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Powershell V3: Using Scheduled Jobs

Using Scheduled Jobs in Powershell V3


What are “Scheduled Jobs”?

Scheduled Jobs are actually regular Scheduled Tasks, and follow all the same rules for trigger, action, etc. However, Scheduled Jobs are created in Powershell, and are specifically designed to run Powershell scripts.

Powershell Scheduled Jobs will appear in the Task Scheduler under:

Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Windows/Powershell/ScheduledJobs

Here, you can modify triggers and other settings, just as you would with any other scheduled task.

Getting started with Powershell Scheduled Jobs

First, you must import the module. Run the following command:

Import-Module PSScheduledJob

Then run the following command to see all the cmdlets available to you from this module:

Get-Command  -Module PSScheduledJob

This list may seem overwhelming, but the most important objects are ScheduledJobs and JobTriggers. Using just these two objects, we can create a working scheduled task.

Creating a new Scheduled Job

You have the option of creating the trigger(s) first, and including it in the job definition, or adding the trigger(s) afterwards.

In this example, we create a job, then create a trigger, and then add the trigger to the job. We then examine the job options and settings. 

Please note that when working with Scheduled Jobs, you must be running in an elevated Powershell session.

Registering a Scheduled Job

Type the following command:

Register-ScheduledJob -Name myJob -FilePath c:\scripts\test.ps1

You will receive output similar to the following:

Id         Name            Triggers        Command                                  Enabled

--         ----            --------        -------                                  -------

1          myJob           {}              c:\scripts\test.ps1                      True

Notice that the Scheduled Job “myJob” is Enabled, and has no Triggers. We can see this job in Task Scheduler, to make sure it was created as expected:

We can also check the status of all Powershell Scheduled Jobs with this command:


Creating a Trigger

Type the following command:

$jt = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At 10:00

This will create a job trigger, and assign it to a variable called $jt.

Adding a Trigger to a Scheduled Job

Type the following command:

Add-JobTrigger -Trigger $jt -Name myJob

Checking the status of our Scheduled Job

Type the following command:

Get-ScheduledJob myJob

You will get results similar to this:

Id         Name            Triggers        Command                                  Enabled

--         ----            --------        -------                                  -------

1          myJob           {1}             c:\scripts\test.ps1                      True

Notice that now the job has one trigger. To get more detail on this trigger, type:

Get-ScheduledJob myJob | Get-JobTrigger

You will see output similar to this:

Id         Frequency       Time                   DaysOfWeek              Enabled

--         ---------       ----                   ----------              -------

1          Daily           11/02/2012 10:00:00                            True

Notice that the Trigger is attached to the Job. We can see this in Task Scheduler, just to be sure:

Finally, we can look at the settings for the Scheduled Job:

Type the following command:

Get-ScheduledJob myJob | Get-ScheduledJobOption

We will see something like this:

StartIfOnBatteries     : False

StopIfGoingOnBatteries : True

WakeToRun              : False

StartIfNotIdle         : True

StopIfGoingOffIdle     : False

RestartOnIdleResume    : False

IdleDuration           : 00:10:00

IdleTimeout            : 01:00:00

ShowInTaskScheduler    : True

RunElevated            : False

RunWithoutNetwork      : True

DoNotAllowDemandStart  : False

MultipleInstancePolicy : IgnoreNew

JobDefinition          : Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobDefinition

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See Also