
다음을 통해 공유

Native messaging

To communicate with a native Win32 app that's installed on a user's device, an extension uses an API that's similar to the other message passing APIs. The native app host sends and receives messages with extensions using standard input and standard output.

Extensions that use native messaging are installed in Microsoft Edge similar to any other extension. However, native apps aren't installed or managed by Microsoft Edge.

To acquire the extension and native app host, there are two different distribution models:

  • Package your extension and the host together. When a user installs the package, both the extension and the host are installed.

  • Or, install your extension using the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, and your extension prompts users to install the host.

To create your extension to send and receive messages with native app hosts, do the following steps.

Step 1: Add permissions to the extension manifest

Add the nativeMessaging permission to the manifest.json file of the extension.

This is the extension manifest file, not the native messaging host manifest file, which is covered in later sections.

The following is an example manifest.json file:

    "name": "Native Messaging Example",
    "version": "1.0",
    "manifest_version": 3,
    "description": "Send a message to a native app.",
    "app": {
        "launch": {
            "local_path": "main.html"
    "icons": {
        "128": "icon-128.png"
    "permissions": ["nativeMessaging"]

Step 2: Create your native messaging host manifest file

Native apps must provide a native messaging host manifest file. A native messaging host manifest file contains the following information:

  • The path to the native messaging host runtime.

  • The method of communication with the extension.

  • A list of allowed extensions to which it communicates.

The browser reads and validates the native messaging host manifest. The browser doesn't install or manage the native messaging host manifest file.

The native messaging host manifest file is distinct from the Manifest V3 or V2 file that is part of the Microsoft Edge extension.

Example of a native messaging host manifest file:

    "name": "com.my_company.my_app",
    "description": "My App",
    "path": "C:\\Program Files\\My App\\chrome_native_messaging_host.exe",
    "type": "stdio",
    "allowed_origins": [

The native messaging host manifest file must be a valid JSON file that contains the following keys:

Key Details
name Specifies the name of the native messaging host. Clients pass the string to runtime.connectNative or runtime.sendNativeMessage.
The value must only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dots.
The value must not start or end with a dot (a period), and a dot must not be followed by another dot.
description Describes the app.
path Specifies the path to the native messaging host binary.
On Windows devices, you can use relative paths to the directory that contains the native messaging host manifest file.
On macOS and Linux, the path must be absolute.
The host process starts with the current directory set to the directory that contains the host binary. For example (Windows), if the parameter is set to C:\App\nm_host.exe, the binary is started using the current directory (C:\App\).
type Specifies the type of the interface used to communicate with the native messaging host. The value instructs Microsoft Edge to use stdin and stdout to communicate with the host. The only acceptable value is stdio.
allowed_origins Specifies the list of extensions that have access to the native messaging host. To turn on your app to identify and communicate with an extension, in your native messaging host manifest file, set the following value:
"allowed_origins": ["chrome-extension://{microsoft_catalog_extension_id}"]

Sideload your extension to test native messaging with the host. To sideload your extension during development and retrieve microsoft_catalog_extension_id:

  1. Go to edge://extensions, and then turn on the Developer mode toggle button.

  2. Select Load unpacked, and then select your extension package to sideload.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Go to the edge://extensions page and verify that your extension is listed.

  5. Copy the key from microsoft_catalog_extension_id (ID) from the extension listing on the page.

When you're ready to distribute your extension to users, publish your extension to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The extension ID of the published extension might differ from the ID that's used while sideloading your extension. If the ID changed, update allowed_origins in the native messaging host manifest file with the ID of your published extension.

Step 3: Copy the native messaging host manifest file to your system

The final step involves copying the native messaging host manifest file to your computer, and making sure that this manifest file is correctly configured. To ensure your native messaging host manifest file is placed in the expected location, do the following steps. The location varies by platform.

On Linux and macOS:

  • Make sure that you provide read permissions on the native messaging host manifest file.
  • Make sure that you provide run permissions on the host runtime.

The native messaging host manifest file may be located anywhere in the file system. The app installer must create a registry key and set the default value of the key to the full path of the native messaging host manifest file.

The following locations are examples of registry keys:



To add a registry key to the directory with the manifest key, do either of the following:

  • Run a command in the command prompt:

    REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingHosts\com.my_company.my_app" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "C:\path\to\nmh-manifest.json" /f
  • Or, create a .reg file and run it, as follows:

    1. Copy the following command into a .reg file:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    2. Run the .reg file. If you run your created .reg file as part of a batch script, make sure you run it using an administrator command prompt.

Microsoft Edge queries the HKEY_CURRENT_USER root key, followed by HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. In both of the keys, the 32-bit registry is searched first, and then the 64-bit registry is searched to identify native messaging hosts. The registry key specifies the location of the native messaging host manifest file.

If the registry entries for Microsoft Edge don't have the location of the native messaging host manifest file, the Chromium and Chrome registry locations are used as fallback options.

If Microsoft Edge finds the registry key at any of the previously listed locations, it doesn't query the locations that are listed in the following code snippet.

The search order for the registry locations is:




WOW6432Node registry node

The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node registry node is not searched on 64-bit machines, due to the way the registry works on them. For more information, see Registry Keys Affected by Windows Installations That Include Windows on Windows (WOW) Support For Multiple Processor Architectures.

Extension IDs required for both stores

If you have extensions on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons and the Chrome Web Store, you must add the extension IDs corresponding to both the stores in the allowed_origins of the native messaging host manifest file. This is required because only the native messaging host manifest file that corresponds to the first registry location found is read.

Native messaging protocol

Microsoft Edge starts each native messaging host in a separate process and communicates with it using standard input (stdin) and standard output (stdout). The same format is used to send messages in both directions; each message is serialized using JSON, UTF-8 encoded and is preceded with 32-bit message length in native byte order. The maximum size of a single message from the native messaging host is 1 MB, mainly to protect Microsoft Edge from misbehaving native applications. The maximum size of the message sent to the native messaging host is 4 GB.

The first argument to the native messaging host is the origin of the caller, usually chrome-extension://[ID of allowed extension]. This allows native messaging hosts to identify the source of the message when multiple extensions are specified in the allowed_origins key in the native messaging host manifest; see Step 2: Create your native messaging host manifest file, above.

On Windows, the native messaging host is also passed a command line argument with a handle to the calling Microsoft Edge native window: --parent-window=<decimal handle value>. This lets the native messaging host create native UI windows that are correctly parented. Note that this value will be 0 if the calling context is a service worker.

When a messaging port is created by using runtime.connectNative, Microsoft Edge starts a native messaging host process and keeps it running until the port is destroyed. On the other hand, when a message is sent by using runtime.sendNativeMessage, without creating a messaging port, Microsoft Edge starts a new native messaging host process for each message. In that case, the first message that's generated by the host process is handled as a response to the original request, and Microsoft Edge will pass it to the response callback specified when runtime.sendNativeMessage is called. All other messages generated by the native messaging host in that case are ignored.

Connecting to a native application

Sending and receiving messages to and from a native application is very similar to cross-extension messaging. The main difference is that runtime.connectNative is used instead of runtime.connect, and runtime.sendNativeMessage is used instead of runtime.sendMessage.

To use these methods, the nativeMessaging permission must be declared in your extensions's manifest file; see Step 1: Add permissions to the extension manifest, above.

These methods are not available inside content scripts, only inside your extension's pages and service worker. If you want to communicate from a content script to the native application, send the message to your service worker to pass it along to the native application.

The following example creates a runtime.Port object that's connected to native messaging host com.my_company.my_application, starts listening for messages from that port and sends one outgoing message:

var port = chrome.runtime.connectNative('com.my_company.my_application');
port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) {
  console.log('Received' + msg);
port.onDisconnect.addListener(function () {
port.postMessage({text: 'Hello, my_application'});

Use runtime.sendNativeMessage to send a message to the native application without creating a port; for example:

  {text: 'Hello'},
  function (response) {
    console.log('Received ' + response);

Debugging native messaging

When certain native messaging failures occur, output is written to the error log of Microsoft Edge. This includes when the native messaging host fails to start, writes to stderr or violates the communication protocol. On Linux and macOS, this log can easily be accessed by starting Microsoft Edge from the command line and watching its output in the terminal. On Windows, use --enable-logging as explained at How to enable logging.

Here are some common errors and tips for solving them:

Failed to start native messaging host.

Check whether you have sufficient permissions to execute the native messaging host file.

Invalid native messaging host name specified.

Check whether the name contains invalid characters. Only lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dots (periods) are allowed. A name cannot start or end with a dot, and a dot cannot be followed by another dot.

Native host has exited.

The pipe to the native messaging host was broken before the message was read by Microsoft Edge. This is most likely initiated from your native messaging host.

Specified native messaging host not found.

Check the following:

  • Is the name spelled correctly in the extension and in the manifest file?

  • Is the manifest in the right directory and with the correct name? See native messaging host location for the expected formats.

  • Is the manifest file in the correct format? In particular, is the JSON valid and well-formed, and do the values match the definition of a native messaging host manifest, per Step 2: Create your native messaging host manifest file above?

  • Does the file specified in path exist? On Windows, paths may be relative, but on macOS and Linux, the paths must be absolute.

Native messaging host host name is not registered. (Windows-only)

The native messaging host was not found in the Windows registry. Double-check using regedit whether the key was really created and matches the required format as documented at native messaging host location.

Access to the specified native messaging host is forbidden.

Is the extension's origin listed in allowed_origins?

Error when communicating with the native messaging host.

This indicates an incorrect implementation of the communication protocol in the native messaging host.

  • Make sure that all output in stdout adheres to the native messaging protocol. If you want to print some data for debugging purposes, write to stderr.

  • Make sure that the 32-bit message length is in the platform's native integer format (little-endian or big-endian).

  • The message length must not exceed 1024*1024.

  • The message size must be equal to the number of bytes in the message. This may differ from the "length" of a string, because characters may be represented by multiple bytes.

  • Windows-only: Make sure that the program's I/O mode is set to O_BINARY. By default, the I/O mode is O_TEXT, which corrupts the message format as line breaks (\n = 0A) are replaced with Windows-style line endings (\r\n = 0D 0A). The I/O mode can be set by using __setmode.


Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The original page is found here.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.