ILGenerator.BeginCatchBlock(Type) 메서드
일부 정보는 릴리스되기 전에 상당 부분 수정될 수 있는 시험판 제품과 관련이 있습니다. Microsoft는 여기에 제공된 정보에 대해 어떠한 명시적이거나 묵시적인 보증도 하지 않습니다.
catch 블록을 시작합니다.
abstract void BeginCatchBlock(Type ^ exceptionType);
virtual void BeginCatchBlock(Type ^ exceptionType);
public abstract void BeginCatchBlock(Type? exceptionType);
public virtual void BeginCatchBlock(Type exceptionType);
public virtual void BeginCatchBlock(Type? exceptionType);
abstract member BeginCatchBlock : Type -> unit
abstract member BeginCatchBlock : Type -> unit
override this.BeginCatchBlock : Type -> unit
Public MustOverride Sub BeginCatchBlock (exceptionType As Type)
Public Overridable Sub BeginCatchBlock (exceptionType As Type)
매개 변수
catch 블록이 필터링된 예외 내에 있는 경우
이 null
이고, 해당 catch 블록을 찾을 때까지 finally 블록을 실행해야 한다는 것을 나타내는 값을 예외 필터 블록에서 반환하지 않은 경우
생성되는 MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language)이 현재 예외 블록에 들어 있지 않은 경우
아래 코드 샘플에서는 메서드의 BeginCatchBlock
컨텍스트 사용법을 보여 줍니다.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
int main()
AppDomain^ myDomain = Thread::GetDomain();
AssemblyName^ myAsmName = gcnew AssemblyName;
myAsmName->Name = "AdderExceptionAsm";
AssemblyBuilder^ myAsmBldr = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAsmName,
AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );
ModuleBuilder^ myModBldr = myAsmBldr->DefineDynamicModule( myAsmName->Name,
myAsmName->Name + ".dll" );
TypeBuilder^ myTypeBldr = myModBldr->DefineType( "Adder" );
array<Type^>^adderParams = {int::typeid,int::typeid};
// This method will add two numbers which are 100 or less. If either of the
// passed integer vales are greater than 100, it will throw an exception.
MethodBuilder^ adderBldr = myTypeBldr->DefineMethod( "DoAdd",
static_cast<MethodAttributes>(MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::Static),
int::typeid, adderParams );
ILGenerator^ adderIL = adderBldr->GetILGenerator();
// Types and methods used in the code to throw, catch, and
// display OverflowException. Note that if the catch block were
// for a more general type, such as Exception, we would need
// a MethodInfo for that type's ToString method.
Type^ overflow = OverflowException::typeid;
ConstructorInfo^ exCtorInfo = overflow->GetConstructor(
gcnew array<Type^> { String::typeid });
MethodInfo^ exToStrMI = overflow->GetMethod( "ToString" );
MethodInfo^ writeLineMI = Console::typeid->GetMethod( "WriteLine",
gcnew array<Type^> { String::typeid, Object::typeid } );
LocalBuilder^ tmp1 = adderIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
LocalBuilder^ tmp2 = adderIL->DeclareLocal( overflow );
// In order to successfully branch, we need to create labels
// representing the offset IL instruction block to branch to.
// These labels, when the MarkLabel(Label) method is invoked,
// will specify the IL instruction to branch to.
Label failed = adderIL->DefineLabel();
Label endOfMthd = adderIL->DefineLabel();
// Begin the try block.
Label exBlock = adderIL->BeginExceptionBlock();
// First, load argument 0 and the integer value of S"100" onto the
// stack. If arg0 > 100, branch to the label S"failed", which is marked
// as the address of the block that throws an exception.
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_S, 100 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Bgt_S, failed );
// Now, check to see if argument 1 was greater than 100. If it was,
// branch to S"failed." Otherwise, fall through and perform the addition,
// branching unconditionally to the instruction at the label S"endOfMthd".
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_S, 100 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Bgt_S, failed );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Add_Ovf_Un );
// Store the result of the addition.
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc_S, tmp1 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Br_S, endOfMthd );
// If one of the arguments was greater than 100, we need to throw an
// exception. We'll use "OverflowException" with a customized message.
// First, we load our message onto the stack, and then create a new
// exception Object using the constructor overload that accepts a
// String* message.
adderIL->MarkLabel( failed );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Cannot accept values over 100 for add." );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Newobj, exCtorInfo );
// We're going to need to refer to that exception Object later, so let's
// store it in a temporary variable. Since the store function pops the
// the value/reference off the stack, and we'll need it to throw the
// exception, we will subsequently load it back onto the stack as well.
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc_S, tmp2 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc_S, tmp2 );
// Throw the exception now on the stack.
adderIL->ThrowException( overflow );
// Start the catch block for OverflowException.
adderIL->BeginCatchBlock( overflow );
// When we enter the catch block, the thrown exception
// is on the stack. Store it, then load the format string
// for WriteLine.
adderIL->Emit(OpCodes::Stloc_S, tmp2);
adderIL->Emit(OpCodes::Ldstr, "Caught {0}");
// Push the thrown exception back on the stack, then
// call its ToString() method. Note that if this catch block
// were for a more general exception type, like Exception,
// it would be necessary to use the ToString for that type.
adderIL->Emit(OpCodes::Ldloc_S, tmp2);
adderIL->EmitCall(OpCodes::Callvirt, exToStrMI, nullptr);
// The format string and the return value from ToString() are
// now on the stack. Call WriteLine(string, object).
adderIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeLineMI, nullptr );
// Since our function has to return an integer value, we'll load -1 onto
// the stack to indicate an error, and store it in local variable tmp1.
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_M1 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc_S, tmp1 );
// End the exception handling block.
// The end of the method. If no exception was thrown, the correct value
// will be saved in tmp1. If an exception was thrown, tmp1 will be equal
// to -1. Either way, we'll load the value of tmp1 onto the stack and return.
adderIL->MarkLabel( endOfMthd );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc_S, tmp1 );
adderIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
Type^ adderType = myTypeBldr->CreateType();
Object^ addIns = Activator::CreateInstance( adderType );
array<Object^>^addParams = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
Console::Write( "Enter an integer value: " );
addParams[ 0 ] = Convert::ToInt32( Console::ReadLine() );
Console::Write( "Enter another integer value: " );
addParams[ 1 ] = Convert::ToInt32( Console::ReadLine() );
Console::WriteLine( "If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown." );
Console::WriteLine( "---" );
Console::WriteLine( " {0} + {1} = {2}", addParams[ 0 ], addParams[ 1 ], adderType->InvokeMember( "DoAdd", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, addIns, addParams ) );
/* This code produces output similar to the following:
Enter an integer value: 24
Enter another integer value: 101
If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown.
Caught System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at Adder.DoAdd(Int32 , Int32 )
24 + 101 = -1
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
class ILThrowExceptionDemo
public static void Main()
AppDomain current = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyName myAsmName = new AssemblyName();
myAsmName.Name = "AdderExceptionAsm";
AssemblyBuilder myAsmBldr = current.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAsmName,
ModuleBuilder myModBldr = myAsmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(myAsmName.Name,
myAsmName.Name + ".dll");
TypeBuilder myTypeBldr = myModBldr.DefineType("Adder");
Type[] adderParams = new Type[] {typeof(int), typeof(int)};
// This method will add two numbers which are 100 or less. If either of the
// passed integer vales are greater than 100, it will throw an exception.
MethodBuilder adderBldr = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("DoAdd",
MethodAttributes.Public |
ILGenerator adderIL = adderBldr.GetILGenerator();
// Types and methods used in the code to throw, catch, and
// display OverflowException. Note that if the catch block were
// for a more general type, such as Exception, we would need
// a MethodInfo for that type's ToString method.
Type overflow = typeof(OverflowException);
ConstructorInfo exCtorInfo = overflow.GetConstructor(
new Type[]
MethodInfo exToStrMI = overflow.GetMethod("ToString");
MethodInfo writeLineMI = typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine",
new Type[]
LocalBuilder tmp1 = adderIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
LocalBuilder tmp2 = adderIL.DeclareLocal(overflow);
// In order to successfully branch, we need to create labels
// representing the offset IL instruction block to branch to.
// These labels, when the MarkLabel(Label) method is invoked,
// will specify the IL instruction to branch to.
Label failed = adderIL.DefineLabel();
Label endOfMthd = adderIL.DefineLabel();
// Begin the try block.
Label exBlock = adderIL.BeginExceptionBlock();
// First, load argument 0 and the integer value of "100" onto the
// stack. If arg0 > 100, branch to the label "failed", which is marked
// as the address of the block that throws an exception.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, 100);
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Bgt_S, failed);
// Now, check to see if argument 1 was greater than 100. If it was,
// branch to "failed." Otherwise, fall through and perform the addition,
// branching unconditionally to the instruction at the label "endOfMthd".
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, 100);
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Bgt_S, failed);
// Store the result of the addition.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp1);
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, endOfMthd);
// If one of the arguments was greater than 100, we need to throw an
// exception. We'll use "OverflowException" with a customized message.
// First, we load our message onto the stack, and then create a new
// exception object using the constructor overload that accepts a
// string message.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Cannot accept values over 100 for add.");
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, exCtorInfo);
// We're going to need to refer to that exception object later, so let's
// store it in a temporary variable. Since the store function pops the
// the value/reference off the stack, and we'll need it to throw the
// exception, we will subsequently load it back onto the stack as well.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp2);
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, tmp2);
// Throw the exception now on the stack.
// Start the catch block for OverflowException.
// When we enter the catch block, the thrown exception
// is on the stack. Store it, then load the format string
// for WriteLine.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp2);
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Caught {0}");
// Push the thrown exception back on the stack, then
// call its ToString() method. Note that if this catch block
// were for a more general exception type, like Exception,
// it would be necessary to use the ToString for that type.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, tmp2);
adderIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, exToStrMI, null);
// The format string and the return value from ToString() are
// now on the stack. Call WriteLine(string, object).
adderIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeLineMI, null);
// Since our function has to return an integer value, we'll load -1 onto
// the stack to indicate an error, and store it in local variable tmp1.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp1);
// End the exception handling block.
// The end of the method. If no exception was thrown, the correct value
// will be saved in tmp1. If an exception was thrown, tmp1 will be equal
// to -1. Either way, we'll load the value of tmp1 onto the stack and return.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, tmp1);
Type adderType = myTypeBldr.CreateType();
object addIns = Activator.CreateInstance(adderType);
object[] addParams = new object[2];
Console.Write("Enter an integer value: ");
addParams[0] = (object)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter another integer value: ");
addParams[1] = (object)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown.");
Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}",
addParams[0], addParams[1],
/* This code produces output similar to the following:
Enter an integer value: 24
Enter another integer value: 101
If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown.
Caught System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at Adder.DoAdd(Int32 , Int32 )
24 + 101 = -1
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Class ILThrowExceptionDemo
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim current As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
Dim myAsmName As New AssemblyName()
myAsmName.Name = "AdderExceptionAsm"
Dim myAsmBldr As AssemblyBuilder = _
current.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAsmName, _
Dim myModBldr As ModuleBuilder = _
myAsmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(myAsmName.Name, _
myAsmName.Name & ".dll")
Dim myTypeBldr As TypeBuilder = myModBldr.DefineType("Adder")
Dim adderParams() As Type = {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer)}
' This method will add two numbers which are 100 or less. If either of the
' passed integer vales are greater than 100, it will throw an exception.
Dim adderBldr As MethodBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("DoAdd", _
MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static, _
GetType(Integer), adderParams)
Dim adderIL As ILGenerator = adderBldr.GetILGenerator()
' Types and methods used in the code to throw, catch, and
' display OverflowException. Note that if the catch block were
' for a more general type, such as Exception, we would need
' a MethodInfo for that type's ToString method.
Dim overflow As Type = GetType(OverflowException)
Dim exCtorInfo As ConstructorInfo = overflow.GetConstructor( _
New Type() {GetType(String)})
Dim exToStrMI As MethodInfo = overflow.GetMethod("ToString")
Dim writeLineMI As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", _
New Type() {GetType(String), _
Dim tmp1 As LocalBuilder = adderIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
Dim tmp2 As LocalBuilder = adderIL.DeclareLocal(overflow)
' In order to successfully branch, we need to create labels
' representing the offset IL instruction block to branch to.
' These labels, when the MarkLabel(Label) method is invoked,
' will specify the IL instruction to branch to.
Dim failed As Label = adderIL.DefineLabel()
Dim endOfMthd As Label = adderIL.DefineLabel()
' Begin the try block.
Dim exBlock As Label = adderIL.BeginExceptionBlock()
' First, load argument 0 and the integer value of "100" onto the
' stack. If arg0 > 100, branch to the label "failed", which is marked
' as the address of the block that throws an exception.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, 100)
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Bgt_S, failed)
' Now, check to see if argument 1 was greater than 100. If it was,
' branch to "failed." Otherwise, fall through and perform the addition,
' branching unconditionally to the instruction at the label "endOfMthd".
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, 100)
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Bgt_S, failed)
' Store the result of the addition.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp1)
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, endOfMthd)
' If one of the arguments was greater than 100, we need to throw an
' exception. We'll use "OverflowException" with a customized message.
' First, we load our message onto the stack, and then create a new
' exception object using the constructor overload that accepts a
' string message.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Cannot accept values over 100 for add.")
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, exCtorInfo)
' Throw the exception now on the stack.
' Start the catch block for OverflowException.
' When we enter the catch block, the thrown exception
' is on the stack. Store it, then load the format string
' for WriteLine.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp2)
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Caught {0}")
' Push the thrown exception back on the stack, then
' call its ToString() method. Note that if this catch block
' were for a more general exception type, like Exception,
' it would be necessary to use the ToString for that type.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, tmp2)
adderIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, exToStrMI, Nothing)
' The format string and the return value from ToString() are
' now on the stack. Call WriteLine(string, object).
adderIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeLineMI, Nothing)
' Since our function has to return an integer value, load -1 onto
' the stack to indicate an error, and store it in local variable
' tmp1.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, tmp1)
' End the exception handling block.
' The end of the method. If no exception was thrown, the correct value
' will be saved in tmp1. If an exception was thrown, tmp1 will be equal
' to -1. Either way, we'll load the value of tmp1 onto the stack and return.
adderIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, tmp1)
Dim adderType As Type = myTypeBldr.CreateType()
Dim addIns As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(adderType)
Dim addParams(1) As Object
Console.Write("Enter an integer value: ")
addParams(0) = CType(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()), Object)
Console.Write("Enter another integer value: ")
addParams(1) = CType(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()), Object)
Console.WriteLine("If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown.")
Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", addParams(0), addParams(1), _
adderType.InvokeMember("DoAdd", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, _
Nothing, addIns, addParams))
End Sub
End Class
' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'Enter an integer value: 24
'Enter another integer value: 101
'If either integer was > 100, an exception will be thrown.
'Caught System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
' at Adder.DoAdd(Int32 , Int32 )
'24 + 101 = -1
현재 예외 블록의 끝에 분기 명령을 내보낸다.
필터 예외 블록이 를 반환하는 constant exception_execute_handler
경우(공용 언어 인프라 명령 집합에 대한 설명서 참조) 에 대한 인수 BeginCatchBlock
가 선택되지 않습니다.
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