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MCITP: SharePoint Administrator 2010

The MCITP: SharePoint Administrator 2010 certification is for IT Pros who are responsible for the deployment, configuration, administration and management for the SharePoint Server 2010 platform.

Required Exams

Preparation Materials


Learning Plans and Classroom Training

Microsoft E-Learning

There is no Microsoft E-Learning training currently available.

Microsoft Press Books

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-667): Configuring Microsoft SharePoint 2010


Learning Plans and Classroom Training

Microsoft E-Learning

There is no Microsoft E-Learning training currently available.

Microsoft Press Books

There are no Microsoft Press books currently available.

Other Preparation Sources

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration: Real World Skills for MCITP Certification and Beyond (Exam 70-668)

Practice Tests

Virtual Labs


Other Languages

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