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130001 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to perform backup operation
1.Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries prerequisite keeps popping up on a VS 2010 created installer & 2.Not able to install when Newer Version of Prerequisites are Present
10 Common Problems Causing Group Policy To Not Apply
10 Golden Rules Of Good OOP
10 Steps to deploy SharePoint Foundation 2013 that uses Azure AD Domain Services
100001 Azure Backup: Unable to Save Policy
100003 Azure Backup Agent: Unable to save policy with invalid file specs
100008 Azure Backup Agent: Unable to create the policy
100029 Azure Backup Agent: Unable to backup CSV volume
100034 Azure Backup Agent: Volume snapshot failed
100052 Azure Backup Agent: Unable to perform operation
100054 Azure Backup Agent:Data corrupted
100067 Azure Backup Agent: Unable to communicate to service
100075 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Adding volume snapshot failed
100089 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Registration of server failed
100091 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to backup a file
120002 WIndows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to perform the backup
130003 Azure Online Backup Agent: Service version mismatch
130052 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to register or schedule a backup or run a backup
144034 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to register new server
20 Modern Visual C++ Best Practices!
210001 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to sign in
280010 Windows Azure Online Backup Agent: Unable to set proxy settings
3 Methods to Change SQL Server Password
500 Internal Server Error and on TMG/ISA you will see the event which mentions error 0x80090349 with certificate
5nine Manager — cross-version tool for Windows Server Core and Hyper-V Server
64 bits
8 ways any BizTalk customer can use Azure right now
Ο365 : Add Members In Distribution List Using PowerShell and CSV list File
Ο365: How to enable MFA using PowerShell and CSV File
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