IActorStateProvider.ActorActivatedAsync(ActorId, CancellationToken)
This method is invoked as part of the activation process of the actor with the specified Id.
IActorStateProvider.ContainsStateAsync(ActorId, String, CancellationToken)
Checks whether the actor state provider contains an actor state with
specified state name.
IActorStateProvider.DeleteReminderAsync(ActorId, String, CancellationToken)
Deletes the specified actor reminder if it exists.
IActorStateProvider.DeleteRemindersAsync(IReadOnlyDictionary<ActorId,IReadOnlyCollection<String>>, CancellationToken)
Deletes the specified set of reminders.
IActorStateProvider.EnumerateStateNamesAsync(ActorId, CancellationToken)
Creates an enumerable of all the state names associated with specified actor.
IActorStateProvider.GetActorsAsync(Int32, ContinuationToken, CancellationToken)
Gets the ActorIds from the State Provider.
IActorStateProvider.GetRemindersAsync(Int32, ActorId, ContinuationToken, CancellationToken)
Gets the list of reminders from the state provider
Initializes the actor state provider with type information
of the actor type associated with it.
Loads all the reminders contained in the actor state provider.
IActorStateProvider.LoadStateAsync<T>(ActorId, String, CancellationToken)
Loads the actor state associated with the specified state name.
IActorStateProvider.ReminderCallbackCompletedAsync(ActorId, IActorReminder, CancellationToken)
This method is invoked when a reminder fires and finishes executing its callback
ReceiveReminderAsync(String, Byte[], TimeSpan, TimeSpan) successfully.
IActorStateProvider.RemoveActorAsync(ActorId, CancellationToken)
Removes all the existing states and reminders associated with specified actor atomically.
IActorStateProvider.SaveReminderAsync(ActorId, IActorReminder, CancellationToken)
Saves the specified actor reminder. If an actor reminder with
given name does not exist, it adds the actor reminder otherwise
existing actor reminder with same name is updated.
IActorStateProvider.SaveStateAsync(ActorId, IReadOnlyCollection<ActorStateChange>, CancellationToken)
Saves the specified set of actor state changes atomically.
Forcefully abort the state provider replica.
IStateProviderReplica.BackupAsync(BackupOption, TimeSpan, CancellationToken, Func<BackupInfo,CancellationToken,Task<Boolean>>)
Performs backup of reliable state managed by this actor sate provider.
Performs a full backup of all reliable state managed by this actor sate provider.
IStateProviderReplica.ChangeRoleAsync(ReplicaRole, CancellationToken)
Notify the state provider replica that its role is changing, for example to Primary or Secondary.
Gracefully close the state provider replica.
Initialize the state provider replica using the service initialization information.
IStateProviderReplica.OpenAsync(ReplicaOpenMode, IStatefulServicePartition, CancellationToken)
Open the state provider replica for use.
IStateProviderReplica.RestoreAsync(String, RestorePolicy, CancellationToken)
Restore a backup taken by BackupAsync(Func<BackupInfo,CancellationToken,Task<Boolean>>) or
BackupAsync(BackupOption, TimeSpan, CancellationToken, Func<BackupInfo,CancellationToken,Task<Boolean>>).
Restore a backup taken by BackupAsync(Func<BackupInfo,CancellationToken,Task<Boolean>>) or
BackupAsync(BackupOption, TimeSpan, CancellationToken, Func<BackupInfo,CancellationToken,Task<Boolean>>).