연속 백업 계정에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프 가져오기
적용 대상: NoSQL
이 문서에서는 연속 백업 모드로 사용하도록 설정된 계정에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 가져오는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. Azure PowerShell 및 Azure CLI를 사용하여 복원 가능한 최신 시간을 가져오는 방법을 설명하고 PowerShell 및 CLI 명령에 대한 요청 및 응답 형식을 제공합니다.
이 기능은 Azure Cosmos DB API for NoSQL 컨테이너, API for MongoDB, Table API 및 Gremlin 그래프용 API에서 지원됩니다.
다중 지역 쓰기 계정의 경우 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프는 충돌 해결 타임스탬프(crts
)에 따라 결정됩니다.
SQL 컨테이너
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -AccountName <System.String> `
-DatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
샘플 요청:
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "sqlpitracc" `
-DatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "container1" `
-Location "eastus"
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
10/26/2021 6:24:25 PM
az cosmosdb sql retrieve-latest-backup-time -g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {container_name} \
-l {location}
샘플 요청:
az cosmosdb sql retrieve-latest-backup-time -g "rg" \
-a "sqlpitracc" \
-d "db1" \
-c "container1" \
-l "eastus"
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "10/26/2021 5:27:45 PM"
SQL 데이터베이스
다음 스크립트를 사용하여 데이터베이스에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 가져옵니다. 이 스크립트는 지정된 데이터베이스 내의 모든 컨테이너를 다시 실행하고 모든 컨테이너의 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 반환합니다.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $databaseName,
[Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers"
Write-Debug "Listing all containers in database: $databaseName"
$containers = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName
If (-Not $containers) {
throw "Error: Found no containers to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($containers.Length) containers under database $databaseName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($container in $containers) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for container: $($container.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $container.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = $latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for database: $databaseName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for database $($databaseName): $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-DatabaseName <databaseName> `
-Location <location>
샘플 요청:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableDatabaseForSqlDatabase.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName sqlpitracc `
-DatabaseName db1 `
-Location eastus
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:02:44 PM
SQL 계정
다음 스크립트를 사용하여 SQL 계정에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 가져옵니다. 이 스크립트는 이 계정 내의 모든 컨테이너를 다시 실행하고 모든 컨테이너의 복원 가능한 최신 최소 타임스탬프를 반환합니다.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers"
Write-Debug "Listing all databases in account: $accountName"
$databases = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName
Write-Debug "Found $($databases.Length) databases under account $accountName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($database in $databases) {
Write-Debug "Listing all containers in database: $($database.Name)"
$containers = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $($database.Name)
If (-Not $containers) {
throw "Error: Found no containers to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($containers.Length) containers under database $($database.Name)"
foreach ($container in $containers) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for container: $($container.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $database.Name -Name $container.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = $latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForAccount -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for account: $accountName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for account $($accountName): $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-Location <location>
샘플 요청:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName sqlpitracc `
-location eastus
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:11:03 PM
MongoDB 컬렉션
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
-DatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
샘플 요청:
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "mongodbpitracc" `
-DatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "col1" `
-Location "eastus"
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
10/26/2021 6:27:22 PM
az cosmosdb mongodb retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {collection_name} \
-l {location}
샘플 요청:
az cosmosdb mongodb retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "mongodbpitracc" \
-d "db1" \
-c "col1" \
-l "eastus"
샘플 응답:
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "10/26/2021 5:27:45 PM"
MongoDB 데이터베이스
다음 스크립트를 사용하여 데이터베이스에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 가져옵니다. 이 스크립트는 이 데이터베이스 내의 모든 컬렉션을 다시 실행하고 모든 컬렉션의 복원 가능한 최신 최소 타임스탬프를 반환합니다.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $databaseName,
[Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections"
Write-Debug "Listing all collections in database: $databaseName"
$collections = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName
If (-Not $collections) {
throw "Error: Found no collections to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($collections.Length) collections under database $databaseName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($collection in $collections) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for collection: $($collection.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $collection.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = $latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for database: $databaseName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for database $($databaseName): $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> `
-AccountName <account> `
-DatabaseName <database> `
-Location <location>
샘플 요청:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase -ResourceGroupName rg -accountName mongopitracc -databaseName db1 -location eastus
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:31:27 PM
MongoDB 계정
다음 스크립트를 사용하여 MongoDB 계정에 대해 복원 가능한 최신 타임스탬프를 가져올 수 있습니다. 이 스크립트는 이 계정 내의 모든 컨테이너를 다시 실행하고 모든 컬렉션의 복원 가능한 최신 최소 타임스탬프를 반환합니다.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections"
Write-Debug "Listing all databases in account: $accountName"
$databases = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName
Write-Debug "Found $($databases.Length) databases under account $accountName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($database in $databases) {
Write-Debug "Listing all collections in database: $($database.Name)"
$collections = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $($database.Name)
If (-Not $collections) {
throw "Error: Found no collections to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($collections.Length) collections under database $($database.Name)"
foreach ($collection in $collections) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for collection: $($collection.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $database.Name -Name $collection.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = $latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForAccount -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for account: $accountName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for account $($accountName): $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-Location <location>
샘플 요청:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName mongopitracc `
-Location eastus
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:33:49 PM
Gremlin Graph 백업 정보
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
-GremlinDatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
샘플 요청:
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "amisigremlinpitracc1" `
-GremlinDatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "graph1" `
-Location "eastus"
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
3/1/2022 2:19:14 AM
az cosmosdb gremlin retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {graph_name} \
-l {location}
샘플 요청:
az cosmosdb gremlin retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "amisigremlinpitracc1" \
-d "db1" \
-c "graph1" \
-l "eastus"
샘플 응답:
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "3/2/2022 5:31:13 AM"
테이블 백업 정보
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
샘플 요청:
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "amisitablepitracc1" `
-Name "table1" `
-Location "eastus"
샘플 응답(UTC 형식):
3/2/2022 2:19:15 AM
az cosmosdb table retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-c {table_name} \
-l {location}
샘플 요청:
az cosmosdb table retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "amisitablepitracc1" \
-c "table1" \
-l "eastus"
샘플 응답:
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "3/2/2022 5:33:47 AM"
다음 단계
Azure Portal을 사용하여 지속적인 백업 모드를 구성 및 관리합니다.