@azure/arm-deviceregistry package
DeviceRegistryManagementClient |
Asset |
Asset definition. |
AssetEndpointProfile |
Asset Endpoint Profile definition. |
AssetEndpointProfileProperties |
Defines the Asset Endpoint Profile properties. |
AssetEndpointProfileStatus |
Defines the asset endpoint profile status properties. |
AssetEndpointProfileStatusError |
Defines the asset endpoint profile status error properties. |
AssetEndpointProfileUpdate |
The type used for update operations of the AssetEndpointProfile. |
AssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties |
The updatable properties of the AssetEndpointProfile. |
AssetEndpointProfilesCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetEndpointProfilesDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetEndpointProfilesGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetEndpointProfilesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetEndpointProfilesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetEndpointProfilesOperations |
Interface representing a AssetEndpointProfiles operations. |
AssetEndpointProfilesUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetProperties |
Defines the asset properties. |
AssetStatus |
Defines the asset status properties. |
AssetStatusDataset |
Defines the asset status dataset properties. |
AssetStatusError |
Defines the asset status error properties. |
AssetStatusEvent |
Defines the asset status event properties. |
AssetUpdate |
The type used for update operations of the Asset. |
AssetUpdateProperties |
The updatable properties of the Asset. |
AssetsCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetsDeleteOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetsGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetsListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
AssetsOperations |
Interface representing a Assets operations. |
AssetsUpdateOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
Authentication |
Definition of the client authentication mechanism to the server. |
BillingContainer |
billingContainer Model as Azure resource whose sole purpose is to keep track of billables resources under a subscription. |
BillingContainerProperties |
Defines the billingContainer properties. |
BillingContainersGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BillingContainersListBySubscriptionOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
BillingContainersOperations |
Interface representing a BillingContainers operations. |
DataPoint |
Defines the data point properties. |
DataPointBase |
Defines the data point properties. |
Dataset |
Defines the dataset properties. |
DeviceRegistryManagementClientOptionalParams |
Optional parameters for the client. |
ErrorAdditionalInfo |
The resource management error additional info. |
ErrorDetail |
The error detail. |
ErrorResponse |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. |
Event |
Defines the event properties. |
EventBase |
Defines the event properties. |
ExtendedLocation |
The extended location. |
MessageSchemaReference |
Defines the message schema reference properties. |
Operation |
Details of a REST API operation, returned from the Resource Provider Operations API |
OperationDisplay |
Localized display information for and operation. |
OperationStatusGetOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationStatusOperations |
Interface representing a OperationStatus operations. |
OperationStatusResult |
The current status of an async operation. |
OperationsListOptionalParams |
Optional parameters. |
OperationsOperations |
Interface representing a Operations operations. |
PageSettings |
Options for the byPage method |
PagedAsyncIterableIterator |
An interface that allows async iterable iteration both to completion and by page. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location |
Resource |
Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources |
RestorePollerOptions | |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
Topic |
Object that describes the topic information. |
TrackedResource |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has 'tags' and a 'location' |
UsernamePasswordCredentials |
The credentials for authentication mode UsernamePassword. |
X509Credentials |
The x509 certificate for authentication mode Certificate. |
Type Aliases
ActionType |
Extensible enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal only APIs. Known values supported by the serviceInternal: Actions are for internal-only APIs. |
AuthenticationMethod |
The method to authenticate the user of the client at the server. Known values supported by the serviceAnonymous: The user authentication method is anonymous. |
ContinuablePage |
An interface that describes a page of results. |
CreatedByType |
The kind of entity that created the resource. Known values supported by the serviceUser: The entity was created by a user. |
DataPointObservabilityMode |
Defines the data point observability mode. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No mapping to OpenTelemetry. |
EventObservabilityMode |
Defines the event observability mode. Known values supported by the serviceNone: No mapping to OpenTelemetry. |
Origin |
The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default value is "user,system" Known values supported by the serviceuser: Indicates the operation is initiated by a user. |
ProvisioningState |
The provisioning status of the resource. Known values supported by the serviceSucceeded: Resource has been created. |
TopicRetainType |
Topic retain types. Known values supported by the serviceKeep: Retain the messages. |
KnownActionType |
Extensible enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal only APIs. |
KnownAuthenticationMethod |
The method to authenticate the user of the client at the server. |
KnownCreatedByType |
The kind of entity that created the resource. |
KnownDataPointObservabilityMode |
Defines the data point observability mode. |
KnownEventObservabilityMode |
Defines the event observability mode. |
KnownOrigin |
The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default value is "user,system" |
KnownProvisioningState |
The provisioning status of the resource. |
KnownTopicRetainType |
Topic retain types. |
KnownVersions |
Microsoft.DeviceRegistry Resource Provider supported API versions. |
restore |
Creates a poller from the serialized state of another poller. This can be useful when you want to create pollers on a different host or a poller needs to be constructed after the original one is not in scope. |
Function Details
restorePoller<TResponse, TResult>(DeviceRegistryManagementClient, string, (args: any[]) => PollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>, RestorePollerOptions<TResult, PathUncheckedResponse>)
Creates a poller from the serialized state of another poller. This can be useful when you want to create pollers on a different host or a poller needs to be constructed after the original one is not in scope.
function restorePoller<TResponse, TResult>(client: DeviceRegistryManagementClient, serializedState: string, sourceOperation: (args: any[]) => PollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>, options?: RestorePollerOptions<TResult, PathUncheckedResponse>): PollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>
- serializedState
- sourceOperation
(args: any[]) => PollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>
- options
RestorePollerOptions<TResult, PathUncheckedResponse>
PollerLike<OperationState<TResult>, TResult>