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ProjectUnloadReason Enum


Represents different reasons for unloading a project. Used in UnloadProjectsAsync(Guid[], ProjectUnloadReason, CancellationToken).

public enum class ProjectUnloadReason
public enum ProjectUnloadReason
type ProjectUnloadReason = 
Public Enum ProjectUnloadReason


Name Value Description
Unknown 0

Default reason to unload the project.

UnloadedByUser 1

The user unloaded the project.

LoadPendingIfNeeded 2

The project load is pending and will happen if needed.

UpgradeFailed 3

The project was unloaded because project migration/upgrade failed.

NeedRetarget 4

The project was unloaded because project target is not supported by current version or edition of Visual Studio. The project must be retargeted before it can be reloaded.

NeedComponents 5

The project was unloaded because some components (Visual Studio components or SDKs) are not installed on the system, and the components are essential for the proper operation of this project. In order to be loaded, the project has to install the missing components.

ProjectIncompatible 6

The project is incompatible.

Applies to