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Add custom telemetry signals

When the Monitoring and telemetry feature is activated, telemetry is emitted to Azure Application Insights. Some telemetry is emitted out of the box. However, you can also provide extensions to add your own custom telemetry signals. These signals can provide more insights into your custom processes.

Telemetry logger

The main entry point for logging custom telemetry is through the SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger class. This class encapsulates the Azure Application Insights telemetry client and provides access to the operations that are required to track an event, page view, trace, exception, or metric.

The logger uses the static constructor pattern to ensure a singleton instance per user session. The encapsulated Azure Application Insights telemetry client is further cached to ensure that only one telemetry client is created per Application Object Server (AOS) instance.

Telemetry data contract types

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management currently support the following types of data contracts.

Type X++ class Application Insights data type
Event SysApplicationInsightsEventTelemetry Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.EventTelemetry
PageView SysApplicationInsightsPageViewTelemetry Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.PageViewTelemetry
Exception SysApplicationInsightsExceptionTelemetry Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.ExceptionTelemetry
Trace SysApplicationInsightsTraceTelemetry Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.TraceTelemetry


To log a custom event to Azure Application Insights, you can create an instance of the SysApplicationInsightsEventTelemetry class and pass in the necessary payload. Then use the trackEvent method on the SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger class to emit the event.

The following example shows how to emit an event when a record is created in the SysUserLog table.

[PostHandlerFor(tableStr(SysUserLog), tableMethodStr(SysUserLog, insert))]
internal static void logUserLogOn(XppPrePostArgs _args)
    if(     SysIntParameters::Find().CaptureUserSessions
        &&  SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryHelper::useSysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger())
        SysUserLog  sysUserLog = _args.getThis();
        UserInfo    userInfo;

        select firstonly RecId, ObjectId 
            from    userInfo 
            where   userInfo.id == sysUserLog.UserId;

        SysApplicationInsightsEventTelemetry eventTelemetry = SysApplicationInsightsEventTelemetry::newFromEventIdName('Admin001', 'UserLogOn');


Page views

Out of the box, Finance and Supply Chain Management already use pageView entries to log every form that is opened in the application.

[SubscribesTo(classStr(FormRun), staticDelegateStr(FormRun, onFormRunCompleted))]
public static void FormRun_onFormRunCompleted(FormRun _formInstance)
    if(     SysIntParameters::Find().CaptureFormRun
        &&  _formInstance.args()
        &&  _formInstance.args().menuItemName()
        &&  SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryHelper::useSysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger())
        SysApplicationInsightsPageViewTelemetry pageTelemetry = SysApplicationInsightsPageViewTelemetry::newFromPageIdName(_formInstance.instanceId(), _formInstance.args().menuItemName(), _formInstance.lifecycleHelper().GetFormLoadingDuration());


The following example shows how to track exceptions to Azure Application Insights by using the SysApplicationInsightsExceptionTelemetry contract and calling the trackException method on the SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger class.

SysApplicationInsightsExceptionTelemetry exceptionTelemetry = SysApplicationInsightsExceptionTelemetry::newFromExceptionMessage(Args.getArg('txt'));
exceptionTelemetry.addProperty(SysApplicationInsightsMethodNameProperty::newFromValue(staticmethodStr(Global, Error)));



The previous example is taken from the SysApplicationInsightsGlobalTelemetry class, where all errors that are presented in the Infolog are automatically emitted to Azure Application Insights.


The following example shows how to track exceptions to Azure Application Insights by using the SysApplicationInsightsTraceTelemetry contract and calling the trackTrace method on the SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger class.

SysApplicationInsightsTraceTelemetry traceTelemetry = SysApplicationInsightsTraceTelemetry::newFromMessageAndSeverity('My custom trace message', Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.SeverityLevel::Information);



Interaction with metrics differs from the previous examples. For metrics, you don't have to use a specific data contract. Instead, you can interact directly with the SysApplicationInsightsTelemetryLogger class by using the trackMetric method. The logger first gets the existing metric instance from Azure Application Insights and updates the value. By using trackMetricWithDimensions, you can add properties that should be used as dimensions. Values can then be sliced based on those dimensions.

For performance reasons, metrics use local preaggregation. This approach ensures that updates to a specific metric are sent to Azure Application Insights only after a one-minute period. The use of local preaggregation is beneficial in batch processing scenarios, where many updates to a specific metric can occur.

You can get a complete overview of metrics in Azure Monitor Metrics overview.