하나 또는 둘 모두 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 같지 않은지 테스트합니다.
template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
같지 않은지 테스트할 매개 변수 형식의 복소수 또는 개체입니다.
같지 않은지 테스트할 매개 변수 형식의 복소수 또는 개체입니다.
Return Value
숫자가 같지 않으면 false
숫자가 같으면 입니다.
두 복소수는 해당 실수 부분도 같고 해당 허수 부분도 같은 경우에만 같은 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 목록은 같지 않은 것입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 비교 테스트를 실행할 수 있습니다.
// complex_op_NE.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> compared with type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cr1a ( polar (3.0, pi /6 ) );
complex <double> cr1b ( polar (2.0, pi / 3 ) );
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = " << cr1a << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = " << cr1b << endl;
if ( cl1 != cr1a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal." << endl;
if ( cl1 != cr1b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type complex<int> compared with type int
complex <int> cl2a ( 3, 4 );
complex <int> cl2b ( 5,0 );
int cr2a =3;
int cr2b =5;
cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = " << cl2a << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = " << cr2a << endl;
if ( cl2a != cr2a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are equal." << endl;
cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = " << cl2b << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = " << cr2b << endl;
if ( cl2b != cr2b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double compared with type complex<double>
double cl3a =3;
double cl3b =5;
complex <double> cr3a ( 3, 4 );
complex <double> cr3b ( 5,0 );
cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = " << cl3a << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = " << cr3a << endl;
if ( cl3a != cr3a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are equal." << endl;
cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = " << cl3b << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = " << cr3b << endl;
if ( cl3b != cr3b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = (2.59808,1.5)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = (1,1.73205)
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal.
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal.
The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = (3,4)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = 3
The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = (5,0)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = 5
The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal.
The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = 3
The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = (3,4)
The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = 5
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = (5,0)
The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal.
하나 또는 둘 다 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 곱합니다.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
두 복소수 중 첫 번째 복소수이거나 * 연산으로 곱할 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
두 복소수 중 두 번째 복소수이거나 * 연산으로 곱할 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
Return Value
값과 형식이 매개 변수 입력으로 지정되는 두 숫자를 곱한 복소수입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 단순한 산술 연산을 실행할 수 있습니다.
// complex_op_mult.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> times type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cr1 ( polar (2.0, pi / 3 ) );
complex <double> cs1 = cl1 * cr1;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type complex<double> times type double
complex <double> cl2 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
double cr2 =5;
complex <double> cs2 = cl2 * cr2;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double times type complex<double>
double cl3 = 5;
complex <double> cr3 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cs3 = cl3 * cr3;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
하나 또는 둘 다 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 더합니다.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(const complex<Type>& left);
매개 변수
두 복소수 중 첫 번째 복소수이거나 + 연산으로 더할 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
두 복소수 중 두 번째 복소수이거나 + 연산으로 더할 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
Return Value
값과 형식이 매개 변수 입력으로 지정되는 두 숫자를 더한 복소수입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 단순한 산술 연산을 실행할 수 있습니다. 단항 연산자는 왼쪽을 반환합니다.
// complex_op_add.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> plus type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cr1 ( 2.0, 5.0 );
complex <double> cs1 = cl1 + cr1;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type complex<double> plus type double
complex <double> cl2 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
double cr2 =5.0;
complex <double> cs2 = cl2 + cr2;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double plus type complex<double>
double cl3 = 5.0;
complex <double> cr3 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cs3 = cl3 + cr3;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the fourth member function
// plus type complex<double>
complex <double> cr4 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cs4 = + cr4;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr4 = " << cr4 << endl;
cout << "The result of the unary application of + to the right-side"
<< "\n complex number is: cs4 = " << cs4 << endl;
double abscs4 = abs ( cs4 );
double argcs4 = arg ( cs4 );
cout << "The modulus of cs4 is: " << abscs4 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs4 is: "<< argcs4 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (2,5)
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = (5,9)
The modulus of cs1 is: 10.2956
The argument of cs1 is: 1.0637 radians, which is 60.9454 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl2 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = (8,4)
The modulus of cs2 is: 8.94427
The argument of cs2 is: 0.463648 radians, which is 26.5651 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (3,4)
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = (8,4)
The modulus of cs3 is: 8.94427
The argument of cs3 is: 0.463648 radians, which is 26.5651 degrees.
The right-side complex number is cr4 = (3,4)
The result of the unary application of + to the right-side
complex number is: cs4 = (3,4)
The modulus of cs4 is: 5
The argument of cs4 is: 0.927295 radians, which is 53.1301 degrees.
하나 또는 둘 다 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 뺍니다.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(const complex<Type>& left);
매개 변수
두 복소수 중 첫 번째 복소수이거나 + 연산으로 뺄 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
두 복소수 중 두 번째 복소수이거나 + 연산으로 뺄 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
Return Value
왼쪽에서 오른쪽의 빼기에서 발생하는 복소수로, 매개 변수 입력에 의해 값이 지정된 두 숫자입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 단순한 산술 연산을 실행할 수 있습니다.
단항 연산자는 복소수의 부호를 변경하고, 실수부가 숫자 입력에서 음의 실수부이고 허수부가 숫자 입력에서 음의 허수부인 값을 반환합니다.
// complex_op_sub.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> minus type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cr1 ( 2.0, 5.0 );
complex <double> cs1 = cl1 - cr1;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type complex<double> minus type double
complex <double> cl2 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
double cr2 =5.0;
complex <double> cs2 = cl2 - cr2;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double minus type complex<double>
double cl3 = 5.0;
complex <double> cr3 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cs3 = cl3 - cr3;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the fourth member function
// minus type complex<double>
complex <double> cr4 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
complex <double> cs4 = - cr4;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr4 = " << cr4 << endl;
cout << "The result of the unary application of - to the right-side"
<< "\n complex number is: cs4 = " << cs4 << endl;
double abscs4 = abs ( cs4 );
double argcs4 = arg ( cs4 );
cout << "The modulus of cs4 is: " << abscs4 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs4 is: "<< argcs4 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (2,5)
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs1 = (1,-1)
The modulus of cs1 is: 1.41421
The argument of cs1 is: -0.785398 radians, which is -45 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl2 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs2 = (-2,4)
The modulus of cs2 is: 4.47214
The argument of cs2 is: 2.03444 radians, which is 116.565 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (3,4)
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs3 = (2,-4)
The modulus of cs3 is: 4.47214
The argument of cs3 is: -1.10715 radians, which is -63.4349 degrees.
The right-side complex number is cr4 = (3,4)
The result of the unary application of - to the right-side
complex number is: cs4 = (-3,-4)
The modulus of cs4 is: 5
The argument of cs4 is: -2.2143 radians, which is -126.87 degrees.
하나 또는 둘 다 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 나눕니다.
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
복소수이거나 / 연산으로 나눌 분모인 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
복소수이거나 / 연산으로 분자를 나누는 데 사용할 분모인 복소수의 매개 변수 형식을 가진 숫자입니다.
Return Value
매개 변수 입력으로 지정되는 값인 분모로 분자를 나눈 복소수입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 단순한 산술 연산을 실행할 수 있습니다.
// complex_op_div.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> divided by type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cr1 ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 3 ) );
complex <double> cs1 = cl1 / cr1;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = cl1 /cr1 = "
<< cs1 << endl;
double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// example of the second member function
// type complex<double> divided by type double
complex <double> cl2 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
double cr2 =5;
complex <double> cs2 = cl2 / cr2;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = cl2 /cr2 = "
<< cs2 << endl;
double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double divided by type complex<double>
double cl3 = 5;
complex <double> cr3 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cs3 = cl3 / cr3;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = cl3 /cr2 = "
<< cs3 << endl;
double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
<< argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (1,1.73205)
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = cl1 /cr1 = (1.29904,-0.75)
The modulus of cs1 is: 1.5
The argument of cs1 is: -0.523599 radians, which is -30 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl2 = (2.59808,1.5)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = cl2 /cr2 = (0.519615,0.3)
The modulus of cs2 is: 0.6
The argument of cs2 is: 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (2.59808,1.5)
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = cl3 /cr2 = (1.44338,-0.833333)
The modulus of cs3 is: 1.66667
The argument of cs3 is: -0.523599 radians, which is -30 degrees.
지정된 복소수를 출력 스트림에 삽입합니다.
template <class Type, class Elem, class Traits>
basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& operator<<(
basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& Ostr,
const complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
복소수를 입력하는 출력 스트림입니다.
출력 스트림에 입력하는 복소수입니다.
Return Value
지정된 복소수의 값을 Ostr에 카티전 형식(실제 부분, 가상 부분)으로 씁니다.
출력 스트림이 오버로드어 모든 형태의 복소수를 허용하며 기본 출력 형식은 직각좌표 형식입니다.
// complex_op_insert.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 6 ) );
cout << "Complex number c2 = " << c2 << endl;
// To display in polar form
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = (1.73205,1)
The modulus of c2 is: 2
The argument of c2 is: 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
하나 또는 둘 모두 실수 및 허수 부분에서 형식의 일부에 속할 수 있는 두 복소수를 같은지 테스트합니다.
template <class Type>
bool operator==(
const complex<Type>& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
template <class Type>
bool operator==(
const complex<Type>& left,
const Type& right);
template <class Type>
bool operator==(
const Type& left,
const complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
같지 않은지 테스트할 매개 변수 형식의 복소수 또는 개체입니다.
같지 않은지 테스트할 매개 변수 형식의 복소수 또는 개체입니다.
Return Value
숫자가 같으면 이고, false
숫자가 같지 않으면
두 복소수는 해당 실수 부분도 같고 해당 허수 부분도 같은 경우에만 같은 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 목록은 같지 않은 것입니다.
연산이 오버로드되어 특정 형식으로 데이터를 변환하지 않고 비교 테스트를 실행할 수 있습니다.
// complex_op_EQ.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> compared with type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
complex <double> cr1a ( polar ( 3.0, pi /6 ) );
complex <double> cr1b ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 3 ) );
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = " << cr1a << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = " << cr1b << endl;
if ( cl1 == cr1a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are not equal." << endl;
if ( cl1 == cr1b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type complex<int> compared with type int
complex <int> cl2a ( 3, 4 );
complex <int> cl2b ( 5,0 );
int cr2a =3;
int cr2b =5;
cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = " << cl2a << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = " << cr2a << endl;
if ( cl2a == cr2a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = " << cl2b << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = " << cr2b << endl;
if ( cl2b == cr2b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are not equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
// Example of the third member function
// type double compared with type complex<double>
double cl3a =3;
double cl3b =5;
complex <double> cr3a (3, 4 );
complex <double> cr3b (5,0 );
cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = " << cl3a << endl;
cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = " << cr3a << endl;
if ( cl3a == cr3a )
cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal." << endl;
cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = " << cl3b << endl;
cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = " << cr3b << endl;
if ( cl3b == cr3b )
cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal." << endl;
cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are not equal." << endl;
cout << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = (2.59808,1.5)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = (1,1.73205)
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal.
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal.
The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = (3,4)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = 3
The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = (5,0)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = 5
The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal.
The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = 3
The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = (3,4)
The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = 5
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = (5,0)
The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal.
입력 스트림에서 복소수 값을 추출합니다.
template <class Type, class Elem, class Traits>
basic_istream<Elem, Traits>& operator>>(
basic_istream<Elem, Traits>& Istr,
complex<Type>& right);
매개 변수
복소수를 추출할 입력 스트림입니다.
입력 스트림에서 추출하는 복소수입니다.
Return Value
Istr에서 지정된 복소수의 값을 읽고 오른쪽으로 반환합니다.
유효한 입력 형식은 다음과 같습니다.
(실수부, 허수부)
// complex_op_extract.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c2;
cout << "Input a complex number ( try: 2.0 ): ";
cin >> c2;
cout << c2 << endl;
Input a complex number ( try: 2.0 ): 2.0