
다음을 통해 공유

tiIndicator resource type (deprecated)

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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The tiIndicator entity is deprecated and will be removed by April 2026.

Represents data used to identify malicious activities.

If your organization works with threat indicators, either by generating your own, obtaining them from open source feeds, sharing with partner organizations or communities, or by purchasing feeds of data, you might want to use these indicators in various security tools for matching with log data. The tiIndicators entity allows you to upload your threat indicators to Microsoft security tools for the actions of allow, block, or alert.

Threat indicators uploaded via tiIndicator are used with Microsoft threat intelligence to provide a customized security solution for your organization. When using the tiIndicator entity, specify the Microsoft security solution you want to utilize the indicators via the targetProduct property, and specify the action (allow, block, or alert) to which the security solution should apply the indicators via the action property.

Currently, targetProduct supports the following products:

  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint – Supports the following tiIndicators methods:


    The following indicator types are supported by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint targetProduct:

    • Files
    • IP addresses: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint supports destination IPv4/IPv6 only – set property in networkDestinationIPv4 or networkDestinationIPv6 properties in Microsoft Graph Security API tiIndicator.
    • URLs/domains

    There's a limit of 15,000 indicators per tenant for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

  • Microsoft Sentinel – Only existing customers can use the tiIndicator API to send threat intelligence indicators to Microsoft Sentinel. For the most up-to-date, detailed instructions on how to send threat intelligent indicators to Microsoft Sentinel, see Connect your threat intelligence platform to Microsoft Sentinel with the upload API.

For details about the types of indicators supported and limits on indicator counts per tenant, see Manage indicators.


Method Return Type Description
Get tiIndicator Read properties and relationships of tiIndicator object.
Create tiIndicator Create a new tiIndicator by posting to the tiIndicators collection.
List tiIndicator collection Get a tiIndicator object collection.
Update tiIndicator Update tiIndicator object.
Delete None Delete tiIndicator object.
Delete multiple None Delete multiple tiIndicator objects.
Delete multiple by external ID None Delete multiple tiIndicator objects by the externalId property.
Submit multiple tiIndicator collection Create new tiIndicators by posting a tiIndicators collection.
Update multiple tiIndicator collection Update multiple tiIndicator objects.

Methods supported by each target product

Method Azure Sentinel Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Create tiIndicator Required fields are: action, azureTenantId, description, expirationDateTime, targetProduct, threatType, tlpLevel, and at least one email, network, or file observable. Required fields are: action, and one of these following values: domainName, url, networkDestinationIPv4, networkDestinationIPv6, fileHashValue (must supply fileHashType in case of fileHashValue).
Submit tiIndicators Refer to the Create tiIndicator method for required fields for each tiIndicator. There's a limit of 100 tiIndicators per request. Refer to the Create tiIndicator method for required fields for each tiIndicator. There's a limit of 100 tiIndicators per request.
Update tiIndicator Required fields are: id, expirationDateTime, targetProduct.
Editable fields are: action, activityGroupNames, additionalInformation, confidence, description, diamondModel, expirationDateTime, externalId, isActive, killChain, knownFalsePositives, lastReportedDateTime, malwareFamilyNames, passiveOnly, severity, tags, tlpLevel.
Required fields are: id, expirationDateTime, targetProduct.
Editable fields are: expirationDateTime, severity, description.
Update tiIndicators Refer to the Update tiIndicator method for required and editable fields for each tiIndicator.

File issue

Delete tiIndicator Required field is: id. Required field is: id.
Delete tiIndicators Refer to the Delete tiIndicator method above for required field for each tiIndicator.

File issue


Property Type Description
action string The action to apply if the indicator is matched from within the targetProduct security tool. Possible values are: unknown, allow, block, alert. Required.
activityGroupNames String collection The cyber threat intelligence name(s) for the parties responsible for the malicious activity covered by the threat indicator.
additionalInformation String A catchall area for extra data from the indicator that is not specifically covered by other tiIndicator properties. The security tool specified by targetProduct typically does not utilize this data.
azureTenantId String Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested. The Microsoft Entra tenant id of submitting client. Required.
confidence Int32 An integer representing the confidence the data within the indicator accurately identifies malicious behavior. Acceptable values are 0 – 100 with 100 being the highest.
description String Brief description (100 characters or less) of the threat represented by the indicator. Required.
diamondModel diamondModel The area of the Diamond Model in which this indicator exists. Possible values are: unknown, adversary, capability, infrastructure, victim.
expirationDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime string indicating when the Indicator expires. All indicators must have an expiration date to avoid stale indicators persisting in the system. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Required.
externalId String An identification number that ties the indicator back to the indicator provider’s system (for example, a foreign key).
id String Created by the system when the indicator is ingested. Generated GUID/unique identifier. Read-only.
ingestedDateTime DateTimeOffset Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
isActive Boolean Used to deactivate indicators within system. By default, any indicator submitted is set as active. However, providers may submit existing indicators with this set to ‘False’ to deactivate indicators in the system.
killChain killChain collection A JSON array of strings that describes which point or points on the Kill Chain this indicator targets. See ‘killChain values’ below for exact values.
knownFalsePositives String Scenarios in which the indicator may cause false positives. This should be human-readable text.
lastReportedDateTime DateTimeOffset The last time the indicator was seen. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
malwareFamilyNames String collection The malware family name associated with an indicator if it exists. Microsoft prefers the Microsoft malware family name if at all possible that can be found via the Windows Defender Security Intelligence threat encyclopedia.
passiveOnly Boolean Determines if the indicator should trigger an event that is visible to an end-user. When set to ‘true,’ security tools won't notify the end user that a ‘hit’ has occurred. This is most often treated as audit or silent mode by security products where they'll simply log that a match occurred but won't perform the action. Default value is false.
severity Int32 An integer representing the severity of the malicious behavior identified by the data within the indicator. Acceptable values are 0 – 5 where 5 is the most severe and zero isn't severe at all. Default value is 3.
tags String collection A JSON array of strings that stores arbitrary tags/keywords.
targetProduct String A string value representing a single security product to which the indicator should be applied. Acceptable values are: Azure Sentinel, Microsoft Defender ATP. Required
threatType threatType Each indicator must have a valid Indicator Threat Type. Possible values are: Botnet, C2, CryptoMining, Darknet, DDoS, MaliciousUrl, Malware, Phishing, Proxy, PUA, WatchList. Required.
tlpLevel tlpLevel Traffic Light Protocol value for the indicator. Possible values are: unknown, white, green, amber, red. Required.

Indicator observables - email

Property Type Description
emailEncoding String The type of text encoding used in the email.
emailLanguage String The language of the email.
emailRecipient String Recipient email address.
emailSenderAddress String Email address of the attacker|victim.
emailSenderName String Displayed name of the attacker|victim.
emailSourceDomain String Domain used in the email.
emailSourceIpAddress String Source IP address of email.
emailSubject String Subject line of email.
emailXMailer String X-Mailer value used in the email.

Indicator observables - file

Property Type Description
fileCompileDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime when the file was compiled. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
fileCreatedDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime when the file was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
fileHashType string The type of hash stored in fileHashValue. Possible values are: unknown, sha1, sha256, md5, authenticodeHash256, lsHash, ctph.
fileHashValue String The file hash value.
fileMutexName String Mutex name used in file-based detections.
fileName String Name of the file if the indicator is file-based. Multiple file names may be delimited by commas.
filePacker String The packer used to build the file in question.
filePath String Path of file indicating compromise. May be a Windows or *nix style path.
fileSize Int64 Size of the file in bytes.
fileType String Text description of the type of file. For example, “Word Document” or “Binary”.

Indicator observables - network

Property Type Description
domainName String Domain name associated with this indicator. Should be of the format subdomain.domain.topleveldomain (For example, baddomain.domain.net)
networkCidrBlock String CIDR Block notation representation of the network referenced in this indicator. Use only if the Source and Destination can't be identified.
networkDestinationAsn Int32 The destination autonomous system identifier of the network referenced in the indicator.
networkDestinationCidrBlock String CIDR Block notation representation of the destination network in this indicator.
networkDestinationIPv4 String IPv4 IP address destination.
networkDestinationIPv6 String IPv6 IP address destination.
networkDestinationPort Int32 TCP port destination.
networkIPv4 String IPv4 IP address. Use only if the Source and Destination can't be identified.
networkIPv6 String IPv6 IP address. Use only if the Source and Destination can't be identified.
networkPort Int32 TCP port. Use only if the Source and Destination can't be identified.
networkProtocol Int32 Decimal representation of the protocol field in the IPv4 header.
networkSourceAsn Int32 The source autonomous system identifier of the network referenced in the indicator.
networkSourceCidrBlock String CIDR Block notation representation of the source network in this indicator
networkSourceIPv4 String IPv4 IP Address source.
networkSourceIPv6 String IPv6 IP Address source.
networkSourcePort Int32 TCP port source.
url String Uniform Resource Locator. This URL must comply with RFC 1738.
userAgent String User-Agent string from a web request that could indicate compromise.

diamondModel values

For information about this model, see The Diamond Model.

Member Value Description
unknown 0
adversary 1 The indicator describes the adversary.
capability 2 Indicator is a capability of the adversary.
infrastructure 3 The indicator describes infrastructure of the adversary.
victim 4 The indicator describes the victim of the adversary.
unknownFutureValue 127

killChain values

Member Description
Actions Indicates that the attacker is using the compromised system to take actions such as a distributed denial of service attack.
C2 Represents the control channel by which a compromised system is manipulated.
Delivery The process of distributing the exploit code to victims (for example USB, email, websites).
Exploitation The exploit code taking advantage of vulnerabilities (for example, code execution).
Installation Installing malware after a vulnerability has been exploited.
Reconnaissance Indicator is evidence of an activity group harvesting information to be used in a future attack.
Weaponization Turning a vulnerability into exploit code (for example, malware).

threatType values

Member Description
Botnet Indicator is detailing a botnet node/member.
C2 Indicator is detailing a Command & Control node of a botnet.
CryptoMining Traffic involving this network address / URL is an indication of CyrptoMining / Resource abuse.
Darknet Indicator is that of a Darknet node/network.
DDoS Indicators relating to an active or upcoming DDoS campaign.
MaliciousUrl URL that is serving malware.
Malware Indicator describing a malicious file or files.
Phishing Indicators relating to a phishing campaign.
Proxy Indicator is that of a proxy service.
PUA Potentially Unwanted Application.
WatchList This is the generic bucket for indicators for which the threat cannot be determined or which require manual interpretation. Partners submitting data into the system should not use this property.

tlpLevel values

Every indicator must also have a Traffic Light Protocol value when it's submitted. This value represents the sensitivity and sharing scope of a given indicator.

Member Description
White Sharing scope: Unlimited. Indicators can be shared freely, without restriction.
Green Sharing scope: Community. Indicators may be shared with the security community.
Amber Sharing scope: Limited. This is the default setting for indicators and restricts sharing to only those with a ‘need-to-know’ being 1) Services and service operators that implement threat intelligence 2) Customers whose system(s) exhibit behavior consistent with the indicator.
Red Sharing scope: Personal. These indicators are to only be shared directly and, preferably, in person. Typically, TLP Red indicators aren't ingested due to their predefined restrictions. If TLP Red indicators are submitted, the “PassiveOnly” property should be set to True as well.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "action": "string",
  "activityGroupNames": ["String"],
  "additionalInformation": "String",
  "azureTenantId": "String",
  "confidence": 1024,
  "description": "String",
  "diamondModel": "string",
  "domainName": "String",
  "emailEncoding": "String",
  "emailLanguage": "String",
  "emailRecipient": "String",
  "emailSenderAddress": "String",
  "emailSenderName": "String",
  "emailSourceDomain": "String",
  "emailSourceIpAddress": "String",
  "emailSubject": "String",
  "emailXMailer": "String",
  "expirationDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "externalId": "String",
  "fileCompileDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "fileCreatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "fileHashType": "string",
  "fileHashValue": "String",
  "fileMutexName": "String",
  "fileName": "String",
  "filePacker": "String",
  "filePath": "String",
  "fileSize": 1024,
  "fileType": "String",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "ingestedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "isActive": true,
  "killChain": ["String"],
  "knownFalsePositives": "String",
  "lastReportedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "malwareFamilyNames": ["String"],
  "networkCidrBlock": "String",
  "networkDestinationAsn": 1024,
  "networkDestinationCidrBlock": "String",
  "networkDestinationIPv4": "String",
  "networkDestinationIPv6": "String",
  "networkDestinationPort": 1024,
  "networkIPv4": "String",
  "networkIPv6": "String",
  "networkPort": 1024,
  "networkProtocol": 1024,
  "networkSourceAsn": 1024,
  "networkSourceCidrBlock": "String",
  "networkSourceIPv4": "String",
  "networkSourceIPv6": "String",
  "networkSourcePort": 1024,
  "passiveOnly": true,
  "severity": 1024,
  "tags": ["String"],
  "targetProduct": "String",
  "threatType": "String",
  "tlpLevel": "string",
  "url": "String",
  "userAgent": "String"