다음을 통해 공유

Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(String) 메서드


명명된 데이터 슬롯을 찾습니다. 성능을 향상시키려면 ThreadStaticAttribute 특성으로 표시된 필드를 대신 사용합니다.

 static LocalDataStoreSlot ^ GetNamedDataSlot(System::String ^ name);
public static LocalDataStoreSlot GetNamedDataSlot(string name);
static member GetNamedDataSlot : string -> LocalDataStoreSlot
Public Shared Function GetNamedDataSlot (name As String) As LocalDataStoreSlot

매개 변수


로컬 데이터 슬롯의 이름입니다.


이 스레드에 대해 할당된 LocalDataStoreSlot입니다.


이 섹션에는 두 코드 예제가 있습니다. 첫 번째 예제에서는 특성으로 ThreadStaticAttribute 표시된 필드를 사용하여 스레드 관련 정보를 보유하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 두 번째 예제에서는 데이터 슬롯을 사용하여 동일한 작업을 수행하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

첫 번째 예제

다음 예제에서는 로 표시된 ThreadStaticAttribute 필드를 사용하여 스레드 관련 정보를 보유하는 방법을 보여 주는 예제입니다. 이 기술은 두 번째 예제에 표시된 기술보다 더 나은 성능을 제공합니다.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;

ref class ThreadData
   static int threadSpecificData;

   static void ThreadStaticDemo()
      // Store the managed thread id for each thread in the static
      // variable.
      threadSpecificData = Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId;
      // Allow other threads time to execute the same code, to show
      // that the static data is unique to each thread.
      Thread::Sleep( 1000 );

      // Display the static data.
      Console::WriteLine( "Data for managed thread {0}: {1}", 
         Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId, threadSpecificData );

int main()
   for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
      Thread^ newThread = 
          gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( ThreadData::ThreadStaticDemo )); 

/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

Data for managed thread 4: 4
Data for managed thread 5: 5
Data for managed thread 3: 3
using System;
using System.Threading;

class Test
    static void Main()
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            Thread newThread = new Thread(ThreadData.ThreadStaticDemo);

class ThreadData
    static int threadSpecificData;

    public static void ThreadStaticDemo()
        // Store the managed thread id for each thread in the static
        // variable.
        threadSpecificData = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        // Allow other threads time to execute the same code, to show
        // that the static data is unique to each thread.
        Thread.Sleep( 1000 );

        // Display the static data.
        Console.WriteLine( "Data for managed thread {0}: {1}", 
            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, threadSpecificData );

/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

Data for managed thread 4: 4
Data for managed thread 5: 5
Data for managed thread 3: 3
open System
open System.Threading

type ThreadData() =
    // Create a static variable to hold the data for each thread.
    [<ThreadStatic; DefaultValue>]
    static val mutable private threadSpecificData : int

    static member ThreadStaticDemo() =
        // Store the managed thread id for each thread in the static
        // variable.
        ThreadData.threadSpecificData <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        // Allow other threads time to execute the same code, to show
        // that the static data is unique to each thread.
        Thread.Sleep 1000

        // Display the static data.
        printfn $"Data for managed thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: {ThreadData.threadSpecificData}" 

for i = 0 to 2 do 
    let newThread = Thread ThreadData.ThreadStaticDemo

// This code example produces output similar to the following:
//       Data for managed thread 4: 4
//       Data for managed thread 5: 5
//       Data for managed thread 3: 3
Imports System.Threading

Class Test

    <MTAThread> _
    Shared Sub Main()

        For i As Integer = 1 To 3
            Dim newThread As New Thread(AddressOf ThreadData.ThreadStaticDemo)
        Next i

    End Sub

End Class

Class ThreadData

    <ThreadStatic> _
    Shared threadSpecificData As Integer

    Shared Sub ThreadStaticDemo()

        ' Store the managed thread id for each thread in the static
        ' variable.
        threadSpecificData = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        ' Allow other threads time to execute the same code, to show
        ' that the static data is unique to each thread.
        Thread.Sleep( 1000 )

        ' Display the static data.
        Console.WriteLine( "Data for managed thread {0}: {1}", _
            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, threadSpecificData )

    End Sub

End Class

' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'Data for managed thread 4: 4
'Data for managed thread 5: 5
'Data for managed thread 3: 3

두 번째 예제

다음 예제에서는 명명된 데이터 슬롯을 사용하여 스레드 관련 정보를 저장하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;

ref class Slot
    static Random^ randomGenerator = gcnew Random();

    static void SlotTest()
        // Set random data in each thread's data slot.
        int slotData = randomGenerator->Next(1, 200);
        int threadId = Thread::CurrentThread->ManagedThreadId;


        // Show what was saved in the thread's data slot.
        Console::WriteLine("Data stored in thread_{0}'s data slot: {1,3}",
            threadId, slotData);

        // Allow other threads time to execute SetData to show
        // that a thread's data slot is unique to itself.

        int newSlotData =

        if (newSlotData == slotData)
            Console::WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot is still: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData);
            Console::WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot changed to: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData);

ref class Test
    static void Main()
        array<Thread^>^ newThreads = gcnew array<Thread^>(4);
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < newThreads->Length; i++)
            newThreads[i] =
                gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(&Slot::SlotTest));
        for (i = 0; i < newThreads->Length; i++)
            Console::WriteLine("Thread_{0} finished.",

int main()
using System;
using System.Threading;

class Test
    public static void Main()
        Thread[] newThreads = new Thread[4];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < newThreads.Length; i++)
            newThreads[i] =
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(Slot.SlotTest));
        for (i = 0; i < newThreads.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Thread_{0} finished.",

class Slot
    private static Random randomGenerator = new Random();

    public static void SlotTest()
        // Set random data in each thread's data slot.
        int slotData = randomGenerator.Next(1, 200);
        int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;


        // Show what was saved in the thread's data slot.
        Console.WriteLine("Data stored in thread_{0}'s data slot: {1,3}",
            threadId, slotData);

        // Allow other threads time to execute SetData to show
        // that a thread's data slot is unique to itself.

        int newSlotData =

        if (newSlotData == slotData)
            Console.WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot is still: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData);
            Console.WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot changed to: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData);
open System
open System.Threading

module Slot =
    let private randomGenerator = Random()

    let slotTest () =
        // Set random data in each thread's data slot.
        let slotData = randomGenerator.Next(1, 200)
        let threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId

        Thread.SetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot "Random", slotData)

        // Show what was saved in the thread's data slot.
        printfn $"Data stored in thread_{threadId}'s data slot: {slotData, 3}"

        // Allow other threads time to execute SetData to show
        // that a thread's data slot is unique to itself.
        Thread.Sleep 1000

        let newSlotData = Thread.GetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot "Random") :?> int

        if newSlotData = slotData then
            printfn $"Data in thread_{threadId}'s data slot is still: {newSlotData, 3}"
            printfn $"Data in thread_{threadId}'s data slot changed to: {newSlotData, 3}"

let newThreads =
    [| for _ = 0 to 3 do
           let thread = Thread Slot.slotTest
           thread |]

Thread.Sleep 2000

for tread in newThreads do
    printfn $"Thread_{tread.ManagedThreadId} finished."
Imports System.Threading

Class Test
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim newThreads(3) As Thread
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To newThreads.Length - 1
            newThreads(i) = _
                New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf Slot.SlotTest))
        Next i
        For i = 0 To newThreads.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("Thread_{0} finished.", _
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class

Class Slot
    Private Shared randomGenerator As New Random()

    Public Shared Sub SlotTest()
        ' Set random data in each thread's data slot.
        Dim slotData As Integer = randomGenerator.Next(1, 200)
        Dim threadId As Integer = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId


        ' Show what was saved in the thread's data slot.
        Console.WriteLine("Data stored in thread_{0}'s data slot: {1,3}",
            threadId, slotData)

        ' Allow other threads time to execute SetData to show
        ' that a thread's data slot is unique to itself.

        Dim newSlotData As Integer = _
            CType(Thread.GetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("Random")), Integer)

        If newSlotData = slotData Then
            Console.WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot is still: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData)
            Console.WriteLine("Data in thread_{0}'s data slot changed to: {1,3}",
                threadId, newSlotData)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class



.NET Framework TLS(스레드 로컬 스토리지)를 사용하기 위한 두 가지 메커니즘인 스레드 상대 정적 필드(즉, 특성으로 ThreadStaticAttribute 표시된 필드) 및 데이터 슬롯을 제공합니다. 스레드 상대 정적 필드는 데이터 슬롯보다 훨씬 더 나은 성능을 제공하고 컴파일 시간 형식 검사를 사용하도록 설정합니다. TLS 사용에 대한 자세한 내용은 스레드 로컬 스토리지: 스레드 상대 정적 필드 및 데이터 슬롯을 참조하세요.

스레드는 로컬 저장소 메모리 메커니즘을 사용하여 스레드별 데이터를 저장합니다. 공용 언어 런타임은 다중 슬롯 데이터 저장소 배열을 만들 때 각 프로세스에 할당합니다. 스레드는 데이터 저장소에 데이터 슬롯을 할당하고, 슬롯에 데이터 값을 저장 및 검색하고, 스레드가 만료된 후 다시 사용할 수 있는 슬롯을 해제할 수 있습니다. 데이터 슬롯은 스레드당 고유합니다. 다른 스레드(자식 스레드도 아님)는 해당 데이터를 가져올 수 없습니다.

명명된 슬롯이 없으면 새 슬롯이 할당됩니다. 명명 된 데이터 슬롯은 공용 이며 모든 사용자가 조작할 수 있습니다.

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