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Supported fonts

finance and operations apps include access to hundreds of standard, business-ready fonts available for documents rendered by the cloud-hosted service.

This portfolio will continue to grow as the service expands into new regions and industries. The service doesn't support installation of custom fonts in customer environments.

The following list captures the portfolio of font families available for documents produced using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) services in finance and operations apps.

Supported fonts for application version 8.3 with Platform update 32 or later

Font family Source
Agency FB Office font
Algerian Office font
Arial Finance and operations font
Arial Black Finance and operations font
Arial Narrow Finance and operations font
Arial Rounded MT Bold Office font
Baskerville Old Face Office font
Bauhaus 93 Office font
BC C128 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC C128 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C128 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC C128 Medium Finance and operations font
BC C128 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C128 Wide Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 Medium Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C39 2 to 1 Wide Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 Medium Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC C39 3 to 1 Wide Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 Medium Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC CBar 2 to 1 Wide Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 Medium Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC CBar 3 to 1 Wide Finance and operations font
BC I25 HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC I25 HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC I25 HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC I25 Medium Finance and operations font
BC I25 Narrow Finance and operations font
BC I25 Wide Finance and operations font
BC Postnet Finance and operations font
BC UPC HD Medium Finance and operations font
BC UPC HD Narrow Finance and operations font
BC UPC HD Wide Finance and operations font
BC UPC Medium Finance and operations font
BC UPC Narrow Finance and operations font
BC UPC Wide Finance and operations font
Bell MT Office font
Berlin Sans FB Office font
Berlin Sans FB Demi Office font
Bernard MT Condensed Office font
Blackadder ITC Office font
Bodoni MT Office font
Bodoni MT Black Office font
Bodoni MT Condensed Office font
Bodoni MT Poster Compres Office font
Book Antiqua Office font
Bookman Old Style Office font
Bookshelf Symbol 7 Office font
Bradley Hand ITC Office font
Britannic Bold Office font
Broadway Office font
Brush Script MT Office font
Buxton Sketch Office font
Calibri Finance and operations font
Calibri Light Finance and operations font
Californian FB Office font
Calisto MT Office font
Cambria Finance and operations font
Cambria Math Finance and operations font
Candara Finance and operations font
Castellar Office font
Centaur Office font
Century Office font
Century Gothic Office font
Century Schoolbook Office font
Chiller Office font
Colonna MT Office font
Comic Sans MS Finance and operations font
Consolas Finance and operations font
Constantia Finance and operations font
Cooper Black Office font
Copperplate Gothic Bold Office font
Copperplate Gothic Light Office font
Corbel Finance and operations font
Courier New Finance and operations font
Curlz MT Office font
DengXian Office font
Dotum Finance and operations font
DotumChe Finance and operations font
Ebrima Finance and operations font
Edwardian Script ITC Office font
Elephant Office font
Engravers MT Office font
Eras Bold ITC Office font
Eras Demi ITC Office font
Eras Light ITC Office font
Eras Medium ITC Office font
Felix Titling Office font
Footlight MT Light Office font
Forte Office font
Franklin Gothic Book Office font
Franklin Gothic Demi Office font
Franklin Gothic Demi Con Office font
Franklin Gothic Heavy Office font
Franklin Gothic Medium Finance and operations font
Franklin Gothic Medium C Office font
Freestyle Script Office font
French Script MT Office font
Gabriola Finance and operations font
Gadugi Finance and operations font
Garamond Office font
Georgia Finance and operations font
Gigi Office font
Gill Sans MT Office font
Gill Sans MT Condensed Office font
Gill Sans MT Ext Condens Office font
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Office font
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Con Office font
Gloucester MT Extra Cond Office font
Goudy Old Style Office font
Goudy Stout Office font
Gulim Finance and operations font
GulimChe Finance and operations font
Haettenschweiler Office font
Harlow Solid Italic Office font
Harrington Office font
High Tower Text Office font
IDAutomationMICR Finance and operations font
Impact Finance and operations font
Imprint MT Shadow Office font
Informal Roman Office font
Javanese Text Finance and operations font
Jokerman Office font
Juice ITC Office font
Kristen ITC Office font
Kunstler Script Office font
Leelawadee Office font
Leelawadee UI Finance and operations font
Leelawadee UI Semilight Finance and operations font
Lucida Bright Office font
Lucida Calligraphy Office font
Lucida Console Finance and operations font
Lucida Fax Office font
Lucida Handwriting Office font
Lucida Sans Office font
Lucida Sans Typewriter Office font
Lucida Sans Unicode Finance and operations font
Magneto Office font
Maiandra GD Office font
Malgun Gothic Finance and operations font
Malgun Gothic Semilight Finance and operations font
Marlett Finance and operations font
Matura MT Script Capital Office font
MICR E13B 2.1 Finance and operations font
Microsoft Himalaya Finance and operations font
Microsoft JhengHei Finance and operations font
Microsoft JhengHei Light Finance and operations font
Microsoft JhengHei UI Finance and operations font
Microsoft JhengHei UI Li Office font
Microsoft MHei Office font
Microsoft NeoGothic Office font
Microsoft New Tai Lue Finance and operations font
Microsoft PhagsPa Finance and operations font
Microsoft Sans Serif Finance and operations font
Microsoft Tai Le Finance and operations font
Microsoft Uighur Office font
Microsoft YaHei Finance and operations font
Microsoft YaHei Light Finance and operations font
Microsoft YaHei UI Finance and operations font
Microsoft YaHei UI Light Finance and operations font
Microsoft Yi Baiti Finance and operations font
MingLiU Finance and operations font
MingLiU-ExtB Finance and operations font
MingLiU_HKSCS Finance and operations font
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Finance and operations font
Mistral Office font
Modern No. 20 Office font
Mongolian Baiti Finance and operations font
Monotype Corsiva Office font
MS Gothic Finance and operations font
MS Outlook Office font
MS PGothic Finance and operations font
MS Reference Sans Serif Office font
MS Reference Specialty Office font
MS UI Gothic Finance and operations font
MT Extra Office font
MV Boli Finance and operations font
Myanmar Text Finance and operations font
Niagara Engraved Office font
Niagara Solid Office font
Nirmala UI Finance and operations font
Nirmala UI Semilight Finance and operations font
NSimSun Finance and operations font
OCR A Extended Office font
OCRB Finance and operations font
Old English Text MT Office font
Onyx Office font
Palace Script MT Office font
Palatino Linotype Finance and operations font
Papyrus Office font
Parchment Office font
Perpetua Office font
Perpetua Titling MT Office font
Playbill Office font
PMingLiU Finance and operations font
PMingLiU-ExtB Finance and operations font
Poor Richard Office font
Pristina Office font
Rage Italic Office font
Ravie Office font
Rockwell Office font
Rockwell Condensed Office font
Rockwell Extra Bold Office font
Script MT Bold Office font
Segoe Marker Office font
Segoe MDL2 Assets Finance and operations font
Segoe Print Finance and operations font
Segoe Script Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Black Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Emoji Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Historic Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Light Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Semibold Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Semilight Finance and operations font
Segoe UI Symbol Finance and operations font
Segoe WP Office font
Segoe WP Black Office font
Segoe WP Light Office font
Segoe WP Semibold Office font
Segoe WP SemiLight Office font
Showcard Gothic Office font
SimSun Finance and operations font
SimSun-ExtB Finance and operations font
Sitka Banner Finance and operations font
Sitka Display Finance and operations font
Sitka Heading Finance and operations font
Sitka Small Finance and operations font
Sitka Subheading Finance and operations font
Sitka Text Finance and operations font
SketchFlow Print Office font
Snap ITC Office font
Stencil Office font
Sylfaen Finance and operations font
Symbol Finance and operations font
Tahoma Finance and operations font
Tempus Sans ITC Office font
Times New Roman Finance and operations font
Trebuchet MS Finance and operations font
Tw Cen MT Office font
Tw Cen MT Condensed Office font
Tw Cen MT Condensed Extr Office font
Verdana Finance and operations font
Viner Hand ITC Office font
Vivaldi Office font
Vladimir Script Office font
Webdings Finance and operations font
Wide Latin Office font
Wingdings Finance and operations font
Wingdings 2 Office font
Wingdings 3 Office font
Yu Gothic Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic Light Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic Medium Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic UI Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic UI Light Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic UI Semibold Finance and operations font
Yu Gothic UI Semilight Finance and operations font

Supported fonts for application version 8.0 with Platform update 23

Number Font family
1 Agency FB
2 Algerian
3 Arial
4 Arial Black
5 Arial Narrow
6 Arial Rounded MT Bold
7 Baskerville Old Face
8 Bauhaus 93
9 BC C128 HD Medium
10 BC C128 HD Narrow
11 BC C128 HD Wide
12 BC C128 Medium
13 BC C128 Narrow
14 BC C128 Wide
15 BC C39 2 to 1 HD Medium
16 BC C39 2 to 1 HD Narrow
17 BC C39 2 to 1 HD Wide
18 BC C39 2 to 1 Medium
19 BC C39 2 to 1 Narrow
20 BC C39 2 to 1 Wide
21 BC C39 3 to 1 HD Medium
22 BC C39 3 to 1 HD Narrow
23 BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide
24 BC C39 3 to 1 Medium
25 BC C39 3 to 1 Narrow
26 BC C39 3 to 1 Wide
27 BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Medium
28 BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Narrow
29 BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Wide
30 BC CBar 2 to 1 Medium
31 BC CBar 2 to 1 Narrow
32 BC CBar 2 to 1 Wide
33 BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Medium
34 BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Narrow
35 BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Wide
36 BC CBar 3 to 1 Medium
37 BC CBar 3 to 1 Narrow
38 BC CBar 3 to 1 Wide
39 BC I25 HD Medium
40 BC I25 HD Narrow
41 BC I25 HD Wide
42 BC I25 Medium
43 BC I25 Narrow
44 BC I25 Wide
45 BC Postnet
46 BC UPC HD Medium
47 BC UPC HD Narrow
48 BC UPC HD Wide
49 BC UPC Medium
50 BC UPC Narrow
51 BC UPC Wide
52 Bell MT
53 Berlin Sans FB
54 Berlin Sans FB Demi
55 Bernard MT Condensed
56 Blackadder ITC
57 Bodoni MT
58 Bodoni MT Black
59 Bodoni MT Condensed
60 Bodoni MT Poster Compres
61 Book Antiqua
62 Bookman Old Style
63 Bookshelf Symbol 7
64 Bradley Hand ITC
65 Britannic Bold
66 Broadway
67 Brush Script MT
68 Buxton Sketch
69 Calibri
70 Calibri Light
71 Californian FB
72 Calisto MT
73 Cambria
74 Cambria Math
75 Candara
76 Castellar
77 Centaur
78 Century
79 Century Gothic
80 Century Schoolbook
81 Chiller
82 Colonna MT
83 Comic Sans MS
84 Consolas
85 Constantia
86 Cooper Black
87 Copperplate Gothic Bold
88 Copperplate Gothic Light
89 Corbel
90 Courier New
91 Curlz MT
92 DengXian
93 Dotum
94 DotumChe
95 Ebrima
96 Edwardian Script ITC
97 Elephant
98 Engravers MT
99 Eras Bold ITC
100 Eras Demi ITC
101 Eras Light ITC
102 Eras Medium ITC
103 Felix Titling
104 Footlight MT Light
105 Forte
106 Franklin Gothic Book
107 Franklin Gothic Demi
108 Franklin Gothic Demi Con
109 Franklin Gothic Heavy
110 Franklin Gothic Medium
111 Franklin Gothic Medium C
112 Freestyle Script
113 French Script MT
114 Gabriola
115 Gadugi
116 Garamond
117 Georgia
118 Gigi
119 Gill Sans MT
120 Gill Sans MT Condensed
121 Gill Sans MT Ext Condens
122 Gill Sans Ultra Bold
123 Gill Sans Ultra Bold Con
124 Gloucester MT Extra Cond
125 Goudy Old Style
126 Goudy Stout
127 Gulim
128 GulimChe
129 Haettenschweiler
130 Harlow Solid Italic
131 Harrington
132 High Tower Text
133 IDAutomationMICR
134 Impact
135 Imprint MT Shadow
136 Informal Roman
137 Javanese Text
138 Jokerman
139 Juice ITC
140 Kristen ITC
141 Kunstler Script
142 Leelawadee
143 Leelawadee UI
144 Leelawadee UI Semilight
145 Lucida Bright
146 Lucida Calligraphy
147 Lucida Console
148 Lucida Fax
149 Lucida Handwriting
150 Lucida Sans
151 Lucida Sans Typewriter
152 Lucida Sans Unicode
153 Magneto
154 Maiandra GD
155 Malgun Gothic
156 Malgun Gothic Semilight
157 Marlett
158 Matura MT Script Capital
159 MICR E13B 2.1
160 Microsoft Himalaya
161 Microsoft JhengHei
162 Microsoft JhengHei Light
163 Microsoft JhengHei UI
164 Microsoft JhengHei UI Li
165 Microsoft MHei
166 Microsoft NeoGothic
167 Microsoft New Tai Lue
168 Microsoft PhagsPa
169 Microsoft Sans Serif
170 Microsoft Tai Le
171 Microsoft Uighur
172 Microsoft YaHei
173 Microsoft YaHei Light
174 Microsoft YaHei UI
175 Microsoft YaHei UI Light
176 Microsoft Yi Baiti
177 MingLiU
178 MingLiU-ExtB
179 MingLiU_HKSCS
180 MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
181 Mistral
182 Modern No. 20
183 Mongolian Baiti
184 Monotype Corsiva
185 MS Gothic
186 MS Outlook
187 MS PGothic
188 MS Reference Sans Serif
189 MS Reference Specialty
190 MS UI Gothic
191 MT Extra
192 MV Boli
193 Myanmar Text
194 Niagara Engraved
195 Niagara Solid
196 Nirmala UI
197 Nirmala UI Semilight
198 NSimSun
199 OCR A Extended
200 OCRB
201 Old English Text MT
202 Onyx
203 Palace Script MT
204 Palatino Linotype
205 Papyrus
206 Parchment
207 Perpetua
208 Perpetua Titling MT
209 Playbill
210 PMingLiU
211 PMingLiU-ExtB
212 Poor Richard
213 Pristina
214 Rage Italic
215 Ravie
216 Rockwell
217 Rockwell Condensed
218 Rockwell Extra Bold
219 Script MT Bold
220 Segoe Marker
221 Segoe MDL2 Assets
222 Segoe Print
223 Segoe Script
224 Segoe UI
225 Segoe UI Black
226 Segoe UI Emoji
227 Segoe UI Historic
228 Segoe UI Light
229 Segoe UI Semibold
230 Segoe UI Semilight
231 Segoe UI Symbol
232 Segoe WP
233 Segoe WP Black
234 Segoe WP Light
235 Segoe WP Semibold
236 Segoe WP SemiLight
237 Showcard Gothic
238 SimSun
239 SimSun-ExtB
240 Sitka Banner
241 Sitka Display
242 Sitka Heading
243 Sitka Small
244 Sitka Subheading
245 Sitka Text
246 SketchFlow Print
247 Snap ITC
248 Stencil
249 Sylfaen
250 Symbol
251 Tahoma
252 Tempus Sans ITC
253 Times New Roman
254 Trebuchet MS
255 Tw Cen MT
256 Tw Cen MT Condensed
257 Tw Cen MT Condensed Extr
258 Verdana
259 Viner Hand ITC
260 Vivaldi
261 Vladimir Script
262 Webdings
263 Wide Latin
264 Wingdings
265 Wingdings 2
266 Wingdings 3
267 Yu Gothic
268 Yu Gothic Light
269 Yu Gothic Medium
270 Yu Gothic UI
271 Yu Gothic UI Light
272 Yu Gothic UI Semibold
273 Yu Gothic UI Semilight