DictionaryBase.IDictionary.Add(Object, Object) 메서드
일부 정보는 릴리스되기 전에 상당 부분 수정될 수 있는 시험판 제품과 관련이 있습니다. Microsoft는 여기에 제공된 정보에 대해 어떠한 명시적이거나 묵시적인 보증도 하지 않습니다.
지정한 키와 값을 가지는 요소를 DictionaryBase에 추가합니다.
virtual void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(System::Object ^ key, System::Object ^ value) = System::Collections::IDictionary::Add;
void IDictionary.Add (object key, object value);
abstract member System.Collections.IDictionary.Add : obj * obj -> unit
override this.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add : obj * obj -> unit
Sub Add (key As Object, value As Object) Implements IDictionary.Add
매개 변수
- key
- Object
추가할 요소의 키입니다.
- value
- Object
추가할 요소의 값입니다.
이(가) null
인 경우
같은 키를 가진 요소가 이미 DictionaryBase에 있는 경우
다음 코드 예제에서는 구현 합니다 DictionaryBase 클래스를 사용 하 여는 5 자 이하의 키와 값의 String 사전을 Length 만듭니다.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
public ref class ShortStringDictionary: public DictionaryBase
property String^ Item [String^]
String^ get( String^ key )
return (dynamic_cast<String^>(Dictionary[ key ]));
void set( String^ value, String^ key )
Dictionary[ key ] = value;
property ICollection^ Keys
ICollection^ get()
return (Dictionary->Keys);
property ICollection^ Values
ICollection^ get()
return (Dictionary->Values);
void Add( String^ key, String^ value )
Dictionary->Add( key, value );
bool Contains( String^ key )
return (Dictionary->Contains( key ));
void Remove( String^ key )
Dictionary->Remove( key );
virtual void OnInsert( Object^ key, Object^ value ) override
if ( key->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.","key" );
String^ strKey = dynamic_cast<String^>(key);
if ( strKey->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.","key" );
if ( value->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "value must be of type String.","value" );
String^ strValue = dynamic_cast<String^>(value);
if ( strValue->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "value must be no more than 5 characters in length.","value" );
virtual void OnRemove( Object^ key, Object^ /*value*/ ) override
if ( key->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.","key" );
String^ strKey = dynamic_cast<String^>(key);
if ( strKey->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.","key" );
virtual void OnSet( Object^ key, Object^ /*oldValue*/, Object^ newValue ) override
if ( key->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.","key" );
String^ strKey = dynamic_cast<String^>(key);
if ( strKey->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.","key" );
if ( newValue->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "newValue must be of type String.","newValue" );
String^ strValue = dynamic_cast<String^>(newValue);
if ( strValue->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "newValue must be no more than 5 characters in length.","newValue" );
virtual void OnValidate( Object^ key, Object^ value ) override
if ( key->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.","key" );
String^ strKey = dynamic_cast<String^>(key);
if ( strKey->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.","key" );
if ( value->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.String" ) )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "value must be of type String.","value" );
String^ strValue = dynamic_cast<String^>(value);
if ( strValue->Length > 5 )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "value must be no more than 5 characters in length.","value" );
void PrintKeysAndValues2( ShortStringDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues3( ShortStringDictionary^ myCol );
int main()
// Creates and initializes a new DictionaryBase.
ShortStringDictionary^ mySSC = gcnew ShortStringDictionary;
// Adds elements to the collection.
mySSC->Add( "One", "a" );
mySSC->Add( "Two", "ab" );
mySSC->Add( "Three", "abc" );
mySSC->Add( "Four", "abcd" );
mySSC->Add( "Five", "abcde" );
// Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
Console::WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using enumerator):" );
PrintKeysAndValues2( mySSC );
// Display the contents of the collection using the Keys property and the Item property.
Console::WriteLine( "Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):" );
PrintKeysAndValues3( mySSC );
// Tries to add a value that is too long.
mySSC->Add( "Ten", "abcdefghij" );
catch ( ArgumentException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e );
// Tries to add a key that is too long.
mySSC->Add( "Eleven", "ijk" );
catch ( ArgumentException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e );
// Searches the collection with Contains.
Console::WriteLine( "Contains \"Three\": {0}", mySSC->Contains( "Three" ) );
Console::WriteLine( "Contains \"Twelve\": {0}", mySSC->Contains( "Twelve" ) );
// Removes an element from the collection.
mySSC->Remove( "Two" );
// Displays the contents of the collection.
Console::WriteLine( "After removing \"Two\":" );
PrintKeysAndValues2( mySSC );
// Uses the enumerator.
void PrintKeysAndValues2( ShortStringDictionary^ myCol )
DictionaryEntry myDE;
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myCol->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
if ( myEnumerator->Current != nullptr )
myDE = *dynamic_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(myEnumerator->Current);
Console::WriteLine( " {0,-5} : {1}", myDE.Key, myDE.Value );
// Uses the Keys property and the Item property.
void PrintKeysAndValues3( ShortStringDictionary^ myCol )
ICollection^ myKeys = myCol->Keys;
IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = myKeys->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
String^ k = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum1->Current);
Console::WriteLine( " {0,-5} : {1}", k, myCol->Item[ k ] );
This code produces the following output.
Contents of the collection (using enumerator):
Three : abc
Five : abcde
Two : ab
One : a
Four : abcd
Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):
Three : abc
Five : abcde
Two : ab
One : a
Four : abcd
System.ArgumentException: value must be no more than 5 characters in length.
Parameter name: value
at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
System.ArgumentException: key must be no more than 5 characters in length.
Parameter name: key
at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
Contains "Three": True
Contains "Twelve": False
After removing "Two":
Three : abc
Five : abcde
One : a
Four : abcd
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class ShortStringDictionary : DictionaryBase {
public String this[ String key ] {
get {
return( (String) Dictionary[key] );
set {
Dictionary[key] = value;
public ICollection Keys {
get {
return( Dictionary.Keys );
public ICollection Values {
get {
return( Dictionary.Values );
public void Add( String key, String value ) {
Dictionary.Add( key, value );
public bool Contains( String key ) {
return( Dictionary.Contains( key ) );
public void Remove( String key ) {
Dictionary.Remove( key );
protected override void OnInsert( Object key, Object value ) {
if ( key.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.", "key" );
else {
String strKey = (String) key;
if ( strKey.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key" );
if ( value.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "value must be of type String.", "value" );
else {
String strValue = (String) value;
if ( strValue.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "value must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "value" );
protected override void OnRemove( Object key, Object value ) {
if ( key.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.", "key" );
else {
String strKey = (String) key;
if ( strKey.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key" );
protected override void OnSet( Object key, Object oldValue, Object newValue ) {
if ( key.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.", "key" );
else {
String strKey = (String) key;
if ( strKey.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key" );
if ( newValue.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "newValue must be of type String.", "newValue" );
else {
String strValue = (String) newValue;
if ( strValue.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "newValue must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "newValue" );
protected override void OnValidate( Object key, Object value ) {
if ( key.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be of type String.", "key" );
else {
String strKey = (String) key;
if ( strKey.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key" );
if ( value.GetType() != typeof(System.String) )
throw new ArgumentException( "value must be of type String.", "value" );
else {
String strValue = (String) value;
if ( strValue.Length > 5 )
throw new ArgumentException( "value must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "value" );
public class SamplesDictionaryBase {
public static void Main() {
// Creates and initializes a new DictionaryBase.
ShortStringDictionary mySSC = new ShortStringDictionary();
// Adds elements to the collection.
mySSC.Add( "One", "a" );
mySSC.Add( "Two", "ab" );
mySSC.Add( "Three", "abc" );
mySSC.Add( "Four", "abcd" );
mySSC.Add( "Five", "abcde" );
// Display the contents of the collection using foreach. This is the preferred method.
Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using foreach):" );
PrintKeysAndValues1( mySSC );
// Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using enumerator):" );
PrintKeysAndValues2( mySSC );
// Display the contents of the collection using the Keys property and the Item property.
Console.WriteLine( "Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):" );
PrintKeysAndValues3( mySSC );
// Tries to add a value that is too long.
try {
mySSC.Add( "Ten", "abcdefghij" );
catch ( ArgumentException e ) {
Console.WriteLine( e.ToString() );
// Tries to add a key that is too long.
try {
mySSC.Add( "Eleven", "ijk" );
catch ( ArgumentException e ) {
Console.WriteLine( e.ToString() );
// Searches the collection with Contains.
Console.WriteLine( "Contains \"Three\": {0}", mySSC.Contains( "Three" ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Contains \"Twelve\": {0}", mySSC.Contains( "Twelve" ) );
// Removes an element from the collection.
mySSC.Remove( "Two" );
// Displays the contents of the collection.
Console.WriteLine( "After removing \"Two\":" );
PrintKeysAndValues1( mySSC );
// Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
// NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
public static void PrintKeysAndValues1( ShortStringDictionary myCol ) {
foreach ( DictionaryEntry myDE in myCol )
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-5} : {1}", myDE.Key, myDE.Value );
// Uses the enumerator.
// NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
public static void PrintKeysAndValues2( ShortStringDictionary myCol ) {
DictionaryEntry myDE;
System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )
if ( myEnumerator.Current != null ) {
myDE = (DictionaryEntry) myEnumerator.Current;
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-5} : {1}", myDE.Key, myDE.Value );
// Uses the Keys property and the Item property.
public static void PrintKeysAndValues3( ShortStringDictionary myCol ) {
ICollection myKeys = myCol.Keys;
foreach ( String k in myKeys )
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-5} : {1}", k, myCol[k] );
This code produces the following output.
Contents of the collection (using foreach):
Three : abc
Five : abcde
Two : ab
One : a
Four : abcd
Contents of the collection (using enumerator):
Three : abc
Five : abcde
Two : ab
One : a
Four : abcd
Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):
Three : abc
Five : abcde
Two : ab
One : a
Four : abcd
System.ArgumentException: value must be no more than 5 characters in length.
Parameter name: value
at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
System.ArgumentException: key must be no more than 5 characters in length.
Parameter name: key
at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
Contains "Three": True
Contains "Twelve": False
After removing "Two":
Three : abc
Five : abcde
One : a
Four : abcd
Imports System.Collections
Public Class ShortStringDictionary
Inherits DictionaryBase
Default Public Property Item(key As String) As String
Return CType(Dictionary(key), String)
End Get
Dictionary(key) = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Keys() As ICollection
Return Dictionary.Keys
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Values() As ICollection
Return Dictionary.Values
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Add(key As String, value As String)
Dictionary.Add(key, value)
End Sub
Public Function Contains(key As String) As Boolean
Return Dictionary.Contains(key)
End Function 'Contains
Public Sub Remove(key As String)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnInsert(key As Object, value As Object)
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(key.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be of type String.", "key")
Dim strKey As String = CType(key, String)
If strKey.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key")
End If
End If
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type String.", "value")
Dim strValue As String = CType(value, String)
If strValue.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("value must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "value")
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnRemove(key As Object, value As Object)
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(key.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be of type String.", "key")
Dim strKey As String = CType(key, String)
If strKey.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key")
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnSet(key As Object, oldValue As Object, newValue As Object)
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(key.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be of type String.", "key")
Dim strKey As String = CType(key, String)
If strKey.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key")
End If
End If
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(newValue.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("newValue must be of type String.", "newValue")
Dim strValue As String = CType(newValue, String)
If strValue.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("newValue must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "newValue")
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnValidate(key As Object, value As Object)
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(key.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be of type String.", "key")
Dim strKey As String = CType(key, String)
If strKey.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("key must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "key")
End If
End If
If Not GetType(System.String).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()) Then
Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type String.", "value")
Dim strValue As String = CType(value, String)
If strValue.Length > 5 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("value must be no more than 5 characters in length.", "value")
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class SamplesDictionaryBase
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Creates and initializes a new DictionaryBase.
Dim mySSC As New ShortStringDictionary()
' Adds elements to the collection.
mySSC.Add("One", "a")
mySSC.Add("Two", "ab")
mySSC.Add("Three", "abc")
mySSC.Add("Four", "abcd")
mySSC.Add("Five", "abcde")
' Display the contents of the collection using For Each. This is the preferred method.
Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using For Each):")
' Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using enumerator):")
' Display the contents of the collection using the Keys property and the Item property.
Console.WriteLine("Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):")
' Tries to add a value that is too long.
mySSC.Add("Ten", "abcdefghij")
Catch e As ArgumentException
End Try
' Tries to add a key that is too long.
mySSC.Add("Eleven", "ijk")
Catch e As ArgumentException
End Try
' Searches the collection with Contains.
Console.WriteLine("Contains ""Three"": {0}", mySSC.Contains("Three"))
Console.WriteLine("Contains ""Twelve"": {0}", mySSC.Contains("Twelve"))
' Removes an element from the collection.
' Displays the contents of the collection.
Console.WriteLine("After removing ""Two"":")
End Sub
' Uses the For Each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues1(myCol As ShortStringDictionary)
Dim myDE As DictionaryEntry
For Each myDE In myCol
Console.WriteLine(" {0,-5} : {1}", myDE.Key, myDE.Value)
Next myDE
End Sub
' Uses the enumerator.
' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues2(myCol As ShortStringDictionary)
Dim myDE As DictionaryEntry
Dim myEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator()
While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
If Not (myEnumerator.Current Is Nothing) Then
myDE = CType(myEnumerator.Current, DictionaryEntry)
Console.WriteLine(" {0,-5} : {1}", myDE.Key, myDE.Value)
End If
End While
End Sub
' Uses the Keys property and the Item property.
Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues3(myCol As ShortStringDictionary)
Dim myKeys As ICollection = myCol.Keys
Dim k As String
For Each k In myKeys
Console.WriteLine(" {0,-5} : {1}", k, myCol(k))
Next k
End Sub
End Class
'This code produces the following output.
'Contents of the collection (using For Each):
' Three : abc
' Five : abcde
' Two : ab
' One : a
' Four : abcd
'Contents of the collection (using enumerator):
' Three : abc
' Five : abcde
' Two : ab
' One : a
' Four : abcd
'Initial contents of the collection (using Keys and Item):
' Three : abc
' Five : abcde
' Two : ab
' One : a
' Four : abcd
'System.ArgumentException: value must be no more than 5 characters in length.
'Parameter name: value
' at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
' at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
' at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
'System.ArgumentException: key must be no more than 5 characters in length.
'Parameter name: key
' at ShortStringDictionary.OnValidate(Object key, Object value)
' at System.Collections.DictionaryBase.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(Object key, Object value)
' at SamplesDictionaryBase.Main()
'Contains "Three": True
'Contains "Twelve": False
'After removing "Two":
' Three : abc
' Five : abcde
' One : a
' Four : abcd
해당 상태와 해시 코드 값 간에 상관 관계가 없는 개체는 일반적으로 키로 사용해서는 안 됩니다. 예를 들어 String 개체는 키로 사용하기 위해 개체보다 StringBuilder 낫습니다.
속성을 사용하여 Item[] 에 없는 DictionaryBase키의 값을 설정하여 새 요소를 추가할 수도 있습니다(예 myCollection["myNonexistentKey"] = myValue
: ). 그러나 지정된 키가 에 DictionaryBase이미 있는 경우 속성을 설정 Item[] 하면 이전 값이 덮어씁니다. 반면, 메서드는 Add 기존 요소를 수정하지 않습니다.
이 메서드는 작업입니다 O(1)
적용 대상
추가 정보