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Walkthrough: Create custom financial reports

The examples in this article describe how to create the following reports:

  • Example 1 creates a Trial Balance report
  • Example 2 creates a Balance Sheet report
  • Example 3 creates an Income Statement report


The examples are based on the demonstration data that Business Central provides for its CRONUS demonstration company.


Formulas are expressed as a row number reference, such as "R" or "CA" (current assets), which adds all accounts with row number "R" or "CA."

Example 1: Trial Balance

In this example, we have a new financial report called Trial Balance and a new row definition called TB.

Shows the trial balance selection.

  1. Open the new Trial Balance report.

  2. Open the TB row definition, and choose Insert.

  3. Choose the Insert G/L Accounts action to open the G/L Accounts page.

  4. Filter the Account Type column to Posting.


    To quickly apply the filter, choose any row that has Posting in the Account Type column, and then right-click the Account Type column header and choose Filter to this value.

  5. On the first line, choose Show more options Show more options icon. , and then choose Select more.

  6. Select all lines by choosing the radio button next to the first column header.

    Shows how to select all lines.

  7. Choose OK to assign all general ledger accounts with a totaling type of Posting to your row definition.


    To sum the results of all lines, add a formula on the last line of the row definition. Because this is a trial balance report, the expected result is zero.

Your trial balance report is complete. To view the report, choose the report on the Financial Reporting page, and then choose View Financial Report. Choose the column definition you prefer for the report. Often used column definitions for a trial balance report are Balance Only, M-Balance, and Default.


If you add a new general ledger account to the chart of accounts, you must update your row definition to include it. Otherwise, your trial balance report won't balance to zero.

Example 2: Balance Sheet

In this example, we have a new financial report called Balance Sheet and a new row definition called BS.

Shows a balance sheet selection in financial reporting.

  1. Open the Balance Sheet report.
  2. Open the BS row definition.
  3. Map the accounts as shown in the following table. This example maps the balance sheet to the chart of accounts in the CRONUS demonstration company.
Row No. Description Totaling Type Totaling Row Type Bold
Current Assets Formula Balance at Date Yes
CA Cash Posting Accounts 18000..18999 Balance at Date
CA Accounts Receivable Posting Accounts 15000..15999 Balance at Date
CA Other Receivables Posting Accounts 13000..13999 Balance at Date
CA Inventory Posting Accounts 14000..14999 Balance at Date
CA Prepaid Expenses Posting Accounts 16000..16999 Balance at Date
CA Other Current Assets Posting Accounts 100000..11999 Balance at Date
F1 Total Current Assets Formula Balance at Date
Formula Balance at Date
Long Term Assets Balance at Date Yes
LTA Fixed Assets Posting Accounts 10000..12899 Balance at Date
LTA Accumulated Depreciation Posting Accounts 12900..12999 Balance at Date
LTA Other Long Term Assets Posting Accounts 17000..17999 19000..19999 Balance at Date
F2 Total Long Term Assets Formula LTA Balance at Date Yes
Formula Balance at Date
F3 Total Assets F1+F2 Balance at Date

The following table describes the fields on the Row Definition page.

Field Description
Row No. Alphanumeric codes are used for each section. The codes let you group by row number when you use formulas. Groupings help make formulas shorter and more simple. Each formula line is labeled with an alphanumeric code for easy identification.
Description Used to hold the words to label each row of the report.
Totaling type Formula is used in three ways:

* To add the results of rows together.

* When combined with a section header or total.

* When inserting a blank row into the report.

Posting accounts are used to indicate that the row pulls the result of posted transactions based on the accounts listed in the Totaling column.
Totaling Contains either a range of accounts shown as 10000..11999, or multiple nonconsecutive ranges of accounts shown as 17000..17999|19000..19999.

Formulas are expressed as a row number reference, such as CA, which adds all accounts with Row No. of CA.

Following the general accounting convention of displaying financial report lines in the order of liquidity, general ledger accounts initially appear out of order. Notice that accounts show in the ranges created for each line. Totaling ranges let the report update dynamically when you add a new general ledger account to your chart of accounts.
Row type Balance at Date is used for Balance Sheet reports.
Bold Section headers and totals are set to Bold so they stand out.


This example shows a summarized balance sheet, where each line is a group of related balance sheet accounts. Your report’s level of summarization is up to you. Good financial report design tries to provide enough detail to tell the story of financial performance without detailing every account. Avoid creating a balance sheet that is a categorized trial balance. It can be hard for people to digest such a large amount of information.

Continue to add balance sheet sections as shown in the following table. You can incorporate your own account groupings to create or replicate your company’s method of displaying accounts.

The last line of this report is a check figure that the report complies with the accounting equation where Assets=Liabilities+Equity. The result of this check figure should be zero. If it isn't zero, it's a good indication that there's a problem:

  • Some accounts aren't included in the report.
  • Accounts might be included more than once.
  • A formula in the report isn't calculating correctly.
Row No. Description Totaling Type Totaling Row Type Bold
Current Liabilities Formula Balance at Date Yes
CL Accounts Payable Posting Accounts 22100..22399 Balance at Date
CL Accrued Payroll Posting Accounts 23500..25399 26100..26399 Balance at Date
CL Accrued Tax Posting Accounts 23100..23499 Balance at Date
CL Accrued Other Posting Accounts 26400..29999 Balance at Date
CL Other Current Liabilities Posting Accounts 22400..23099 25400..26099 Balance at Date
F4 Total Current Liabilities Formula CL Balance at Date Yes
Formula Balance at Date
Long Term Liabilities Posting Accounts Balance at Date Yes
LTL Notes Payable Posting Accounts 20000..21299 Balance at Date
LTL Other Long Term Liabilities Posting Accounts 21300..22099 Balance at Date
F5 Total Long Term Liabilities Formula LTL Balance at Date Yes
Formula Balance at Date
F6 Total Liabilities Formula F4+F5 Balance at Date Yes
Formula Balance at date
Equity Formula Balance at Date
E Common Stock Posting Accounts 30000..30299 Balance at Date
E Retained Earnings Posting Accounts 30300..39999 Balance at Date
E Current Year Earnings Posting Accounts 40000..99999 Balance at Date
F7 Total Equity Formula E Balance at Date
Formula Balance at Date
F8 Total Liabilities and Equity Formula F6+F7 Balance at Date Yes
Formula Balance at Date
F9 Check Figure Formula F3+F8 Balance at Date

Your balance sheet financial report is complete. To view the report, choose the report on the Financial Reporting page and select View Financial Report. Select any column definition to use with this report. The column definitions that are typically used for a balance sheet are Balance Only, M-Balance, and Default. You can also create a new column definition if you want.

The following image shows the structure of the report in this example.

Shows the structure of the balance sheet report

Example 3: Income Statement

In this example, we have a new financial report called Income Statement and a new row definition called IS.

Shows the income statement selection.

  1. Open the Income Statement report.
  2. Open the IS row definition.
  3. Map the accounts as shown in the following table. This example maps the balance sheet to the chart of accounts in the CRONUS demonstration company.
Row No. Description Totaling Type Totaling Row Type Bold
Revenue Formula Net Change Yes
R Product Revenue Posting Accounts 40000..40209 Net Change
R Job Revenue Posting Accounts 40410..40429 Net Change
R Services Revenue Posting Accounts 40210..40309 40430..40909 Net Change
R Other Revenue Posting Accounts 40310..40409 40920..40939 Net Change
R Discounts and Returns Posting Accounts 40910..40919 40940..49999 Net Change
F1 Total Revenue Formula R Net Change Yes
Formula Net Change
Cost of Goods Formula Net Change
C Materials Posting Accounts 50000..50209 Net Change
C Labor Posting Accounts 50210..59999 Net Change
C Manufacturing Overhead Posting Accounts 60000..69999 Net Change
F2 Total Cost of Goods Formula C Net Change Yes
Formula Net Change
F3 Gross Margin USD Formula F1+F2 Net Change Yes
F4 Gross Margin % Formula F3/F1*100 Net Change Yes

The following table describes the fields on the Row Definition page.

Field Description
Row No. Alphanumeric codes are used for each section. The codes let you group by row number when you use formulas. Groupings help make formulas shorter and more simple. Each formula line is labeled with an alphanumeric code for easy identification.
Description Used to hold the words to label each row of the report.
Totaling type Formula is used in three ways:

* To add the results of rows together.

* When combined with a section header or total.

* When inserting a blank row into the report.

Posting accounts are used to indicate that the row pulls the result of posted transactions based on the accounts listed in the Totaling column.
Totaling Contains either a range of accounts shown as 40000..40209, or multiple nonconsecutive ranges of accounts shown as 40210..40309|40430..40909.

Formulas are expressed as a row number reference, such as CA, which adds all accounts with Row No. of CA.

Following the general accounting convention of displaying financial report lines in the order of liquidity, general ledger accounts initially appear out of order. Notice that accounts show in the ranges created for each line. Totaling ranges let the report update dynamically when you add a new general ledger account to your chart of accounts.
Row type Balance at Date is used for Balance Sheet reports.
Bold Section headers and totals are set to Bold so they stand out.


This example shows a summarized income statement, where each line is a group of related incomes statement accounts. Your report’s level of summarization is up to you. Good financial report design attempts to provide enough detail to tell the story of financial performance without detailing every account. Avoid creating an income statement that's a categorized trial balance. It can be hard for people to digest such a large amount of information.

Continue to add income statement sections as shown in the following table. You can incorporate your own account groupings to create or replicate your company’s method of displaying accounts.

The last line of this report is a check figure that the report complies with the accounting equation where Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The result of this check figure should always be zero. If it isn't zero, it's a good indication that there's a problem:

  • Some accounts aren't included in the report.
  • Accounts might be included more than once.
  • A formula in the report isn't calculating correctly.
Row No. Description Totaling Type Totaling Row Type Bold
Operating Expense Formula Net Change Yes
OE Salaries and Wages Posting Accounts 70000..72109 Net Change
OE Employee Benefits Posting Accounts 72110..73299 Net Change
OE Employee Insurance Posting Accounts 73300..74109 Net Change
OE Employee Tax Posting Accounts 74110..79999 Net Change
OE Depreciation Posting Accounts 80000..89999 Net Change
OE Other Expense Posting Accounts 90000..99999 Net Change
F5 Total Operating Expense Formula OE Net Change Yes
Formula Net Change
F6 Net (Income) / Loss Formula F1+F2+F5 Net Change
Formula Net Change
F7 Total of Income Statement Posting Accounts 40000..99999 Net Change
F8 Check Figure Formula F6-F7 Net Change

Your income statement report is complete. To view the report, choose the report on the Financial Reporting page, and select View Financial Report. Select any column definition you like to use with this report. The often used column definitions for an income statement are M-NetChang and PTD + YTD. You can also create a new column definition.

The following image shows the structure of the report in this example.

Shows the structure of the income statement report.

See also

Primary capabilities of financial reporting
Walkthrough: Make cash flow forecasts using financial reports
Prepare financial reporting with financial data and account categories
Financial analytics overview