다음을 통해 공유

DateTimeInterval interface

An interval in time specifying the date and time for the inclusive start and exclusive end, i.e. [start, end).



A datetime indicating the exclusive/open end of the time interval, i.e. [start, end). Specifying an end that occurs chronologically before start will result in an error.


A datetime indicating the inclusive/closed start of the time interval, i.e. [start, end). Specifying a start that occurs chronologically after end will result in an error.

Property Details


A datetime indicating the exclusive/open end of the time interval, i.e. [start, end). Specifying an end that occurs chronologically before start will result in an error.

end: Date

Property Value



A datetime indicating the inclusive/closed start of the time interval, i.e. [start, end). Specifying a start that occurs chronologically after end will result in an error.

start: Date

Property Value
