user_contoso_com/documents/document1.docx",
      "thumbnails": [
          "id": "0",
          "small": { "url": "https://sn3302files.onedrive.live.com/..." },
          "medium": { "url": "https://sn3302files.onedrive.live.com/..." },
          "large": { "url": "https://sn3302files.onedrive.live.com/..." }

Example when using query to save to a folder

  "value": [
      "id": "1234567!12",
      "name": "Project Vroom",
      "webUrl": "https://cotoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/user_contoso_com/documents/project%20vroom",
      "folder": { "childCount": 4 }

Advanced save scenarios

The advanced parameter on the options object has the following defined properties:

Parameter name Description
redirectUri By default the picker uses the page it was launched from as the redirect uri for authentication. This may not be desirable in all scenarios, so you can set a custom URL to use instead. This URL must be in the same root domain and use the same protocol as the page hosting the picker SDK. The target page must reference the OneDrive Picker SDK in the same fashion as the calling page.

Using a custom redirect URI

If your app is a large client-side JavaScript app or uses query string parameters to maintain state, it may not be desirable to use the page launching the file picker as the redirect URI. This requires that your whole app is reloaded inside the popup window, which may cause performance issues. You can specify an alternative redirect URI through the advanced object which is used instead.

var odOptions = {
  clientId: "INSERT-APP-ID-HERE",
  action: "download",
  openInNewWindow: true,
  advanced: {
    redirectUri: "https://contoso.com/filePickerRedirect.htm"
  success: function(files) { /* success handler */ },
  cancel: function() { /* cancel handler */ },
  error: function(error) { /* error handler */ }

The page you redirect to needs only to load the OneDrive SDK script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.live.net/v7.2/OneDrive.js"></script>

Note: you can only provide a custom redirect URI when using file picker as a popup window (openInNewWindow is true). When using the inline experience the default redirect URI is always used.