Encodian - Excel

Extensive features for the manipulation and creation of Excel and CSV file formats
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Standard | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Standard | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Encodian Support |
URL | https://support.encodian.com |
support@encodian.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Encodian |
Website | https://www.encodian.com |
Privacy policy | https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010885513-Privacy-Policy |
Categories | Content and Files;Collaboration |
Encodian 'Flowr' Excel for Power Automate
The 'Encodian Flowr Excel' connector provide enterprise grade and simple to use Power Automate actions for creating, merging and manipulating Excel and CSV files.
The Encodian 'Flowr' Excel connector is supported by Power Automate, Azure Logic Apps and Power Apps.
Register Account
An Encodian subscription is required to use the Encodian 'Flowr' Excel connector.
Complete the sign-up form to register for a 30-day trial and obtain an API Key
Click here for a step by step guide on how to create an Encodian connection in Power Automate
Contact Encodian Support to request assistance
Encodian action documentation can be found here, and example flows can be found here
Further Information
Visit Encodian website for subscription plan pricing.
Once your 30-day trial expires, your Encodian subscription is automatically transitioned to Encodian's 'Free' subscription tier unless a paid plan has been purchased.
Creating a connection
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | Get an API Key - https://www.encodian.com/apikey/ | True |
Region | string |
Throttling Limits
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
CSV - Parse
Parse CSV and return the extracted data in JSON format - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360005177297-Parse-CSV
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
FileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source CSV file |
delimiter | string |
Set the CSV delimiter, the default value is a comma: ',' |
Column Headers
csvColumnHeaders | string |
Manually set the column headers for the CSV data (Column delimited: Column 1, Column 2, etc. |
Skip First Line
skipFirstLine | boolean |
Skip the first line of the CSV file, set to 'Yes' if your CSV document contains column headers |
- Body
- DtoResponseParseCsv
Excel - Add Image Header or Footer
Add an image header or footer to a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14909213525404
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Image File Content
imageFileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the image to insert |
position | True | string |
The position to add the image to within the Microsoft Excel file provided |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to add the image to: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to add the image to: 1,3,4 |
Top Margin
marginTop | double |
Set the top margin value (cm). Default is 1.9cm |
Bottom Margin
marginBottom | double |
Set the bottom margin value (cm). Default is 1.9cm |
Right Margin
marginRight | double |
Set the right margin value (cm). Default is 1.9cm |
Left Margin
marginLeft | double |
Set the left margin value (cm). Default is 1.9cm |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Excel - Add Rows
Add rows to the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11551842583581
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Row Data
jsonData | True | string |
The JSON dataset to be processed and added as rows to the Excel file provided |
Insert from Row
insertionRow | integer |
The row number after which the data provided will be inserted |
Insert from Column
insertionColumn | integer |
The column number after which the data provided will be inserted |
Worksheet Name
worksheetName | string |
Specify the name of a specific worksheet |
Convert Numeric and Date
convertNumericAndDate | boolean |
Auto parse numeric and date values, setting the cell format category to 'Number' or 'Date' |
Date Format
dateFormat | string |
Set the date and time format - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-date-and-time-format-strings |
Numeric Format
numericFormat | string |
Set the numeric format - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings |
Ignore Attribute Titles
ignoreAttributeTitles | boolean |
Ignores titles of JSON attributes when converting JSON to Excel |
Ignore Null Values
ignoreNulls | boolean |
Ignore JSON properties which contain null values. |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Add Text Header or Footer
Add text header or footer to a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14938826111260
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Header Left
headerLeft | string |
The text to add to the 'Left Header' position |
Header Central
headerCentral | string |
The text to add to the 'Central Header' position |
Header Right
headerRight | string |
The text to add to the 'Right Header' position |
Footer Left
footerLeft | string |
The text to add to the 'Left Footer' position |
Footer Central
footerCentral | string |
The text to add to the 'Central Footer' position |
Footer Right
footerRight | string |
The text to add to the 'Right Footer' position |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to add the text to: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to add the text to: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Add Text Watermark
Add a text watermark to a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14428316059420
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
text | True | string |
The text to embed as a watermark within the Microsoft Excel file |
Row Position
rowPosition | True | integer |
Set the numeric row that the watermark should be inserted from |
Column Position
columnPosition | True | integer |
Set the numeric column that the watermark should be inserted from |
Container Height
height | True | integer |
Set the height of the container which contains the watermark text (in pixels) |
Container Width
width | True | integer |
Set the width of the container which contains the watermark text (in pixels) |
font | string |
Set the font type applied to the text watermark, the default font is set to Calibri |
Text Colour
textColour | string |
Set the HTML colour applied to the text watermark, the default colour is set to #808080 (Grey) |
italic | boolean |
Set whether to apply the 'Italic' format to the text |
bold | boolean |
Set whether to apply the 'Bold' format to the text |
opacity | float |
The opacity of the text watermark, valid values range from 0 to 1 (Hidden), the default value is 0.7 |
Rotation Angle
rotationAngle | float |
Set the rotation angle of the watermark in degrees |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to add the watermark to: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to add the watermark to: 1,3,4 |
Watermark ID
watermarkId | integer |
Override and manually set an identifier for the applied watermark |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Delete Rows
Delete rows from the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9936160309148
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Excel file |
First Row
firstRow | integer |
Set the number of the first row to delete |
Last Row
lastRow | integer |
Set the number of the last row to delete |
Worksheet Name
worksheetName | string |
Set the name of a specific worksheet to delete the rows from |
Row Array
rowArray | string |
Set an array of rows to delete, conforming to following structure: [23-56],[100-120],[156-8988] |
Excel - Delete Worksheets
Delete specified worksheets from the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13233342312220
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to extract: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to extract: 1,3,4 |
Excel - Extract Rows
Extract rows from the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9390845334172
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Worksheet Name
worksheetName | string |
Set the name of a specific worksheet to be exported |
Has Header Row
hasHeaderRow | boolean |
Set whether the first row specified is a header row |
First Row
firstRow | integer |
Set the number of the first row to be exported |
Last Row
lastRow | integer |
Set the number of the last row to be rows to be exported |
First Column
firstColumn | integer |
Set the number of the first column to be exported |
Last Column
lastColumn | integer |
Set the number of the last column to be exported |
Exclude Empty Rows
excludeEmptyRows | boolean |
Set whether empty rows should be excluded from the export |
Export Empty Cells
exportEmptyCells | boolean |
Set whether empty cells should be exported |
Export Values as Text
exportValuesAsText | boolean |
Set whether values should be exported as text, i.e. a number would be exported as "value":"3" |
Hyperlink Format
hyperlinkFormat | string |
Set how Hyperlinks should be exported |
Export as Object
alwaysExportAsJsonObject | boolean |
Force row data to be exported as a JsonObject even when there is only a single worksheet contained within the file |
Exclude Hidden Rows
excludeHiddenRows | boolean |
Set whether hidden rows should be excluded from the export |
Exclude Hidden Columns
excludeHiddenColumns | boolean |
Set whether hidden columns should be excluded from the export |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Set the thread culture used to process the request |
Excel - Extract Worksheets
Extract specified worksheets from the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13230802892316
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to extract: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to extract: 1,3,4 |
Excel - Merge Files
Merge an array of Microsoft Excel files to a single file (multiple formats) - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4469865776529
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
outputFilename | string |
The filename of the output excel file |
Output Format
mergeExcelOutputFormat | string |
The format of the output excel file |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Sort Position
sortPosition | integer |
Set the sort position within the document array |
Worksheets to Merge
worksheetsToMerge | array of integer |
Specify which worksheets from the source file should be included within the output |
Excel - Merge Rows
Merge the rows contained within Excel files provided into a single worksheet - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11345445953820
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
outputFilename | string |
The filename of the output excel file |
Output Format
outputFormat | True | string |
The format of the output excel file |
fileName | True | string |
The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file' |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source file |
Sort Position
sortPosition | integer |
Set the sort position for the document within the array, lowest number first |
Worksheets to Merge
worksheetsToMerge | array of integer |
Specify which worksheets from the source file should be included within the output |
Include First Row
includeFirstRow | boolean |
Set whether to include the first row of the worksheet |
Preserve First Row
preserveFirstRow | boolean |
Assure that the first row of the first workbook and sheet is always preserved |
Excel - Populate
Populate a Microsoft Excel workbook (XLSX) with the JSON data provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/12736409527324
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The Microsoft Excel workbook (XLSX) to populate |
jsonData | True | string |
The JSON data to populate the Microsoft Excel wookbook with |
JSON Parse Mode
jsonParseMode | string |
Sets the JSON parsing mode for simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string) |
Calculate Workbook
calculateWorkbook | boolean |
Automatically calculate formulas upon population |
Use Excel Data Types
useExcelDataTypes | boolean |
When enabled data is added to the workbook using corresponding Excel data types as opposed to a string data type |
Allow Missing Values
allowMissingMembers | boolean |
Sets the engine to allow missing values within the 'JSON Data' |
Inline Errors
inlineErrorMessages | boolean |
Produces errors within the resultant workbook as opposed to rejecting the request with a HTTP 4** error |
Remove Empty Paragraphs
removeEmptyParagraphs | boolean |
Sets the engine to automatically removes any empty paragraphs upon execution |
Date Time Formats
dateTimeFormat | string |
Set one or more specfic formats for parsing DateTime values |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Excel - Remove Headers and Footers
Remove headers and footers from a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14943764511900
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Header Left
headerLeft | boolean |
Set whether to remove the header from left position |
Header Central
headerCentral | boolean |
Set whether to remove the header from central position |
Header Right
headerRight | boolean |
Set whether to remove the header from right position |
Footer Left
footerLeft | boolean |
Set whether to remove the footer from left position |
Footer Central
footerCentral | boolean |
Set whether to remove the footer from central position |
Footer Right
footerRight | boolean |
Set whether to remove the footer from right position |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to remove the header/footer from: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to remove the header/footer from: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Excel - Remove Text Watermark
Remove text watermark(s) from a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14449860203548
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Watermark ID
watermarkId | True | integer |
The watermark identifier of the watermark to remove, as provided by the Encodian 'Excel - Add Text Watermark' action |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to remove the watermark from: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to remove the watermark from: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Replace Text
Find and replace text contained within a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16811169514652
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Search Text
searchText | True | string |
The text to locate and replace with the 'Replacement Text' value |
Is Expression
isExpression | boolean |
Set whether the 'Search Text' value should be evaluted as a regular expression, the default value is 'false' |
Replacement Text
replacementText | True | string |
The text to replace the 'Search Text' text with |
Match Entire Cell Contents
matchEntireCellContents | boolean |
Set whether the search should be for all or part of the cell content |
Case Sensitive
caseSensitive | boolean |
Set if the 'Search Text' value should be evaluated as case sensitive |
font | string |
The name of the font to use for the 'Replacement Text', by default the font used within the cell will be applied |
Font - Colour
fontColour | string |
The font colour to be used on the 'Replacement Text', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Font - Size
fontSize | integer |
The size of the font to be used for the 'Replacement Text', by default the font size used within the cell will be applied |
Font - Bold
fontBold | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is set to be 'Bold', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Font - Italic
fontItalic | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is set to be 'Italic', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Style - Strikethrough Type
styleStrikethroughType | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' is 'Struck Through' and its style, the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Style - Underline Type
styleUnderlineType | string |
Set the style of the underline for the 'Replacement Text', the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Style - Script Type
styleScriptType | string |
Set whether the 'Replacement Text' should be Subscript or Superscript, the default setting is 'Inherit' |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request |
Excel - Secure
Secure and protect a Microsoft Excel file - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14332917020188
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Secure on Open Password
secureOnOpenPassword | string |
Set the password used to open the Microsoft Excel file |
Workbook Protection Type
workbookProtectionType | string |
Set the protection type to apply to the Excel Workbook |
Workbook Protection Password
workbookProtectionPassword | string |
Set the password used to protect the Excel Workbook |
Worksheet Protection Type
worksheetProtectionType | string |
Set the protection type to apply to the Excel worksheets |
Worksheet Protection Password
worksheetProtectionPassword | string |
Set the password used to protect the specified Excel worksheets (All by default) |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to protect: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to protect: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Unlock
Unlock / remove protection from the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14358530634140
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The file content of the source Microsoft Excel file |
Secure on Open Password
secureOnOpenPassword | string |
Set the password used to open the Microsoft Excel file |
Workbook Protection Password
workbookProtectionPassword | string |
Set the password used to remove protection from the Excel Workbook |
Worksheet Protection Password
worksheetProtectionPassword | string |
Set the password used to remove protection from the specified Excel worksheets (All by default) |
Worksheet Names
worksheetNames | string |
A comma separated list of the names of the worksheets to remove protection from: Sales, Totals, Year to Date |
Worksheet Indexes
worksheetIndexes | string |
A comma separated list of indexes of the worksheets to remove protection from: 1,3,4 |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Change the thread culture used to process the request. |
Excel - Update Rows
Update the specified rows in the Excel file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11205752671004
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
A Base64 encoded representation of the Excel file to be processed |
Row Data
jsonData | True | string |
The JSON dataset to be processed and added as rows to the Excel file provided |
Update from Row
updateRow | True | integer |
The row number which the data provided will start updating from |
Update from Column
updateColumn | True | integer |
The column number which the data provided will start updating from |
Worksheet Name
worksheetName | string |
Set the name of a specific worksheet to be updated |
Convert Numeric and Date
convertNumericAndDate | boolean |
Auto parse numeric and date values, setting the cell format category to 'Number' or 'Date' |
Date Format
dateFormat | string |
Set the date and time format - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-date-and-time-format-strings |
Numeric Format
numericFormat | string |
Set the numeric format - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings |
Ignore Attribute Titles
ignoreAttributeTitles | boolean |
Ignores titles of JSON attributes when converting JSON to Excel |
Ignore Null Values
ignoreNulls | boolean |
Ignore JSON properties which contain null values. |
Culture Name
cultureName | string |
Set the thread culture used to process the request |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Watermark ID
watermarkId | integer |
The identifier applied to the watermark |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Row Data
rowData | string |
Row data returned as a JSON formatted string |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
CSV Data
csvData | string |
The parsed CSV data in JSON format. |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
Filename | string |
The filename of the document. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode | integer |
The HTTP Status code for the response. |
HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage | string |
The HTTP Status message for the response. |
Operation ID
OperationId | string |
The unique ID assigned to this operation. |
Errors | array of string |
An array of error messages should an error occur. |
Operation Status
OperationStatus | string |
Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed. |
File Content
FileContent | byte |
The processed document. |