
다음을 통해 공유

External metadata

The external metadata feature allows users to store metadata or additional information about the DICOM files that isn't part of the DICOM file. This functionality is accomplished by using STOW-RS to store the metadata by passing the additional information in the header.


  • External metadata is only supported in latest API version. That is, Version 2 or above

  • External metadata is only supported in DICOM® service with Azure Data Lake Storage

  • Only tags which don't conform with standard DICOM protocol tags such as private tags are supported to be as external metadata.

  • Only study level tags are supported.

  • External metadata tags can't be updated or deleted.

  • The following VR types are supported:

    VR Description Single Value Matching Range Matching Fuzzy Matching
    AE Application Entity X
    AS Age String X
    CS Code String X
    DA Date X X
    DT Date Time X X
    FD Floating Point Double X
    FL Floating Point Single X
    IS Integer String X
    LO Long String X
    PN Person Name X X
    SH Short String X
    SL Signed Long X
    SS Signed Short X
    TM Time X X
    UI Unique Identifier X
    UL Unsigned Long X
    US Unsigned Short X


    Sequential tags, which are tags under a tag of type Sequence of Items (SQ), are currently not supported. We don't index external metadata tags if the value is null or empty. There's no ability to add private creator as part of external metadata tags.

Store (STOW-RS)

The Store (STOW-RS) transaction allows storing external metadata as customer headers. In order to store external metadata as part of the store transaction, specify the tag key in the format msdicom-meta-{VR}-{TagPath}. An example request follows.

POST {dicom-service-url}/{version}/studies
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom+json";
msdicom-meta-CS-001912FF: CS
msdicom-meta-PN-00191100: PersonName
msdicom-meta-DA-001900FF: 20241231



Only study level tags are supported. If the tag already exists, it updates the value of the existing tag for the study. If the tag already exists with a different VR, the transaction will result in an error.

Once a tag is created, its Value Representation (VR) is fixed and must comply with the standard for that specific VR. If there's an issue with one of the tags, then it fails the whole transaction.

Retrieve metadata (for study, series, or instance)

The Retrieve metadata (for study, series, or instance) transaction allows users to retrieve the external metadata along with other metadata. The external metadata is retrieved along with other tags by setting the msdicom-request-meta header to true. An example request follows.

GET {dicom-service-url}/{version}/studies/{study}/series/{series}/instances/{instance}/metadata
Accept: multipart/related; type="application/dicom"; transfer-syntax=*
msdicom-request-meta: true
Content-Type: application/dicom


The json response includes a standard private creator tag that follows the DICOM standard. The default value of the private creator tag will be Microsoft. For e.g if the private tag is 001910FF then the private creator tag will be 00190010.

Search (QIDO-RS)

The Search (QIDO-RS) transaction allows users to query external metadata similar to other tags. The external metadata can be queried by setting the msdicom-request-meta header to true. An example request follows.

GET {dicom-service-url}/{version}/studies?00191100=PersonName
msdicom-request-meta: true
Content-Type: application/dicom


Only study level tags are supported. If there's an extended query tag with the same tagPath, but if the header msdicom-request-meta is set to true, then value from the external metadata is used to filter or to be included as part of response data.

Other transaction

There are no changes to other transactions like WADO-RS, Delete, ChangeFeed, and Update.


DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.