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Electronic reporting framework API changes for Application update 10.0.25

This article describes how the application programming interfaces (APIs) of the Electronic reporting (ER) framework have been changed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance version 10.0.25.

API to enable a model mapping to be run in batch mode

The initial API of the ER framework lets you run an ER model mapping for data import in interactive mode. To specify an ER format for inbound file parsing and an ER model mapping for application data update, this API uses the format name and the integration point.

The new ERIModelMappingDestinationWithVirtualSourceRun public interface of the ER framework lets you run an ER model mapping in batch mode for data import of an inbound file. To provide the file, you can either manually select it in the ER user interface (UI) or provide it programmatically.

The code of the ERModelMappingDestinationRun class shows how you can use the new API to include the Run in the background tab in the dialog box so that data import can be run in batch mode.

private ERModelMappingDestinationRunController getControllerInternal()
        if (!controller)
            controller = ERModelMappingDestinationRunController::construct();
            controller.showBatchTab(showPromptDialog && showBatchTab && this.isBatchEnabledForFileSource());
            controller.parmIsImportLoadingFilesFromSource(this.getImportFormatFileSourceContract() != null);
        return controller;

    private boolean isBatchEnabledForFileSource()
        var fileSource = this.getImportFormatFileSourceContract();
        if (ERCast::asAny(fileSource) is ERImportFormatDatasourceByVirtualFileSourceContract)
            return useVirtualImportFormatSource;
            return ERCast::asAny(fileSource) is ERImportFormatDatasourceByFileSourceContract;

To learn more about this interface, complete the examples in Import data from manually selected files in batch mode.