
다음을 통해 공유

View and change IndexedDB data

To view and change IndexedDB data, use the Application tool.

View IndexedDB data

  1. Open a webpage that uses IndexedDB in a new window or tab. You can use the PWAmp demo application.

  2. To open DevTools, right-click the webpage, and then select Inspect. Or, press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+I (macOS). DevTools opens.

  3. In DevTools, on the Activity Bar, select the Application tab. If that tab isn't visible, click the More tools (More tools icon) button.

    The Manifest pane usually opens by default:

    The Manifest pane of the Application tool

  4. In the sidebar, under Storage, expand the IndexedDB menu to see which databases are available:

    The IndexedDB menu

    • (Database icon) keyval-store represents a database.

    • (Object Store icon) keyval is an object store in the database.

  5. Select the keyval-store database, to see its origin, version number, and other information about the database:

    Information about the keyval-store database, in the Application tool

  6. Click the keyval object store, to see the key-value pairs:

    The notes object store

    Note: IndexedDB data doesn't update in real-time. If you see outdated data displayed in an object store, refresh the object store view. See Refresh IndexedDB data.

  7. Click a cell in the Value column to expand the value:

    View an IndexedDB value

Refresh IndexedDB data

IndexedDB values in the Application tool don't update in real-time.

  • To refresh the data, view an object store and then click the Refresh (Refresh) button.

  • To refresh all data in an IndexedDB database, view a database and then click Refresh database:

    The database view, with the refresh button

Edit IndexedDB data

IndexedDB keys and values aren't editable from the Application tool. However, since DevTools has access to the page context, you can run JavaScript code within DevTools to edit the data stored in an IndexedDB database.

Edit IndexedDB data by using the Console tool

  1. In DevTools, on the Activity Bar, select the Console tab.

  2. In the Console tool, run JavaScript code to edit the IndexedDB data. For example, to add a new value to the keyval object store, run the following code:

    let connection = indexedDB.open("keyval-store", 1);
    connection.onsuccess = e => {
      const database = e.target.result;
      const transaction = database.transaction("keyval", "readwrite");
      const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("keyval");
      const request = objectStore.add({foo: "bar"}, "new-key");
      request.onsuccess = e => {

Edit IndexedDB data by using snippets

Snippets are a way to store and run JavaScript code repeatedly, within DevTools. If you need to edit IndexedDB data often, store it in a new snippet, and then run the snippet. To learn more, see Run snippets of JavaScript on any webpage.

Using a Snippet to interact with IndexedDB

Delete IndexedDB data

You can delete any of the following:

  • An IndexedDB key-value pair.
  • All key-value pairs in an object store.
  • An IndexedDB database.
  • All IndexedDB storage.

These options are described below.

Delete an IndexedDB key-value pair

  1. View an IndexedDB object store.

  2. Click the key-value pair that you want to delete. DevTools highlights the key-value pair to indicate that it's selected:

    A key-value pair item is selected in the object store view

  3. Press Delete, or click the Delete selected (Delete Selected icon) button:

    The delete key value button in the toolbar of the object store view

Delete all key-value pairs in an object store

  1. View an IndexedDB object store.

  2. Click the Clear object store (Clear object store) button.

    The clear object store button in the toolbar of the object store view

Delete an IndexedDB database

  1. View the IndexedDB database that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete database.

    The Delete database button

Delete all IndexedDB storage

  1. In the sidebar of the Application tool, click Storage.

  2. Scroll down to the Storage checkboxes and make sure that the IndexedDB checkbox is selected.

  3. Click the Clear site data button.

    The Storage pane, showing the various storage checkboxes and the Clear site data button


Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The original page is found here and is authored by Kayce Basques.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.