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FAQ for Microsoft Teams Integration with Business Central

APPLIES TO: Business Central online

What's the technology behind the card in Teams?

The ability to translate a URL into a card is known as link unfurling. Unfurling is one of many extensibility points offered by Teams. When the Business Central link is pasted into message box of a Teams conversation, Teams does the following operations:

  1. Matches the domain of the URL to Business Central, which is associated with the Business Central app for Teams.
  2. Connects to a micro-service that forms part of the Business Central Online services
  3. Returns an adaptive card.

Adaptive cards are platform-agnostic way to display compact blocks of information. To learn more, see Link unfurling and Cards in the Teams documentation.

What's the technology behind the card details?

Within the portfolio of extensibility points, Teams offers the Stage View. The Stage View module is a mechanism to display a large window and canvas within Teams.

Applying the strengths of Business Central's modern client stack, Teams displays an adaptation of the Business Central Web client in this window.

For more information, go to Tabs link unfurling and Stage View in the Teams documentation.

What licenses are required for these features to work?

This table gives you an overview of the licenses needed for these features in Teams.

What Teams license Business Central license
Send a card Teams license check mark Business Central license check mark
View a card Teams license check mark.
View card details Teams license check mark Business Central license check mark*
Add a tab Teams license check mark Business Central license check mark
View a tab Teams license check mark Business Central license check mark*
  • If the environment allows access with Microsoft 365 license, a Business Central license isn't required for these features.

What permissions in Business Central are required for these features to work?

Business Central features in Teams are protected by Business Central's security stack configured by developers and administrators:

  • A user who pastes a link into a conversation must have at least read permission to the page and data that is targeted by the link. Otherwise, the link won't expand into card. This requirement is identical to what is required in Business Central.
  • Once a card has been submitted in a conversation, any user in that conversation can view that card without having permission to Business Central. However, to view the card details, users have to have at least read permission to the target page and data. To make changes to data, they'll need modify permissions.
  • A user can only add a tab containing objects they have permission to.
  • Once a tab has been added, any user in that chat or channel must have at least read permission to the target page and data. To make changes to data, they’ll need modify permissions.

Does the Business Central app for Teams allow me to connect to Teams APIs?

The Business Central platform doesn't provide any specific ways to call Team APIs from AL code. For example, you can't programmatically create a new team with channels and users. To extend Business Central using Teams APIs, known as connectors, see Teams extensibility documentation at https://developer.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams.

Can I display custom pages in tabs?

Yes. Business Central doesn't restrict which object ranges you can display in a tab. However, the user accessing the tab must have a license and permissions to that object.

Can I display Role Center pages in a tab?

Role Center pages aren't supported in tabs and card details windows. To display business insights, charts, and KPIs, try building Power BI reports that can be displayed and accessed in Teams. Learn about adding the Power BI app to Teams at Embed Power BI content in Microsoft Teams.

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