
다음을 통해 공유

synchronizationProgress resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the progress of a synchronizationJob toward completion.


Property Type Description
completedUnits Int32 The numerator of a progress ratio; the number of units of changes already processed.
progressObservationDateTime DateTimeOffset The time of a progress observation as an offset in minutes from UTC.
totalUnits Int32 The denominator of a progress ratio; a number of units of changes to be processed to accomplish synchronization.
units String An optional description of the units.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.synchronizationProgress",
  "completedUnits": "Integer",
  "progressObservationDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "totalUnits": "Integer",
  "units": "String"