다음을 통해 공유

StylusPointPropertyUnit 열거형


StylusPoint 속성의 측정 단위를 지정합니다.

public enum class StylusPointPropertyUnit
public enum StylusPointPropertyUnit
type StylusPointPropertyUnit = 
Public Enum StylusPointPropertyUnit


Name Description
Centimeters 2

StylusPoint 속성이 센티미터 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

Degrees 3

StylusPoint 속성이 도 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

Grams 7

StylusPoint 속성이 그램 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

Inches 1

StylusPoint 속성이 인치 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

None 0

StylusPoint 속성의 단위가 지정되어 있지 않음을 나타냅니다.

Pounds 6

StylusPoint 속성이 파운드 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

Radians 4

StylusPoint 속성이 라디안 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.

Seconds 5

StylusPoint 속성이 초 단위로 측정됨을 나타냅니다.


다음 예제에서는 StylusPointDescription 에서 개체를 StylusPointCollection 각각에 대 한 정보를 가져옵니다 StylusPointPropertyInfoStylusPointDescription합니다.

private void WriteDescriptionInfo(StylusPointCollection points)
    StylusPointDescription pointsDescription = points.Description;
    ReadOnlyCollection<StylusPointPropertyInfo> properties = 

    StringWriter descriptionStringWriter = new StringWriter();
    descriptionStringWriter.Write("Property Count:{0}", pointsDescription.PropertyCount.ToString());
    foreach (StylusPointPropertyInfo property in properties)
        // GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
        // name of the property.
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("name = {0}", GetStylusPointPropertyName(property).ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Guid = {0}", property.Id.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  IsButton = {0}", property.IsButton.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Min = {0}", property.Minimum.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Max = {0}", property.Maximum.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Unit = {0}", property.Unit.ToString());
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Res {0}", property.Resolution.ToString());

    descriptionOutput.Text = descriptionStringWriter.ToString();
Private Sub WriteDescriptionInfo(ByVal points As StylusPointCollection) 

    Dim pointsDescription As StylusPointDescription = points.Description

    Dim properties As ReadOnlyCollection(Of StylusPointPropertyInfo) = _

    Dim descriptionStringWriter As New StringWriter
    descriptionStringWriter.Write("Property Count:{0}", pointsDescription.PropertyCount.ToString())
    Dim pointProperty As StylusPointPropertyInfo
    For Each pointProperty In properties

        ' GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
        ' name of the property.
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("name = {0}", GetStylusPointPropertyName(pointProperty).ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Guid = {0}", pointProperty.Id.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  IsButton = {0}", pointProperty.IsButton.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Min = {0}", pointProperty.Minimum.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Max = {0}", pointProperty.Maximum.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.Write("  Unit = {0}", pointProperty.Unit.ToString())
        descriptionStringWriter.WriteLine("  Res {0}", pointProperty.Resolution.ToString())

    Next pointProperty

    descriptionOutput.Text = descriptionStringWriter.ToString()

End Sub
// Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
private string GetStylusPointPropertyName(StylusPointProperty currentProperty)
    Guid guid = currentProperty.Id;

    // Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    // that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    foreach (FieldInfo theFieldInfo
        in typeof(StylusPointProperties).GetFields())
        StylusPointProperty property = (StylusPointProperty) theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty);
        if (property.Id == guid)
            return theFieldInfo.Name;
    return "Not found";
' Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
Private Function GetStylusPointPropertyName(ByVal currentProperty As StylusPointProperty) As String 
    Dim guid As Guid = currentProperty.Id
    ' Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    ' that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    Dim theFieldInfo As FieldInfo

    For Each theFieldInfo In GetType(StylusPointProperties).GetFields()

        Dim pointProperty As StylusPointProperty = _
            CType(theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty), StylusPointProperty)

        If pointProperty.Id = guid Then
            Return theFieldInfo.Name
        End If

    Next theFieldInfo

    Return "Not found"

End Function 'GetStylusPointPropertyName

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