CQC Data (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Reports & ratings for health & social services regulated by the CQC in England
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Martyn Lesbirel |
URL | https://www.cqc.org.uk/about-us/transparency/using-cqc-data |
ipc-author-cqc@outlook.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Martyn Lesbirel |
WebSite | https://wwwcqcorguk/about-us/transparency/using-cqc-data |
Privacy policy | https://wwwnationalarchivesgovuk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/ |
Categories | Data;Productivity |
Throttling Limits
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas |
Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas including their current status for new inspections |
List of organisations of specified type that have changed in given timeframe |
The Changes service provides a mechanism of staying informed about updates to providers and locations, to allow users to refresh their cached data if necessary Changes for two organisation types are available: provider or location API consumers must specify a start and end date range, see the API reference for more detail This service allows identification of which organisations have changed over time For successive calls to this service, the startTime parameter should be set to the endTime of the previous call The times correspond to the time that this service itself acquires the data and is not, for example, the time of data entry onto a source system |
Location a place where a Proivder operates |
Retrieve a list of locations Locations are sites where a Provider operates |
Locations related to the given Provider id |
Retrieve the list of locations for this provider Locations are sites where a Provider operates Some Providers will have only one location, whereas others may have many |
Provider Inspection Areas for the given location |
Retrieve the list of Provider Inspection Areas which have been inspected for this organisation at Provider level, excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s) |
Provider Inspection Areas for the given location |
Retrieve the list of Provider Inspection Areas which have been inspected for this organisation at Provider level, excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s) |
Providers, organisations for health, social care services regulated by the CQC |
Get a list of provider codes |
Retrieve a list of inspection areas related to the specified location area |
Retrieve the list of Inspection Areas which have been inspected at this location excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s) |
Retrieve a PDF file or alternatively the text content of th specified report |
Retrieve a PDF file or its text content of the report specified in the URL |
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and related document |
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and it's related document |
The details of the location specified |
Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc |
The specified individual Providers details |
An individual providers details |
Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas
Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas including their current status for new inspections
List of organisations of specified type that have changed in given timeframe
The Changes service provides a mechanism of staying informed about updates to providers and locations, to allow users to refresh their cached data if necessary Changes for two organisation types are available: provider or location API consumers must specify a start and end date range, see the API reference for more detail This service allows identification of which organisations have changed over time For successive calls to this service, the startTime parameter should be set to the endTime of the previous call The times correspond to the time that this service itself acquires the data and is not, for example, the time of data entry onto a source system
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Changes for either location or provider
organisation_type | True | string |
The type of object for which to get a list of changes Ether location or provider |
The page to be returned
page | integer |
The page to be returned |
The number of items to return, per page
perPage | integer |
The number of items to return, per page |
ISO 8601 timestamp for start
startTimestamp | True | date-time |
ISO 8601 timestamp The period is inclusive of the start time |
ISO 8601 timestamp for the end of the time
endTimeStamp | True | date-time |
ISO 8601 timestamp for the end of the time period The period is exclusive of the end time, so only changes before this time are included |
Location a place where a Proivder operates
Retrieve a list of locations Locations are sites where a Provider operates
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The page to be returned
page | integer |
The page to be returned |
The number of items to return, per page
perPage | integer |
The number of items to return, per page |
Value of report type to match against
reportType | array |
Include only organisations with a Report Type (attribute) matching the value of this parameter eg "Location", "Provider" or "CoreService" |
Include organisations that match against this regulated activity
regulatedActivity | array |
Include only organisations with a Regulated Activity (regulatedActivitiesname attribute) eg "Maternity and midwifery services", matching the value of this parameter |
Include organisations with a matching region attribute
region | string |
Include only organisations with a Region (region attribute) matching the values of this parameter eg "London" |
Includes organisations with a matching overall rating
overallRating | string |
Include only organisations with a Current Overall Rating (currentRatingsoverallrating attribute) matching the value of this parameter eg "Good" |
Matching Primary Inspection Category Name where Inspection Category is primary
primaryInspectionCategoryName | string |
Include only organisations with a Primary Inspection Category Name (inspectionCategoriesname attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="Y") matching the value of this parameter eg "Acute hospital - NHS specialist" |
Organisations where Primary Inspection Category Code matches
primaryInspectionCategoryCode | string |
Include only organisations with a Primary Inspection Category Code (inspectionCategoriescode attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="Y") matches the value of this parameter eg "H2" |
Organisations with a matching Non-Primary Inspection Category Name
nonPrimaryInspectionCategoryName | string |
Include only organisations with a Non-Primary Inspection Category Name (inspectionCategoriesname attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="N") matchs the value of this parameter eg "Acute hospital - NHS specialist" |
Organisations with a matching Non-Primary Inspection Category Code
nonPrimaryInspectionCategoryCode | string |
Include only organisations with a Non-Primary Inspection Category Code (inspectionCategoriescode attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="N") matchs the value of this parameter eg "H2" |
Organisations where the Inspection Directorate matches this string
inspectionDirectorate | string |
Include only organisations with a Inspection Directorate (inspectionDirectorate attribute) matches the value of this parameter eg "Hospitals" |
Organisations whose local authority matches this value
localAuthority | string |
Include only organisations with a Local Authority (localAuthority attribute) matches the value of this parameter eg "Merton" |
Organisations whose constituency matches this value
constituency | string |
Include only organisations with a Constituency (constituency attribute) matching one of the values of this parameter eg "Greenwich" |
Organisations whose GAC service type matches this value
gacServiceTypeDescription | string |
Include only organisations with a GAC Service Type Description (gacServiceTypesdescription) matching one of more values of this parameter eg "Hospital" |
Only locations where the ODS name of the CCG matches the value
odsCcgName | string |
Include only locations where the ODS name (odsCcgName) of the CCG selected by this organisation is known and matches the values of this parameter |
Locations where the ODS code of the CCG matches this value
odsCcgCode | array |
Include only locations where the ODS code (odsCcgCode) of the CCG selected by this organisation is known and matches the value of this parameter |
Locations whose ONSPD CCG name matches this value
onspdCcgName | string |
Include only locations where the ONSPD CCG name (onspdCcgName) of the geographic area covering the Location's postcode matches the value of this parameter |
Locations where the ONSPD CCG matches the supplied value
onspdCcgCode | string |
Include only locations where the ONSPD CCG code (onspdCcgCode) of the geographic area covering the Location's postcode matches the value of this parameter |
Locations whose match the value of the careHome attribute (Y or N)
careHome | string |
Include only locations where the value of the attribute careHome matches the value of this parameter (Y or N) |
Locations related to the given Provider id
Retrieve the list of locations for this provider Locations are sites where a Provider operates Some Providers will have only one location, whereas others may have many
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the provider
provider_id | True | string |
The organisation ID of the provider |
Provider Inspection Areas for the given location
Retrieve the list of Provider Inspection Areas which have been inspected for this organisation at Provider level, excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s)
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the location
location_id | True | string |
The organisation ID of the location |
Provider Inspection Areas for the given location
Retrieve the list of Provider Inspection Areas which have been inspected for this organisation at Provider level, excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s)
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the provider
provider_id | True | string |
The organisation ID of the provider |
Providers, organisations for health, social care services regulated by the CQC
Get a list of provider codes
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The page to be returned
page | integer |
The page to be returned |
The number of items to return, per page
perPage | integer |
The number of items to return, per page |
Constituency value to match against
constituency | string |
Include only organisations with a Constituency (constituency attribute) matching one the values of this parameter eg "Greenwich" |
Region value to match against
region | string |
Include only organisations with a Region (region attribute) matching the values of this parameter eg "London" |
Include organisations with a localAuthority attribute matching this value
localAuthority | string |
Include only organisations with a Local Authority (localAuthority attribute) matching the values of this parameter eg "Merton" |
Organisations with a Inspection Directorate matching value
inspectionDirectorate | string |
Include only organisations with a Inspection Directorate (inspectionDirectorate attribute) matching the values of this parameter eg "Hospitals" |
Organisations with a matching non-primary Inspection Category
nonPrimaryInspectionCategoryCode | string |
Include only organisations with a Non-Primary Inspection Category Code (inspectionCategoriescode attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="N") matching one of the values of this parameter eg "H2" |
Organisations with a matching non-primary Inspection Category Name
nonPrimaryInspectionCategoryName | string |
Include only organisations with a Non-Primary Inspection Category Name (inspectionCategoriesname attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="N") matching one of the values of this parameter eg "Acute hospital - NHS specialist" eg "Acute hospital - NHS specialist" |
Organisations that match the supplied primary inspection category code
primaryInspectionCategoryCode | string |
Include only organisations with a Primary Inspection Category Code (inspectionCategoriescode attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="Y") matching one of the values of this parameter eg "H2" |
Organisations that match the supplied value for primary inspection category name
primaryInspectionCategoryName | string |
Include only organisations with a Primary Inspection Category Name (inspectionCategoriesname attribute where inspectionCategoriesprimary="Y") matching one of the values of this parameter eg "Acute hospital - NHS specialist" |
Organisations must match the supplied overall rating
overallRating | string |
Include only organisations with a Current Overall Rating (currentRatingsoverallrating attribute) matching one of the values of this parameter eg "Good" |
Value of regulated activity the organisation must match
regulatedActivity | string |
Include only organisations with a Regulated Activity (regulatedActivitiesname attribute) eg "Maternity and midwifery services", matching the values of this parameter |
Return only organisations that match the supplied report type value
reportType | string |
Include only organisations with a Report Type (attribute) matching the values of this parameter eg "Location", "Provider" or "CoreService" |
Retrieve a list of inspection areas related to the specified location area
Retrieve the list of Inspection Areas which have been inspected at this location excluding any that may have been globally retired (covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s)
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the location
location_id | True | string |
The organisation ID of the location |
Retrieve a PDF file or alternatively the text content of th specified report
Retrieve a PDF file or its text content of the report specified in the URL
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
A UUID for obtaining the main inspection report
inspection_report_link_id | True | string |
A UUID for obtaining the main inspection report |
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and related document
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and it's related document
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
A UUID for obtaining the main inspection report
inspection_report_link_id | True | string |
A UUID for obtaining the main inspection report |
A qualifier to retrieve a document related to the main report
related_document_type | True | string |
A qualifier to retrieve a document related to the main report This parameter is the Related Document Type found from the relatedDocuments response object eg "Use%20of%20Resources" When this parameter is absent, the main report for the inspection is returned |
The details of the location specified
Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the location
locationid | True | string |
The organisation ID of the location |
The specified individual Providers details
An individual providers details
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
The organisation ID of the provider
providerId | True | string |
The organisation ID of the provider |