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ComputeNodeState Enum


The state of a compute node.

public enum ComputeNodeState
type ComputeNodeState = 
Public Enum ComputeNodeState


Name Value Description
Idle 0

The compute node is not currently running a task.

Rebooting 1

The compute node is rebooting.

Reimaging 2

The compute node is being reimaged.

Running 3

The compute node is running one or more tasks (other than the start task).

Unusable 4

The compute node cannot be used for task execution due to errors.

Creating 5

The Batch service has obtained the underlying virtual machine from Azure Compute, but it has not yet started to join a pool.

Starting 6

The Batch service is starting on the underlying virtual machine.

WaitingForStartTask 7

The start task has started running on the compute node, but waitForSuccess is set and the start task has not yet completed.

StartTaskFailed 8

The start task has failed on the compute node (and exhausted all retries), and waitForSuccess is set. The node is not usable for running tasks.

Unknown 9

The Batch service has lost contact with the compute node, and does not know its true state.

LeavingPool 10

The compute node is leaving the pool, either because the user explicitly removed it or because the pool is resizing or autoscaling down.

Offline 11

The Batch service will not schedule any new tasks on the compute node.

Preempted 12

The compute node has been preempted.

UpgradingOS 13

The Compute Node is undergoing an OS upgrade operation.

Deallocated 14

The Compute Node is deallocated.

Deallocating 15

The Compute Node is deallocating.

Applies to